Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dear wives, these are the 8 things pushing your husband away – Make sure you stop them NOW or…

Dear wives, these are the 8 things pushing your husband away – Make sure you stop them NOW or…

8 things pushing your husband away: My wife and I have a wonderful and happy marriage. Over these last several years we have learned from each other, grown with each other, loved each other and fought with each other.

I still remember when we first got married; all the hope and faith we had of being together forever, living happily ever after. We are still living our journey towards "happily ever after," however a brief separation only two years into our marriage would challenge the strength and foundation of our friendship and act as a wake-up call to how difficult that journey could be.

The road to healing our relationship was paved with tons of hard work. In any relationship, there will be times you just want to give up and throw in the towel, however, I urge you not to give in too soon. You will be amazed what time and self-reflection can fix.

I write this to you as a husband, to remind you that your husband is not just your spouse. He is your best friend, your teammate and your partner. This is the one person in the entire world who truly has your back.

These 8 tips are from my experience and may point out things you probably don't know are pushing your husband away and destroying your marriage.

1. Being oblivious to financial matters.
There is almost always one person in a relationship who oversees all the financial matters. Stereotypically this role would fall on the husband, (though please note I said stereotypically as I am well aware that there are many wife's that take on this burden as well.) leaving his partner completely oblivious to the state of their financial affairs.

This paradigm can lead to an unbalanced relationship. The wife could end up resenting the husband for being too controlling or naggy around topics of money and the husband could end up resentful of the wife's frivolous spending and blissful ignorance. It is unfair for both parties in a relationship for one person to take on all the stress, risk and responsibility that comes with financial decisions.

You are partners that have come together in marriage to build a future and part of that is sharing the responsibility of building your financial security.

2. Putting your parents or friends in the middle of your relationship.

Two's a party, three's a crowd. As single individuals it is a common practice for us to share our troubles and woes with those we love and who love us. This is not a bad thing; in fact it is completely natural. So it is understandable that this is a common mistake couples make at the beginning of a relationship.

The problem stems from the fact that our family and friends love us so much that they will automatically go to bat for us, even if we were the one in the wrong. Not to mention the fact that often it is too easy for us to tell our "version" of the truth that depicts ourselves as the sainted victim and our spouse as the heartless villain.
If you truly and deeply love your spouse, once you have vented all of your anger and hurt out to your loved ones, you realize how silly the whole thing was and it is much easier to return home with an open mind and a calmer more forgiving heart. Not so for your friends and family. You see, they truly and deeply love you, not your spouse. So it's a lot harder for them to forgive, much less forget.

3. Micromanaging him on the little stuff.
Remember that before you became one in marriage, you were two independent people with independent thoughts, actions, likes and dislikes. Marriage doesn't change this. She likes coffee, he prefers beer. She likes to sleep in; he gets up at the crack of dawn. These same wonderful differences that caused you to fall in love with each other can often be the very things that drive you apart.

At the beginning of a romance it's all sunshine and rainbows. You wouldn't believe that your Love could ever annoy you… much less drive you to the edge of sanity. Anyone who has been in any long term relationship can tell you though that there is a point where you will begin to fight about the most inane and pointless things; things like him not putting the toilet seat down or the lid back on the toothpaste or her spending all afternoon watching I Love Lucy reruns.

The easiest way to escape this spiral of doom is to remember that you are both human and therefore wonderfully and perfectly flawed. As much as your husband might be annoying you, don't forget that you are no peach to live with either.

Learn to have patience and understanding for each other. Compromise is important but don't compromise yourself out of existence; allow each other "me" time where you can enjoy and express your individuality.

4. Not being on the same page on the big stuff.
Often, we can be so busy obsessing and micromanaging the little things in our relationships that we completely forget to address the big stuff until it is too late and we are blind sighted when our partner is not on the same page as we are.
Some of these issues are the simple basic stuff such as life goals, finances, when to have kids and how to raise them, politics, religion, etc. While these may seem obvious factors to have settled early on in a relationship, it is often not the case.
These topics can be very stressful and hard to discuss and most people are very set in their opinions with no desire to compromise. Because of this, when building a relationship, many people choose to ignore and skirt around these topics in an attempt to avoid conflict. I urge you to avoid this trap though because these topics will invariable come up in your relationship; you may find that not only are you not on the same page, you're not even reading out of the same book.

