1. When you wake up in the morning
Let him or her know right off the bat at the beginning of your day that he is vitally important to you. Start with a kiss and a, "I'm the luckiest person in the world to be able to wake up next to you." Then make the bed together. We didn't say make out in the bed together, though there will be times for that. When you help each other make the bed it's a beginning statement that you're working together to make your home a pleasant place to be. The bedroom is a great place to start. It shows you care.
2. When you're back together after a hard day's work
Greet your honey with a loving embrace and another one of those kisses that says, "Oh, baby, do I ever love you!" It will feel like an electrical charge, giving you the energy to make the evening duties more enjoyable. Helping kids with homework, then putting them to bed will be much more meaningful when you're carrying around the afterglow that comes from that memorable greeting.
3. When it's your spouse's birthday
Don't you dare let that day slip by without some very special celebrating. Start the day with a, "Happy birthday, honey!" Don't make your mate wonder if you remembered. Start early and make it fun all day. Birthdays are a great time to serve breakfast in bed. Going out to lunch with just the two of you can be fun, too. Include the kids with a dinner of his or her favorite food. If your spouse prefers pie to cake then load up the favorite pie — or whatever the preferred dessert is — with birthday candles, then sing out the traditional birthday wishes. Whatever you do, let your kids see you celebrating as a husband and wife. That's how they'll learn the right way to do it when they're married.
4. When your spouse is "on stage."
That means whenever your spouse is in the spotlight, so to speak. That can happen if he or she is playing a basketball game, running a marathon, giving a speech, or singing in a program. Any activity where she has prepared hard and needs your loving encouragement and applause. A friend of ours was performing in a community choir. She had worked hard learning the songs and was looking forward to having her husband at the performance. He became ill and couldn't attend. She said, "I felt so let down to not have him in the audience. He's been to all the other performances and it means more than anything to me to have him out there smiling and applauding." Your spouse needs to know that you are proud of her. Don't forget to say the words, "It was so fun to watch you tonight. I'm glad I could be there. I'm really proud of you."
5. When your spouse is ill
Nothing is quite so comforting when you're sick as knowing that your sweetheart cares about you enough to give you the attention you need. Even if all your spouse needs is to be left alone to rest, then make it happen by taking care of the kids or whatever else needs to be done. Offer drinks, food, ice packs — whatever will be comforting. Loving care can help the healing happen faster.
6. When your spouse experiences a big disappointment
For example, the only thing that makes losing a job worse is to have a mate criticize you for it. That's true with any major let down. We all need to know we are loved and valued as much during the hard times as during the happy times. Even though you can't make it all better, you can be there with empathy and a listening ear. Traveling through the murky parts of life feels a whole lot better when you feel loved by your mate.
7. When you know your spouse will be checking social media
This is a fun time to show the love. On our Facebook news feed we saw a picture of a friend with her arms around her husband, both had big smiles on their faces. Here's the message she posted with it, "Every once in a while I just feel like sharing this photo a hundred zillion times….cause I have the sweetest husband on the planet. He is just one of the most dedicated husbands, and kind souls. I love him." That had to make his day.
Giving your mate your full attention these seven times can keep your marriage alive. It's the nourishment needed to grow a strong and lasting love. Now, think of your own ideas for giving your mate your full attention. There are a million times and ways. Start today and enjoy the rewards it will bring into your marriage.
Orange Music Production
Saturday, February 28, 2015
7 Essential Tips To Look Attractive Without Make-ups
1,Wash your face every morning and every night
If you want to look great without makeup, you should always wash your face every morning and every night. Maybe it sounds obvious, but believe it or not, many women don't wash their faces in the morning and that's a huge mistake. Washing your face morning and night will help ward off acne and will make your skin look more radiant.
2. Use a gentle cleanser
A harsh cleanser strips the skin cells and can make your skin look ruddy and dry, so it's important to wash your face with a more gentle cleanser. Try to find a cleanser which is hypo-allergenic, non-comedogenic, and make sure it works with your skin type. It's one of the surefire ways to look great without makeup.
3. Use the right facial moisturizer
You need to use a facial moisturizer right after washing to keep your skin looking healthy and young. Unfortunately, lots of moisturizers can cause your skin to become more oily and shiny, and can even break it out. It can be hard to choose the right moisturizer, but a good facial moisturizer is the key to a beautiful, radiant skin. Look for a facial moisturizer with SPF of 30 to protect your skin from harsh sun's rays.
4. Use Vaseline instead of mascara
I know it sounds weird, but using Vaseline instead of mascara is a tried and tested way to look more beautiful without any makeup. Simply apply a little bit of Vaseline to your lashes to make them glow without applying mascara. If you wear mascara, try to use Vaseline to take it off. Vaseline is much gentler than many eye makeup removers.