5. Not trusting your husband.
If you believe your spouse is cheating, chances are that they probably are. If they haven't though and you continue to suspect or not trust them they invariably will cheat on you.

Because you fear they may be cheating you will naturally withdraw physical affection. Then, your doubts, fears and lack of trust will seep further into your relationship and manifest itself by you snooping through their phone, grilling them about every aspect of their day and acting jealous and territorial in front of all members of the opposite sex.

Trust is fundamental to a healthy relationship. No one can feel truly loved in a relationship that they know that are not trusted in. Eventually, they will naturally gravitate towards someone else in order to find that love and trust.
If you have been hurt before by someone else in the past it is understandable that you would have fears and insecurities. But if your significant other hasn't given you any cause to doubt them, be cautious of punishing them with your fears caused by someone else's actions. If you are not careful, your doubt will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

6. Thinking that Men read minds
One of the main elements that led to the separation between my wife and I was a lack of communication. There were times when I would say or do things that would upset her, however being a passive person she would bottle it up and not tell me. If you don't share your hurt or feeling when asked, you can't ever come to a common ground with your spouse. Which means you will never find healing. Don't just respond with nothing when something bothers you.

7. Not taking care of yourself.
Some may view this as a harsh, but I feel it is something that needs to be said. Love and physical attraction are not the same thing. Most people typically fall in lust before they fall in love. While marriage can result from a deeper love of your personality, character and ideals; there was still an element of physical attraction that first drew you to each other.

Think back to the first year of your romance, chances are you would never go out on a date without attempting to look your absolute best. Now with hectic life, kids, jobs and the numbing effects of familiarity it is all too easy to forget to put yourself first. This may manifest itself in a few extra pounds, un-tweezed eyebrows and overused sweatpants.

While your partner will still love you, they may not be as physically attracted to you. Sex isn't the only factor in a healthy marriage, but it is a key stone in the foundation and it begins with you. Not only because your partner may not find you as attractive, but because you will find yourself less attractive.

Taking care of yourself by putting yourself first will increase self-esteem; higher self-esteem translates into you feeling sexier. Feeling sexier leads to sex which leads to orgasms. Orgasms raise serotonin levels, reduce stress and will make you feel sexier which will in turn raise your self-esteem. I think you get the picture.

8. Being embarrassed to share your sexual fantasies
If you assume that most people do not enter into marriage prepared for divorce or the death of the spouse, then I believe it is also safe to assume that a common preconception accompanying marriage is that this is, ideally, the only person you will be having sex with for the rest of your life.

If this thought is going to have any kind of appealing nature for either party, it is going to need more than just your love and loyalty. We are all created as sexual creatures. It is that simple. And yet, our sexuality is as unique and complex as our individuality.

You could possess all the carnal knowledge and skill in the world but if you do not understand the likes and dislikes of your partner, you may not necessarily enjoy new levels of intimacy in your relationship.

Your mind is your most powerful sexual organ and if you are going to have a healthy, lasting and satisfying sexual relationship you cannot be afraid or embarrassed to share your ultimate desires and fantasies.

Sex can be one of the most open, exposing and vulnerable expressions of love. It is not just your body that is exposed and shared, but your mind and soul as well. Let your partner in on the imaginations of your mind.

Reflect on the 8 things and see if any one of them can be used to spice up and sustain your relationship.
How to know when women are at their horniest and what you can do about it!

How to know when women are at their horniest and what you can do about it!

Have you ever wondered why women are hornier on some days more than others? We've revealed the secret to this mystery right here! There are moments in a woman's life when they can be extremely horny, while other times they will avoid intimacy like it's the most contagious disease known to mankind.

This phenomenon isn't their fault. In fact, the fault lies in their bodies, and in the raging hormones within.

The anatomy of a woman is very different from a man. Men are equipped with enormous amounts of testosterone that can trigger horniness at any moment. Women, however, have a more complex makeup that consists of hormones that are triggered by menstruation, ovulation and menopause.

When are women at their horniest?

Want to know when your girl will be more likely to engage in some sensual seduction with you? Here are the best times to try and seduce her!

#1 During ovulation.A woman is hornier during ovulation, because it is biologically the perfect time to mate. Their hormones are on overdrive, because their bodies are equipped to send out pheromones to their mate.

While this is happening, a woman's estrogen level dips briefly and soars to higher levels until the start of menstruation. At the same time, their progesterone starts to kick in. These hormones, when at their peak, can make a woman very, very horny.

Since we are human beings with intelligence and free will, women do not just jump on other men while they are ovulating. Still, the pheromones they emit are able to attract a man that they are intimate with. Even strangers may feel a strange attraction for women they don't know, just because they are ovulating.

A woman that is already in a relationship will be more open to having sex when they are ovulating. On the other hand, if you have never been intimate with a woman, it will not matter whether she is horny or not. Although she is ovulating, it does not mean that she needs to release the sexual tension she is feeling immediately.

#2 During menstruation.It seems strange to be horny at a time like this. It is especially unprecedented because this is the time when conception is at its lowest probability. The reason for this is because the hormones in a woman's body are undergoing a serious overhaul. They are about to crash down immediately because the eggs that the ovaries released during ovulation have not been fertilized.

#3 At the second trimester of pregnancy.
When a woman gets pregnant, there is a significant increase in estrogen and progesterone. Your sex drive increases during the first trimester, but most women don't realize it, because other symptoms like nausea, fatigue and body aches are more problematic.

When the body starts getting used to the influx of hormones, they will start to feel relief from the initial symptoms. By the second trimester, the sex drive will increase further and decrease as the third trimester progresses.

#4 At the start of menopause.With the same concept as when a woman starts to menstruate, they can also become hornier when their hormones are about to stop being produced. The body starts to process the last stores of hormones before it shuts down to prepare for menopause.

At this time, a woman will experience a short period of horniness that can last from a few days to a few months. There is no scientific explanation for this as of yet, but many women have attested to the fact that they did feel a surge of horniness right before they started menopause.

Their hormones will be lessened after this period, but their doctors can prescribe them with supplemental stores in order to promote a healthy balance within their body. Because of that, women undergoing menopause can still be as horny as they were during their hormone-dominated teenage years.

When is the perfect time to turn a woman on?

Women are scientifically proven to be hornier during their second trimester of pregnancy, ovulation and menstruation. That last one is up for debate because most women won't allow sex while they're bleeding out of their vaginas.

In terms of menopause, you can never predict when it will happen so you cannot use it to your advantage. It is easy to see when a woman starts to become horny, so you will not need any predictor anyway. Still, you can at least prepare for it in case she is not very vocal and obvious about her situation.

The biggest chance of success for you when turning a woman on – apart from when they are pregnant – is during ovulation. It's understandable that you cannot ask your partner whether they are ovulating or not, but you can observe them for the signs.

#They are hotter to the touch.

#They have bigger boobs.

#They have a voracious appetite for sweets, especially chocolate.

#They want to have sex almost all the time.

When a woman is horny, you might assume that seducing her becomes easier. That is not necessarily true. Just because your partner is at her horniest, it does not mean that she will immediately agree to a half-hearted plea for lovemaking.

Your biggest advantage at this point in time is that when you do manage to seduce her properly, she will be a tad more aggressive than usual. You can expect some hot and heavy lovemaking because she is ovulating. Her body is actually signaling her to copulate even though her mind is not telling her the exact same thing.

How to approach a woman when she's ovulating

In order to approach her during this period, you need to be sensitive about it like always. It is the same advice I would give you if she was not ovulating anyway. The only difference is that this advice focuses on the initial stages of the act itself rather than the courtship leading to your intimacy.

#1 Touch her.Touch her all the time. Kiss her cheek when you see her. Hold her hand and her waist. Rub her thighs while you are watching TV. Use any excuse you can find to touch her and she will get riled up enough to finally make love to you.

#2 Feed her.Ovulating women are hungrier than usual. You are not exactly aiming to make her gain weight. You are only satiating her other needs, so that you can focus on her primal needs. If she is happily satisfied with food, she will not be thinking about anything else, except having sex with you.

#3 Flirt with her.Make your intentions known by flirting with your partner. Do it with finesse, and don't be crass about it. She is still a woman and she will not settle for a tactless approach when it comes to having sex.

#4 Set the mood.
Use the proper lighting and make your bedroom feel like the sexiest place on earth. Place some lit candles and light some incense. If your partner sees the perfect setting, she will not think twice about jumping you before you even make it to the bed.