5. Use coconut oil instead of store-bought lip balm
While you can use coconut oil to remove your makeup, you can also use it as lip balm. Most store-bought lip balms contain chemicals that can dry your lips out and can even cause them to appear dull and lifeless. Just a little bit of coconut oil will help keep your lips more hydrated and heal any dry cracked areas. Why not give your lips a fresh, healthy glow with coconut oil?
6. Don't pluck your eyebrows too much
Sure, you need to keep your eyebrows under control, but make sure you don't pluck them too much. You need to tweeze only obvious stray hairs above and below the eyebrow without going into the actual eyebrow shape itself. Even if you have thick eyebrows, you don't have to pluck them into oblivion, instead embrace them and don't try to change them completely.
7. Eat healthy
When you have a healthy skin, you don't need any makeup. The foods you eat daily play a vital role in the health of your skin so make sure you stick to a healthy diet. First of all, try to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your daily diet. There are also a few healthy foods that can give you a great skin if you consume them regularly. Eating healthy is one of the most essential tips to follow when you are trying to look more beautiful without makeup.
Looking beautiful without makeup is not as difficult as you think. Small changes to your skincare routine can bring fantastic results! What are your secrets to looking great without makeup?
Orange Music Production
Why Couples Should Have Sex Regularly
While meditating on something special to bring you today, I stumbled on a writeup by Kathleen Doheny which was reviewed by Dr. Marina Katz and I'm of the opinion there is no better gift to give you and your spouse than it. So, enjoy it and act on it.
"The health benefits of sex extend well beyond the bedroom. It turns out that sex is good for you in ways you may never have imagined. When you're in the mood, it's a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is boosting your immune system or maintaining a healthy weight.
Yet good sex offers those health benefits and more. That's a surprise to many people, says Joy Davidson, PhD, a New York psychologist and sex therapist. "Of course, sex is everywhere in the media," she says. "But the idea that we are vital, sexual creatures is still looked at in some cases with disgust or in other cases a bit of embarrassment.
So, to really take a look at how our sexuality adds to our life and enhances our life and our health, both physical and psychological, is eye-opening for many people." Sex does a body good in a number of ways, according to Davidson and other experts. The benefits aren't just anecdotal or hearsay -- each of these 10 health benefits of sex is backed by scientific scrutiny. Among the benefits of healthy loving in a relationship:
Sex relieves stress
A big health benefit of sex is that it lowers blood pressure and reduces overall stress, according to researchers from Scotland who reported their findings in the journal Biological Psychology. They studied 24 women and 22 men who kept records of their sexual activity. Then, the researchers subjected them to stressful situations -- such as speaking in public and doing verbal arithmetic -- and noted their blood pressure response to stress. Those who had intercourse had better responses to stress than those who engaged in other sexual behaviours or abstained. Another study published in the same journal found that frequent intercourse was associated with lower diastolic blood pressure in cohabiting participants. Yet other research found a link between partner hugs and lower blood pressure in women.
Sex boosts immunity
Good sexual health may mean better physical health. Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. Scientists at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, United States of America, took samples of saliva, which contain IgA, from 112 college students who reported the frequency of sex they had. Those in the "frequent" group - once or twice a week - had higher levels of IgA than those in the other three groups - who reported being abstinent, having sex less than once a week, or having it very often, three or more times weekly.
Sex burns calories
Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. It may not sound like much, but it adds up: 42 half-hour sessions will burn 3,570 calories, more than enough to lose a pound. Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions. "Sex is a great mode of exercise," says Patti Britton, PhD, a Los Angeles sexologist and president of the American Association of Sexuality Educators and Therapists. It takes work, from both a physical and psychological perspective, to do it well, she says.
Sex improves heart health
While some older folks may worry that the efforts expended during sex could cause a stroke, that's not so, according to researchers from England. In a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, scientists found frequency of sex was not associated with stroke in the 914 men they followed for 20 years. And the heart health benefits of sex don't end there. The researchers also found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half for the men, compared with those who had sex less than once a month.
Sex boosts self-esteem
Boosting self-esteem was one of 237 reasons people have sex, collected by University of Texas, United States of America, researchers and published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. That finding makes sense to Gina Ogden, PhD, a sex therapist and marriage and family therapist in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America, although she finds that those who already have self-esteem say they sometimes have sex to feel even better. "One of the reasons people say they have sex is to feel good about themselves," she tells WebMD. "Great sex begins with self-esteem, and it raises it. If the sex is loving, connected, and what you want, it raises it."