#5 Ladies first.
In terms of foreplay, focus on her needs before yours. She will be very horny at this point in time, which will make her orgasms easier to achieve. The art of making a woman climax is not about how fast you can make it happen. It should be a pleasurable experience before, during and after it happens. So, make time to get her hot and bothered to make her orgasms more powerful.

#6 Hug her after.
Yes, it shows that you care, but that is not why I am advising you to do it. You should hug her tightly, because it can make her feel giddier after she climaxes. The amount of closeness you experience can increase her arousal. This means that you will be having more sex later.

#7 Touch her everywhere.
Again.After a woman climaxes, you should rub her all over her body. Do not do it awkwardly, but do it while you're talking or recovering from your first session. Her whole body is like one big nerve ending that you can play with. This will give her unexplainable pleasure and can arouse her enough to engage in a hotter session afterwards.

Taking advantage of your partner's horniness is simply a way for you to pleasure her when she wants it the most. Just always remember that the best way to satisfy your partner is to know her well enough to do it properly.
How to have a long term relationship that works – You need to see this!

How to have a long term relationship that works – You need to see this!

How to have a long term relationship:A long relationship is something many young lovers dream of, but few ever achieve. Find out how to have a long term relationship with these 12 steps. A long term relationship may seem romantic and inspiring, but is it really easy to achieve?

In the fast paced world that we live in, finding someone who will truly love us back is a miracle.
But then, are long term relationships too much to ask for?

There may be a lot of distractions and new potentials to fall in love with these days.

But if you truly are happy in a relationship with a special someone, you'd involuntarily understand that attractions and desires can crop up all the time, but nothing can ever beat the love and emotional attachment you share with your own lover.

Does it sound too good to be true?
Well, it really doesn't have to.

How to have a long term relationship
Almost every relationship has the potential to become a long relationship that can fill your life with happiness.

But it takes the unconditional effort of two unique individuals who truly love each other to create a magical fantasy called a happy long term relationship.

Use these twelve steps to create a long term relationship out of your budding romance.

#1 Build your compatibility
Falling in love may seem spontaneous, but as the relationship grows, you'd start to realize that the spontaneous love starts to flicker and transition into a mature love that's based on understanding and compatibility. Can you really live with each other? You may have different perspectives and interests, but can you find a way to bring them all under one roof and still live happily?
What may now seem like a minor nuisance can eventually turn into something that can end a relationship.

#2 Never let frustrations and hatred build up
Never ever let a mole hill grow into a mountain. If something about your partner or their behavior disturbs you, learn to say it out immediately.

Every time you yell at a partner or find yourself getting frustrated, you have to understand that it doesn't happen all of a sudden.

Frustrations always build up slowly. What starts off as a little nagging thought slowly builds up over time into hatred and anger. But if you let things build up in your head, your partner would never understand the things that really bother you, until the day you burst out in a rage.

Retaliation and ego are the two traits of humans that surface first when someone makes an accusation. Unless you're looking for an argument, help you partner understand you better by talking about anything that bothers you, even if it seems trivial at first.

#3 Be truthful and frank with each other
If you want to know how to have a long term relationship, you need to learn to be truthful with each other, be it about a nagging irritation, a fancy sexual fetish or a friendly crush on someone else.
When you're truthful, it'll help your partner understand you better and know you better as a person. A little white lie is acceptable especially when the truth would hurt your partner. But if it's something that can affect your relationship, be truthful even if the truth stings.

#4 Unique strengths that complement each other
As individuals, all of us come with our own strengths and weaknesses. In a potential long term relationship, you need to learn to use your strengths and weaknesses to complement each other and help each other. If you're an intellectual thinker and your partner's a smooth talker, don't get frustrated or egoistic because of the different strengths. Instead, learn to use each other's strengths to become more efficient.

Codependence is a strength that's waiting to be harnessed in a long term relationship. Use it, instead of fighting against it and enduring a bad relationship.

#5 Think "we" not "I"
Do you think of your partner each time you're invited to a party or have to plan an evening? When you're a couple that's truly in love with each other, you should think like a couple and keep your partner's interests in mind just as much as you care about your own interests.

#6 Avoid insecurities
Insecurities crop up when there are doubts. Doubts arise when there are miscommunications and half-truths. Long term relationships are built on truth and trust.

Try to think of your partner as a mortal being, who has feelings and thoughts like anyone else! Most lovers try to imagine their partner to be the perfect character in a fairytale. And when they see a human side in their partner like flirting or getting attracted to someone else, lovers panic.

But really, you do enjoy flirting and you may think someone on the street is gorgeous. Does that mean you'd cheat on your partner? No.

Learn to avoid insecurities by being truthful with each other and helping your partner understand you better.

#7 Trust your instincts
Hunches in a relationship are almost always true. When you think your partner's bothered or unhappy, big chances are you're right. If you feel like there's something wrong in the relationship, there probably is. Trust your instincts and speak to your partner when you feel something in the air. It'll help create a happier relationship.

#8 Share common values
Experiencing a happy long term relationship takes compatibility, but it also depends a lot on common values, be it spiritual or mental. Infatuation and attraction may bring two dissimilar people together, but first glances and sexual attraction aren't enough to hold a relationship together.

If you want to have a long term relationship, you need to be willing to compromise and merge your ideas and values together so both of you can look at life with the same perspective and through the same looking glass.

#9 Quality time matters
You may know a lot about each other, but people change all the time. You do and so does your partner. Do you still know your partner well or do you only remember the person you first met? Most lovers take each other for granted, especially when it comes to matters of the mind. Learn to grow together. Exchange ideas and talk about new thoughts.

Spend time together and indulge in activities that can bring both of you together. Sharing hobbies like gardening and chores like cooking can create the perfect atmosphere for new conversations and ideas that can help both of you understand each other better, even if both of you have changed and evolved since the time you first dated.

#10 Experience a good sex life
One of the drawbacks of long term relationships is the effort it takes to enjoy a pleasurable sex life. But it doesn't always have to be that way. Try to keep sex exciting and fresh by creating new ways to reignite the passion, even if a few of the thoughts are taboo or frowned upon by many others. After all, if it makes you and your partner happy, why care about what others think?

#11 Ask your conscience
This may be the hardest to face, but it's also the easiest way to create a fulfilling and happy long term relationship. Do you really think you're doing all it takes to keep your partner happy and your relationship glowing bright?

Ask your own conscience if you're sincerely making the effort and doing the right thing to bring happiness into your partner's life? If your conscience thinks you can come up with better ways to please your partner, it's obvious you aren't giving it your all. A successful long term relationship involves two lovers who care about each other's happiness more than their own.

If you can't put your soulmate's happiness ahead of yours, are you really in love or are you just wrapped around your own desires?

#12 Visualize and plan your life together
Can you see your partner in your life five years or even a decade from now? Can you picture your own perfect little happy fantasy where the two of you are together and happy in love? If you can't dream it, you can't live it.
Couples that get to experience a blissful long term relationship know how to dream together and build their future, in their mind and in real life. Take decisions together and plan your life together if you want to enjoy a long relationship.
Dreaming of a life together and working towards it is one of those little fantasies that may just come true!
Knowing how to have a long term relationship may require these twelve steps, but it also requires your effort and your interest in building a long relationship with your partner. Follow these steps and you'll definitely be on your way to experiencing a beautiful long term relationship.
8 things that make women love sex (Must Read)

8 things that make women love sex (Must Read)

Things that make women love sex:Heard "Not tonight, honey" a few too many times lately? If it's just not happening between the sheets for you and your lady, it might be time to learn what really gets her psyched for sex.

While guys are generally up for sex whenever, wherever (regardless of the situation), women tend to need a bit more inspiration, according to Cindy M. Meston, Ph.D and David M. Buss, Ph.D., psychology professors at the University of Texas at Austin and coauthors of Why Women Have Sex: Understanding Sexual Motivations from Adventure to Revenge (and Everything in Between). For a better understanding of how to get her in the mood, consider the following eight factors that Meston and Buss say affects a woman's libido:
and David M. Buss, Ph.D., psychology professors at the University of Texas at Austin and coauthors of Why Women Have Sex: Understanding Sexual Motivations from Adventure to Revenge (and Everything in Between). For a better understanding of how to get her in the mood, consider the following eight factors that Meston and Buss say affects a woman's libido:

1. Her man's appearance
Men are usually considered to be the most turned on by visual stimuli (think about it: how many strip clubs and adult magazines are actually targeted toward females?), but women are actually quite turned on by a man's face, body and movement as well, say Meston and Buss. "Sexually, women are attracted to men with masculine features, although not too masculine," Meston explains. "A little light stubble is usually a turn-on for women if it's clean and well-kept. Body-wise, women generally find men with a V-shaped torso or a high shoulder-to-hip ratio sexually attractive. Motion is important, too, as women find athletic prowess and agility to be sexual turn-ons." The bottom line: If you'd like to get her in the sack, a good first step to take might be getting yourself into the gym.