Sex improves intimacy
Having sex and orgasms increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, the so-called love hormone, which helps us bond and build trust. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and the University of North Carolina both in the United States of America, evaluated 59 premenopausal women before and after warm contact with their husbands and partners ending with hugs. They found that the more contact, the higher the oxytocin levels. "Oxytocin allows us to feel the urge to nurture and to bond," one of the researchers, Britton, says. Higher oxytocin has also been linked with a feeling of generosity. So if you're feeling suddenly more generous toward your partner than usual, credit the love hormone.
Sex reduces pain
As the hormone oxytocin surges, endorphins increase, and pain declines. So, if your headache, arthritis pain, or PMS symptoms seem to improve after sex, you can thank those higher oxytocin levels. In a study published in the Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 48 volunteers who inhaled oxytocin vapour and then had their fingers pricked lowered their pain threshold by more than half.
Sex reduces prostate cancer risk
Frequent ejaculations, especially in men in their 20s, may reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life, Australian researchers reported in the British Journal of Urology International. When they followed men diagnosed with prostate cancer and those without, they found no association of prostate cancer with the number of sexual partners as the men reached their 30s, 40s, and 50s.
But they found men who had five or more ejaculations weekly while in their 20s reduced their risk of getting prostate cancer later by a third. Another study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that frequent ejaculations, 21 or more a month, were linked to lower prostate cancer risk in older men, as well, compared with less frequent ejaculations of four to seven monthly.
Sex strengthens pelvic floor muscles
For women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers a couple of benefits. You will enjoy more pleasure, and you'll also strengthen the area and help to minimize the risk of incontinence later in life. To do a basic Kegel exercise, tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, as if you're trying to stop the flow of urine. Count to three, then release.
Sex helps you sleep better
The oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep, according to research. And getting enough sleep has been linked with a host of other good things, such as maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure. Something to think about, especially if you've been wondering why your guy can be active one minute and snoring the next.
Orange Music Production
SHOCKING: Woman Changes Name To Abcdefg Hijklmn Opqrst Uvwxyz
Before the latest change in nomenclature, the 36-year-old was called 'Ladyzunga Cyborg', a name she came up with along the line. She is notorious for the act but her latest stunt is believed to be extremely bizarre.
The Colombian in a recent television interview said: "I started looking for a name that nobody had in Colombia, or the world, so I thought about ABCDEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWXYZ.
"I've changed my name so people wouldn't know it's me. It's not because I was disturbed by it, but because I always wanted to bring an element of surprise."
Well, she sure did surprise Colombian National Registry officials with her highly unusual request. While they've accepted her previous name changes with raised eyebrows, they seemed to be particularly bothered by this latest one.
According to telegraph.co.uk, the woman actually started the process to change her name to alphabet in 2012 but spent a year fighting against government red tape before receiving an official ID card in 2013.
The 36-year-old works as an arts teacher and fashion designer during the day while going about her strange lifestyle at night.
Orange Music Production
‘All Women Are Prostitutes’ – Nigerian Actress Bares Her Mind
She insisted that women in other field sell their bodies to achieve certain aims.
She said her soon-to-be-premiered movie, 'Ta ni Asewo?' (Who is a prostitute?), will show that there are more women of easy virtues in other professions than in the movie industry.
She disclosed this in a statement by her management team on Thursday in Lagos, PM News reports.
The actress explained that her movie will reveal what happens with other women in other sectors.
She added that through the film, people will know that actresses are more decent than other women out there.
Bose said: "What people don't understand is that all women are prostitutes, not just actresses as they always insinuate.
"There are some other professions where prostitution is even more glaring, worse than those of us actresses that are being labelled prostitutes.
"If you take a look at other institutions, including banking, nursing and all that, you will find out that prostitution there is on the increase.
"But because actresses are in the limelight, people tend to say so many things about us."
She urged the public to buy and watch the movie so they can see what is truly going on in other fields.
"They will know we actresses are more decent than women in the other fields," she stated.
There have been different allegations laid against the Nollywood ladies. Many are of the opinion that most of them are prostitutes, who sleep with producers for movie roles.
In 2014 Nollywood actor Emeka Ike had pointed accusing fingers at some Nollywood bigwigs for sleeping with actresses in exchange for roles.
Orange Music Production
Video: The Hobbit: The battle of the five armies 1 & 2
Download part 1--> http://tinyurl.com/nte48kk
Download part 2--> http://tinyurl.com/kpz2c9x
Orange Music Production
Music: Emergency by Bumsi Micheal ft Youngstar & Don Dizzy @BumsiMichael
This One He Titled #EMERGENCY Where He Brought a Female Rapper/Singer That Goes By The Name YoungStar With His Lagos Based Producer Don Dizzy Who Also Produced The Track..