2. The time of day
Meston says that women are very individualized in terms of when they most prefer to get it on: "In general, women want to have sex when they feel their best — when they have energy, feel connected to their partners, aren't distracted by work or stressful daily events, and when they feel sexy — and that may or may not be at night." In order to figure out when a woman's most likely to be in the mood, pay attention to the times she seems the most energized and/or chilled out. Try thinking outside the box — you may find that she'd love a post-jog quickie right before her shower!

3. Certain smells
Meston and Buss explain that, for women, sense of smell is far more important than it is to men when it comes to sexual attraction. Simply put: if a woman doesn't like the way a man smells, it's often a deal-breaker — whether she consciously realizes it or not. The number one turn-off reported by most women is — not surprisingly — bad breath, says Buss. A woman's sense of smell also plays an interesting biological role in what attracts her to a man, according to Meston: "Olfactory signals provide a woman with a wealth of information about a man's health, hygiene, and even his genetic makeup," she notes. Pheromones — tiny airborne molecules that humans emit from various glands in their body — can influence a woman's desire to be sexually intimate with a man. Male pheromones have been shown to provide information on a man's symmetry, which is an indicator of genetic fitness and ultimately can determine whether a man is genetically
compatible with a woman. "For many women — whether they realize it or not — scent can play an important role in determining her willingness to have sex with a man, given her 'sense' of whether they can produce genetically healthy, strong children together," says Buss.

4. Her guy's choice of words
Often, what a man says is more important than what he does when he's trying to get a woman in the mood. "Offering compliments is usually a sure-fire way of making someone want to get closer… although, if the compliments come across as insincere, they will actually turn her off," says Meston.
To score extra sincerity points, make references to future activities you'd like to do together, explains Meston, noting that showing signs of commitment can often be sexually alluring to women. Buss also notes that a man with a sense of humor is also a sexual turn-on for the ladies: "If a man can make a woman laugh, it relaxes her and makes her feel that he 'gets' her," he says, adding that a good sense of humor also conveys some key qualities women want in a mate: intelligence (it's hard to be witty if you're not too bright), the ability to gauge her emotional and social perspective (a.k.a. having the mind-reading skills to know what she will find amusing), and social verve or confidence.

5. The need for revenge
In their research, Meston and Buss found that many women had "revenge sex" with someone other than their most recent dating partner to get back at a cheating partner or to "even the score," as some women put it. "Some women hoped their ex would find out about it and feel angry or hurt, and other women said they didn't care if they found out or not — they felt better just knowing they had gotten revenge," Meston explains. Why is the need for revenge such a turn-on for women? "Revenge can serve two basic functions," Buss explains. The first function is one of deterrence: just as bullies stop picking on victims who retaliate, cheating partners sometimes stop their illicit activities when the other person retaliates in kind. The second function of revenge is "reputation management," says Buss. "Women who are scorned sometimes suffer damage to their social reputation, whether they are cheated on or dumped. Having sex — especially
if it is with someone who is relatively high in 'mate value' — can sometimes help to restore a woman's reputation," he explains.

6. Genetics
Women prefer men whose MHC genes (or Major Histo Compatibility genes) are dissimilar to their own, because this is the set of genes involved in determining an individual's immune function. "Having children with men who are dissimilar produces children with healthier immune systems," Buss explains. "Astonishingly, women seem to be able to pick this up through sense of smell, especially at ovulation, if they are not on hormonal contraceptives."

7. Her physical health or well-being
If you're looking for a few good reasons why she should have sex with you, there are countless ways in which you can emphasize that "getting busy" would be a wise move for her health. "During orgasm, opiates — the body's natural painkillers — are released, which can help decrease all sorts of aches and pains for women," Meston explains. Sex can also help maintain the body's flexibility and cardiovascular health, decrease anxiety, and enhance overall mood. Additionally, Meston notes, having sex during menstruation decreases a woman's risk of experiencing endometriosis symptoms. Of course, sex (if it lasts long enough!) can also be a good calorie burner, so you can always suggest it as a fantastic way to burn off the chocolate cheesecake you shared for dessert.