You Can't Afford To Miss This !!!!...........
Download link here--> http://tinyurl.com/pshq63d
Orange Music Production
Friday, February 27, 2015
FOR LADIES ONLY! See 13 Signs You’re Dating A Player (READ)
Most #people would rather text than call nowadays, but that special someone should want to call to hear
your voice! If he doesn't call very often, that's one of the bad #signs he's a player.
If he makes excuses via text like "I'm busy" all the #time, then he doesn't really care about communication and communication is key. If he's careless with that, there may be some other lady he's not calling too.
2) Lack Of Transparency
If he's not clear with his intentions, then that shows that he has a lack of respect for you. Not only that, but he also doesn't value that in you either. It doesn't matter whether he wants to be your friend, friend with #benefits, boyfriend, or date, he should always let you know what your relationship to him is.
If he doesn't, then it's safe to assume he's playing games that you might not want to willingly participate in.
3) Obvious Flirting
I believe that a #little bit of flirting is healthy for a relationship. But, when he goes overboard, and it borders on glaring, it becomes a pretty big problem.
He should be courteous enough to keep it within boundaries and not upset you in the process. If he gets defensive or angry, then he obviously doesn't care about you or your feelings to consider the reason you were mad in the first place.
4) PDA
Does he like showing #affection in public? I'm not talking about the making out kind, but the kind where he holds your hand, or gives you a peck on the check. If he doesn't want #people to see you guys together that way, chances are, he has been or might be doing the same thing with someone else.
5) Any Pictures Together?
Are there pictures of you two on Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? If he refuses to put up pictures on social
websites while you are constantly uploading the cutest pic, it shows that you guys have a different view of your relationship. He might think it's a casual thing, while you've put your heart out there. He might even be brushing off your #relationship altogether!
6) Lots of Female Friends
If he's popular with the ladies, he's probably handsome, charming, and he knows it. He may use this to become friends with the ladies, and maybe
something more. Who knows if he is truthful about what he does with those friends.
7) Words And No Action
He always knows the right thing to say, even when the problem you guys might be having is him ! If he always knows what to say in order to get you to forgive him, he may in fact be playing you. He knows what you want to hear and is using that to his advantage!
So, if he says sweet nothings, and doesn't follow through, chances are, they are just words that make
him #look good.
8) Doesn't Try To Understand You
When you are dating a guy, should he want to know something about you? Shouldn't he try to understand your moods, your thoughts, how you feel and what makes you tick? If that isn't the case with this #guy, not only is he treating you like crap, but he could be
a player!
9) He Poses As Single On Dating
How about this one girls, have you ever run up against something like this? The #guy that you are seeing you may have met through online (which is nothing to sneeze at, I met Lyndsie online!) but a few months later and after more than a few dates you happen to run across his profile as still single? How horrible is that?
10) His Facebook Is Hidden From You
Ah, the old #Facebook trick it's hidden from you. Are you able to post on his wall? What about any posts that he has on his wall can you see them? Trust, if
you can't, he probably has his reasons!
11) Constant Text Messages from
Other Girls
While he might get text messages from other #people, are a lot of them girls? Do you get to see any of them?
That could be one of the #signs that he is playing with you!
12) Always Busy
While you don't need to be with him all of the #time, do you constantly find that he is busy? Do you think that he is busy dating other #people? Talk to him
about it and see what he's doing when he's busy that way you can put your mind at ease!
13) Not Parent Material
Finally, there are some guys that just aren't parent material, they have that bad #boy quality in them and typically, they don't care about meeting your parents either. If your guy isn't into meeting your parents at all it could be a sign that he's just toying with you!
Orange Music Production

Men Only: 10 Sexy Things Women Want You To Do In Bed Sex is one of those things that keep your relationship spicy and interesting, and it is also very important.
most times, leave their girlfriends sexually
It's no news that a lot of people cheat on their
partners because of dissatisfaction where se x is
concerned, and the numbers are still increasing.
As a guy, what are those things you need to do
to make your woman have an awesome time
whenever you have sex?
Here are 10 crazy things she expects you to do
to give her earth-shattering orgasms:
1. Make her orgasm before intercourse
starts: This is by far the biggest thing women
wish men could do more of in bed. Sadly,
men don't do this – instead, they clumsily
run through the intercourse as fast as
possible – they rush through foreplay and go
straight for the kill. This isn't what women
want. If you can make her orgasm before
you penetrate her, then it's guaranteed to be
good se x in her book, even if you don't last
as long as you'd like. Also, giving her an orgasm will make her more responsive and more
likely to have another orgasm during
intercourse. Sex becomes better for you, and
for her.
2. Pay attention to non-obvious erogenous
zones: A lot of guys only pay attention to
'obvious' spots on a woman's body when
trying to give her sexual pleasure. These
include her bre asts, clitoris and g-spot. But
the truth is, women don't want you to only
pay attention to these spots – they want you
to pay attention to their whole body! Why?
Because there are 16 other 'hidden'
erogenous zones on her body that can give
her pleasure, and which can also make her
more responsive to vaginal stimulation.
Last longer in bed: Women totally hate it when a
man shoots off too soon because it prevents
them from having orgasms. How would you feel
if a woman got you close to an orgasm, then all
of a sudden stopped, rolled over, and went to
sleep? Yes, that's how annoying it is. If you
really want to drive women wild, then you should
learn how to last over an hour in bed. Of course
you can have a 'quickie' every now and then, but
most of the time women will need a minimum of
30 minutes of intercourse to have multiple
3. Tease her till she begs for it: Many women
have complained that the typical man in bed
does almost no teasing. What women want is
for you to build up to a sexual action with
teasing until she's practically begging you for
it. For instance, with oral se x, most men just
dive right in. What would turn her on much
more is if you kiss up her inner thighs, and
breathe warmly on her va gina. Then, so
lightly she can barely feel it, run your tongue
over her clitoris. Do this until she's begging
you to give her more, and then give her the
gratification. She'll enjoy it about a hundred
times more.
4. More oral sex: A lot of guys shy away from
giving their women oral sex. Their most
common justification is: "it's OK, I'm good
with my fingers." This is just like a girl telling
you: "I don't give blowjobs Â? but it's OK,
I'm good with my hands." It's just not the
same. If you know how to do it right, giving
her oral se x is the fastest and easiest way
to give her orgasms. Plus, once you make
her finish through oral se x she'll be much
more responsive during intercourse and more
likely to go down on you. Give your girlfriend
plenty of oral sex, and she will love you for
5. Turn her on with your words: Some men are
afraid to say anything or make any noise in
bed because they're afraid the woman will
think they're cheesy or weird. But if they
were to listen in on private female
conversations, they would know the exact
opposite is true. A woman rather find it
strange when a guy who is completely silent
in bed, because she doesn't know whether or
not he's even enjoying it. It's a turn-off.
Think about it: would you be turned on more
by a woman who lay there as silent and still
as a corpse, or a woman who screaming your
name in pleasure and telling you she loved
what you're doing to her? You need to learn
how to be vocal in bed, and how to turn a
woman on through sexual talk.
6. Use more sexual eye contact: Have you ever
had an org asm while looking into your
partners eyes the entire time? It is one of the
most intensely pleasurable experiences you
can have. Any woman who has experienced
this before craves more of it. Avoid the
typical routine of turning off all the lights and
just grunting and pounding away in the dark.
Start to work some eye contact into your
sexual encounters, and see how much it
turns her on. Of course you have to learn
how to do this in the right way, but once you
do, she'll love it.
7. Pay attention to her after sex: After sex,
she is completely open and vulnerable to you.
A lot of guys squander this time by ignoring
her after sex, or by just going to sleep.
Women don't 'come down' from sexual
pleasure as quickly as men do, so she's
going to want you to hold her and be close
to her while she does. She'll definitely enjoy
sex much more if you just spend a few
minutes doing this.
8. Get her to perform for you: Men are so
obsessed with 'putting in a good
performance' in bed, and to some extent this
is not a bad thing. But if you need to be
'performing' for her all the time, then this can
be a big turn-off for her. She wants a guy
who can also set up situations where she can
perform for him. For instance, a lot of women
like giving blowjobs if the guy can get her
thinking about them the right way. If you can
get her to 'perform' for you like this –
especially if she's doing something she
usually doesn't do for other guys Â? it'll be a
huge sexual thrill to her. Think about the rush
you get from giving her a huge orgasm. This
is what she'll experience if you know how
bypass her inhibitions and get her to
'perform' for you in bed.
9. Learn how to give her orgasms: Men
typically find it hard to seek out coaching to
become better in bed. Their egos get in the
way, and they like to think that they know it
all even if their sex lives could use a lot of
improvement. From a woman's perspective,
this doesn't make a whole lot of sense. After
all, to learn any other less important skill, you
would seek out information on how to do it.
This is exactly what women wish you would
do in the bedroom. Because no man was
born knowing all the secrets of giving women
org asms, and have to learn. Most men learn
the hard way, by arduous trial and error over
the course of many years. But at the end of
the day, it's totally worth it.