8. To raise her social status or sense of self-esteem
In their research, Meston and Buss found that, for some women, having sex is more about competition and winning (see who went home with the good-looking guy at the bar?). For women that do this to compete with others and also raise their social standing, her intended target's social status is a key factor in revving her libido. "Young women who are 'groupies,' for example, often compete to see who can have sex with the musician who has a higher status, while Monica Lewinsky raised her status by having an intimate connection with the President," Buss says. She goes on to explain that, for women who have sex to raise their self-esteem, the motivating factor is usually the need to feel sexually desirable. "Some women suffer from low self-esteem and feel bad about their bodies for a variety of reasons, ranging from comparisons with media models to put-downs by their regular mates," explains Buss. Having sex with a man who finds her irresistibly
hot and her body incredibly beautiful can provide a huge boost to a woman's self-esteem — so if you're looking for a little loving, make her feel like she's the sexiest woman on the planet!
10 major reasons why men love breasts so much

10 major reasons why men love breasts so much

Though the preference for men varies according to size, there is no doubt that men love breasts. No wonder women catch them staring at their chest instead of the face most of the time.

This is the reason why women are so concerned about the appearance and size of their breasts.

They don't want to feel unattractive and breasts are a major part of the attraction package. So, why are men so much into breasts? Here are 10 probable reasons why.

1. Breasts Are Great to Look At
Men love looking at the breasts for the very reason that they are great to look at. Whether they are small or big, breasts are one of the first things a man sees in a woman. Though it is offensive, but men can't resist taking a peek!

2. Breasts Add Grace and Poise
Breasts are one of the few body parts which are curvaceous. Men don't have any curves on their bodies, which makes being hard and straight a sign of masculinity. On the other hand, curviness is a symbol for womanhood which adds grace and poise to the way they carry themselves.

3. Breasts Represent Fertility
Since a long time back, it has been believed that men are attracted to women who are healthy and are able to reproduce. Breasts are a sign of fertility as they portray the notion that the woman would be able to bear children as well as nourish them.

4. Breasts Offer Visual Stimulation
One of the main differences between men and women is that men are stimulated visually. They get 'turned on' just by looking at a woman's body. Firm and perky breasts catch the attention of every male wherever a woman goes and stimulates them visually.

5. Breasts Are the Key to Second Base
Most men don't know about this but those who do use it to their advantage. The breasts are the key to second base as they are located close to the libido. Fondling and playing with them leads to sexual arousal. This is one of the major reasons why men love breasts!

6. Breasts Lead to Great Foreplay
Breasts are a crucial part of foreplay. In fact, foreplay is incomplete without a little fondling, sucking or kissing on the breasts. Apart from the breasts, there is little else a man could play with before the actual act.

7. Breasts Are Nice to Touch
Men love how the breasts feel in their hands. While some of them can get wild and start twitching the nipples, most men are gentle with breasts, holding them with love and care. They are soft and supple, tempting men to grab them.

8. Breasts Are Mysterious
From the moment a guy sees a girl her breasts become a source of mystery for him. He spends most of his time thinking about and visualizing what hides beneath the clothing. Until he gets to actually see them, the mystery is a cause of intrigue for him.

9. No Cleavage without Breasts
The cleavage is perhaps the best sight a man could want to see. Low-cut tops or dresses that show a little too much at the top are highly attractive for males. Without breasts, there would be no cleavage, so men love the whole package.

10. Breasts Are Comforting
For some reason, men find breasts comforting. They love resting their heads on them. The very sight of them can make their bad mood disappear. In fact, there has been a study which shows that men who get to see breasts for at least 15 minutes a day live longer and healthier!

These are the top 10 reasons men are attracted to breasts. If you want your pair to look the best for your partner or spouse, use a dermatology tested and clinically proven of natural breast enhancement creamlikeBreast Activesto enlarge, firm, and lift the breasts for more attractive and perky. Fast, Cost-Effective and Safe.

Friday, March 27, 2015

9 Hidden facts about pornography and your brain which they don’t want you to know (Must See)

9 Hidden facts about pornography and your brain which they don’t want you to know (Must See)

Facts about pornography and your brain– [Note: The following contains a frank, though non-graphic, discussion of pornography addiction. Parents are therefore cautioned to examine the material themselves before sharing it with children or teenagers.]