Orange Music Production
15 Emotions Unmarried Girls Experience When Their Friends Get Married
You are wondering, when will your special day come and are getting a little sad. Or, maybe you are happy about the fact that you will be single for a little while longer. Here's a list of things that young single girls think, when their best friends suddenly start to get married, one after the other. Maybe you can identify with one of these as well. So read on to see, which of these emotions applies to you.
#1. We have grown up so quickly
Just when you thought that life had only started, after finishing your studies, your friends are already getting hitched. And you are standing there thinking, "Oh my God, have we grown up so quickly. I can't believe my friends are already getting married!"
#2. That is a lot of responsibility
When you see your friend exchanging plesantries with all those chachas and mamas and massis, you begin to think about the load of responsibilities that will soon fall on your friend's shoulders. You shudder to think, "Wow, I can't believe she will have to keep all those people happy. And, come to think of it, I will be doing the same thing very soon. Phew!"
#3. She will always have a date now
The first thought of envy strikes you as well. You are mulling over the fact that she will never have a date problem. "Her husband will accompany her to all the parties, and here I am, with no one to go with!"
#4. Now we will never go out as a girl gang?
You are also tempted to think about how this spells the end of your time-tested friendship. Now that your friend has entered a new relationship, she will obviously not spend as much time with you, as she used to.
#5. I will feel out of place hanging out with my married friends
All your friends are finally hitched and they are obviously going to be meeting up as couples. And, you are panic-stricken thinking, "Why will they ever invite me to their parties now!"
#6. How will my wedding be?
When you look at all the lavish ceremonies and elaborate wedding planning, you want the exact same for your wedding too. And, you can hear yourself secretly wishing to your fairy godmother, "I wish I have such a fairy-tale wedding too."
#7. How will I look in that bridal finery?
While your friend stands all decked up in her bridal splendour, you take-off to your own dreamland. You have fast-forwarded to your own wedding venue, and are pondering, "How will I look wearing all those choodas, kaliras, makeup and jewellery?"
#8. What will my prince charming be like?
Since you still haven't found the man of your dreams, the one thought that hounds you, again and again, is how will your prince charming be when you finally find him. And, at your friend's wedding, you are wishing that your knight in shinning armour too would come riding on his horse, soon."
#9. Will my relatives stop pestering me?
When you see all your friend's relatives lining–up for a photo-op, you suddenly realise, "If I were to get married too, all those relatives will finally stop annoying me." Ah, what a sigh of relief you will breathe!
#10. Will I get such an adorable family?
When you see your best-pal's mother-in-law showering all her love and attention on your friend, you can feel that little twinge of jealousy. And, you are left worrying if you will marry into such a loving and concerned family as well. "Ah, will my in-laws, ever be so understanding?"
#11. Will my husband shower me with gifts too?
You friend has told you ample stories of how her fiancé has been showering her with the choicest of gifts. You just can't help wondering what lies in store for her now that she is finally getting married to that amazing guy? And, you are thinking, "Will my husband tend to all my demands too? Will he always be there when I'm feeling low?"
#12. Will I also boss over my husband?
So your friend has also been telling you about how her hubby-to-be listens to all her commands and even during the wedding you can see him pandering to all her wishes. And you are brooding about will you ever be able to boss over your husband!
#13. Am I being too picky?
When you look at the grooms of your best friends, you start questioning your choices. The first thought that strikes you is, are you becoming too fussy. "I have seen better-looking boys, why don't I like them? Should I stop being so choosy?"
#14. My parents will get after my life
Now that your parents know that your friends are getting married in quick succession, they will start looking for a suitable boy for you even more frantically. You are thinking to yourself, "Should I even tell my parents about this wedding? I can't handle any more of that marriage pressure."
#15. Yipee, I'm still single
You are actually a little happy that you are still single and can have the time of your life. You can strike new friendships, go out for multiple dates and have a whale of a time and still enjoy life as a single. "Yipee!"
Recommended Read: 6 Defining Moments In An Indian Arranged Marriage
If you find yourself thinking these very thoughts at you best friend's wedding you have nothing to worry about. As they say, all matches are made in heaven and, yours too, has already been made. Just take a deep breath and wait for that one 'Mr. Right' to come into your world. Don't rush into marriage, make the right decision. This is the one relationship that you have to commit for life!
Orange Music Production
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Music: Money Minded by G-Teck ft Hype Mc @Zicky_Gteck @Sparkinz_Gteck @mrhypemc
popularly known as G-teck teams up with Hype Mc on a new song titled
'Money Minded'.
"Money Minded" has enjoyable lyrics and Hip-Hop sound that will make
you put on repeat. Do go ahead and enjoy. Produced by Fric P.
Download here--> http://tinyurl.com/okq6fn4
Orange Music Production

And now a drug to prevent HIV
The pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been trialled in the UK,yielding results described as "extremely exciting" and a "game-changer" by leading specialists.
The Proud study found that PrEP cut the risk of HIV infection among gay men considered to be at high risk by an unprecedented 86 per cent.
Despite major advances in the fight against HIV/Aids in recent decades, the infection rate among men who have sex with men remains stubbornly high in the UK.
The study was funded by UK government agencies, the Medical Research Council and Public Health England.
PrEP has been available to at-risk groups in the United States since 2012.
The Proud trial, which took place across 12 NHS trusts in Brighton, London, York, Manchester, Birmingham and Sheffield, was set up to provide real-world evidence on the pill's effectiveness, and to answer outstanding questions, such as whether providing it would lead to reduced use of condoms.
Some 545 HIV-negative gay men, who were sexually active and had recently had unprotected sex, were recruited to the study.
Early findings proved so encouraging that in October last year the trial was sped up to ensure 269 men whose access was going to be deferred were given the drug straight away.
Among the 276 men given PrEP immediately, there were only three HIV infections in the first year of the study, compared with 19 among the deferred group.
The pill used in the trial, Truvada, is a combination of two antiretroviral drugs which has previously been used to treat HIV infection.
Developed by Gilead, its newly established ability to prevent as well as treat the virus marks a major turning point in efforts to combat HIV among high-risk groups.
"These results are extremely exciting and show PrEP is highly effective at preventing HIV infection in the real world," said Sheena McCormack, professor of clinical epidemiology at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at University College London.
"Concerns that PrEP would not work so well in the real world were unfounded. These results show there is a need for PrEP, and offer hope of reversing the epidemic among men who have sex with men in this country. The findings we've presented today are going to be invaluable in informing discussions about making PrEP available through the NHS."
Men taking part in the study reported they did not change their condom use because of PrEP – evidence that was borne out by the fact that infection rates of other STIs were similar in both groups.
An estimated 2,800 gay men acquired HIV in the UK in 2013 and the rate of new infections has remained high for a decade.
Six per cent of gay and bisexual men are now living with HIV, rising to 13 per cent in London.
"During the study period there were 19 HIV infections in the group not taking PrEP," said Deborah Gold, chief executive of the National Aids Trust.
"If we can stop people getting HIV by giving them PrEP, we have an ethical duty to do so. Furthermore, over the course of their lifetime the treatment of those 19 men will cost the NHS nearly £7m. So the financial argument is clear, as is the ethical one. PrEP needs to be available on the NHS as soon as possible for all those who need it."
Professor Simon Barton, chair of the HIV Clinical Reference Group for NHS England, which will review the cost-effectiveness of PrEP, said the Proud trial findings were "very important".
"The challenge now is to translate the benefits demonstrated in the study into practice," he said.
"We have already begun work to carefully consider how this treatment could be delivered equitably and most efficiently by liaising closely with the Local Government Association, Public Health England, clinicians and patient representatives."
Dr Michael Brady, medical director of sexual health charity the Terrence Higgins Trust, said: "PrEP is, quite simply, a game-changer. We know that most gay men use condoms most of the time, and that this has prevented tens of thousands of HIV infections since the epidemic began in the UK. However, we also know that condomless sex vastly increases the risk of HIV being transmitted.
"This research shows just how effective PrEP can be in preventing transmission of the virus in groups at greatest risk; offering another line of defence alongside condoms and regular testing. It is not a vaccine and it won't be for everyone, but once approved, we expect it to significantly increase the momentum in our fight against the virus. Therefore, we urge the Government, NHS England and local authorities to make PrEP a key priority in the fight against HIV."
Orange Music Production

Audio+video Kite by Chidinma
Download audio link:> http://tinyurl.com/q87kp9n
Download video link--> http://tinyurl.com/ps282z3
Orange Music Production
Comedy video: You are just too violent
Download and enjoy link here:> http://tinyurl.com/ls5qk3f
Orange Music Production
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Music: Sabipeepz_top_20 @sabipeepz
Download here:> http://tinyurl.com/m7bk6so
Orange Music Production
Monday, February 23, 2015
Music: 2gether_Party_Mixtape_by_Dj_Gen2
Below is the list of the tracks in the mixtape.
1 Flavor-wake up 2 Kcee-fine face 3 Saen tizzy ft 9ice-loke loke 4 Davido ft.uhuru-skelewu rmx 5 Wizkid-in my bed 6 2face ft wizkid-danceGo 7 Dre san-shoky 8 Slyde-banana instrumental 9 Famous okobo-owo ni senior 10 Sean tizzle-perfect gentleman 11 Wizkid-show u d money 12 J Martins-dance 4 me 13 Davido ft mafikizolo-tchelete(good life) 14 Dj exclusive ft wizkid-jeje 15 Akon ft wizkid-for you 16 Dj Jimmy jatt ft lil kesh-da yan mo 17 Masterkraft ft olamide-indomie 18 Uhuru ft Dj buckz-y-tjukutja 19 Zeez ft.olamide-atewo 20 Mavin all stars-dorobucci 21 Runtown ft davido-Gallardo 22 Mc galaxy-sekem 23 Olamide-story for the Gods 24 Lil kesh ft davido &olamide-shoki rmx 25 Kiss Daniel-woju 26 Godillac-shoki free style 27 Slyd ft timaya-banana rmx 28 Terry g-person pikini 29 Don jazzy ft olamide-skelemba 30 Skuki ft olamide-peteru 31 Timaya-hold me now 32 Orez ft wizkid-you garrit(rmx) 33 Dre san-owo epo shoky pt2 34 P-square-taste the money 35 Wande coal-baby hello.
Download here:> http://tinyurl.com/l7endx8
Orange Music Production
Music: Your_love_(The E.P)_ by_Arun
She has been working underground with a couple of producers for her album but before that here is a tip of the ice… "Your love" is a 4 track E.P that is guaranteed to inspire and entertain you.
Twitter: @usafuoma
Facebook: www.facebook/Arunofficialfanpage
Download below…
Download Your Love:> http://tinyurl.com/p5codmh
Download Na God ft Moz:> http://tinyurl.com/mwuk7gn
Download Oghene doh ft Moz:> http://tinyurl.com/ps8cwgt
Download Doh doh oghene doh ft T.Sway:> http://tinyurl.com/nnn3zhb
Orange Music Production
Music: Iwolomo_SexyB_ft_Oyama @sekcybe 08137327032, 08020893598
He joined the music industry in the year 2006 as an RnB dancehall singer and still more vibrant on any kind of music.
Music makes him go crazy on stage.
U can easily get reach to him on his facebook: Sekcybe surdeek shapermaster
Download link:> http://tinyurl.com/kxz66aq
Orange Music Production
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Audio: Again_and_again_by_Dr_Pure
Download here:> http://tinyurl.com/naj6eht
Orange Music Production
Audio: Jesus_bossom_by_Lady_IB
Download link here:> http://tinyurl.com/kmn26jq
Orange Music Production
Audio: This_is_my_time_by_Lady_IB
Download link here:> http://tinyurl.com/oumgzkk
Orange Music Production
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Currently has droped many singles with many tracks featured in...
Now is workin and about to drop another new hit ft Oyama in d track "Iwolomo" on the 23rd of February 2015
Orange Music Production
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Music: She_is_a_queen_by_Msol x Ibak prod by switty beatz @msolmuzik @muzikhitz
Ibak formerly known as waldee is a reggea, RnB and soul singer, he grew up mingling with music and has work with notable producers and other well known music personnel. He and msol jumped on this song to give it a perfect blend and its a perfect gift for the ladies and lovers of good music out there.
Download link:> http://tinyurl.com/mxm9t8s
Orange Music Production
MUSIC: Oh_I_Wish_by_ SunnyJayy_ ft_Shaddy_Blaq @IamSunnyjayy @Shaddy_Blaq
Girlie O by Patoranking, WNG's Fast rising act "SunnyJayy" drops this
very dope, fresh and soft song titled "OH! I wish" ft COG records/MMA
awards best lyricist "Shaddy Blaq". "Oh! I wish" is one jam you would
easily relate to. Download and judge for yourself.
Download link:> http://tinyurl.com/l3yfs4e
Orange Music Production
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Music: Money and Fame by Misteer Kenzo ft Mchill & Lyrical @misteerkenzo
Dis tracks talks abou our swags with money as we gettin d fame on on d streetz...
I knw u can't wait to here dis hot jammin
Download link:> http://tinyurl.com/n2dq92b
Orange Music Production
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015
MUSIC: Baby Dance by Princey @Princeyefe
after this teaser, There's no doubt, PRINCEY is a force to reckon
with. Look out for his upcoming video which will feature a new dance move he calls the "MUTENGO" dance.
Download:> http://tinyurl.com/mkv69ty
Orange Music Production
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Music:- Gimme dat_Dj Law_ft Reflex Soundz &Namz