"Because the human brain is the biological anchor of our psychological experience, it is helpful to understand how it operates." says William M. Struthers, associate professor of psychology at Wheaton College. "Knowing how it is wired together and where it is sensitive can help us understand why pornography affects people the way it does."

Here are 9 things you should know about pornography affects the brain.

1. Sexually explicit material triggers mirror neurons in the male brain. These neurons, which are involved with the process for how to mimic a behavior, contain a motor system that correlates to the planning out of a behavior. In the case of pornography, this mirror neuron system triggers the arousal, which leads to sexual tension and a need for an outlet. "The unfortunate reality is that when he acts out (often by masturbating),

this leads to hormonal and neurological consequences, which are designed to bind him to the object he is focusing on," says Struthers. "In God's plan, this would be his wife, but for many men it is an image on a screen. Pornography thus enslaves the viewer to an image, hijacking the biological response intended to bond a man to his wife and therefore inevitably loosening that bond."

2. In men, there are five primary chemicals involved in sexual arousal and response. The one that likely plays the most significant role in pornography addiction is dopamine. Dopamine plays a major role in the brain system that is responsible for reward-driven learning. Every type of reward that has been studied increases the level of dopamine transmission in the brain, and a variety of addictive drugs, including stimulants such as cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine, act directly on the dopamine system. Dopamine surges when a person is exposed to novel stimuli, particularly if it is sexual, or when a stimuli is more arousing than anticipated. Because erotic imagery triggers more dopamine than sex with a familiar partner, exposure to pornography leads to "arousal addiction" and teaches the brain to prefer the image and become less satisfied with real-life sexual partners.

3. Why do men seek out a variety of new explicit sexual images rather than being satisfied with the same ones? The reason is attributed to the Coolidge effect, a phenomenon seen in mammalian species whereby males (and to a lesser extent females) exhibit renewed sexual interest if introduced to new receptive sexual partners, even after refusing sex from prior but still available sexual partners. This neurological mechanism is one of the primary reasons for the abundance and addictiveness of Internet pornography.

4. Overstimulation of the reward circuitry—such as occurs with repeated dopamine spikes related to viewing pornography—creates desensitization. As Gary Wilson explains, "When dopamine receptors drop after too much stimulation, the brain doesn't respond as much, and we feel less reward from pleasure. That drives us to search even harder for feelings of satisfaction—for example, by seeking out more extreme sexual stimuli, longer porn sessions, or more frequent porn viewing—thus further numbing the brain.

5. "The psychological, behavioral, and emotional habits that form our sexual character will be based on the decisions we make," says Struthers. "Whenever the sequence of arousal and response is activated, it forms a neurological memory that will influence future processing and response to sexual cues. As this pathway becomes activated and traveled, it becomes a preferred route—a mental journey—that is regularly trod. The consequences of this are far-reaching."

6. What makes Internet porn unique? Wilson identifies a number of reasons, including: (1) Internet porn offers extreme novelty; (2) Unlike food and drugs, there are almost no physical limitations to Internet porn consumption; (3) With Internet porn one can escalate both with more novel "partners" and by viewing new and unusual genres; (4) Unlike drugs and food, Internet porn doesn't eventually activate the brain's natural aversion system; and (5) The age users start watching porn. A teen's brain is at its peak of dopamine production and neuroplasticity, making it highly vulnerable to addiction and rewiring.

7. Men's exposure to sexually explicit material is correlated with social anxiety, depression, low motivation, erectile dysfunction, concentration problems, and negative self-perceptions in terms of physical appearance and sexual functioning.

8. The following video offers a brief overview of the affect of pornography on the brain.

9. In this video, Gary Wilson discusses the disturbing symptoms showing up in some heavy Internet porn users, the surprising reversal of those symptoms, and the science behind these phenomena. Although it is not presented from a Christian perspective, the discussion is highly recommended for better understanding the deleterious and wide-ranging effects pornography has on men.
READ: How I got married to my own father and only found out after… (True Story)

READ: How I got married to my own father and only found out after… (True Story)

How I got married to my own father– It was a dark secret. The kind that destroys lives, devastates families and decimates faith.Nobody shared it with Valerie Spruill while her husband was alive. For years after his death, she heard bits of the story.

It was something about an absentee father, something about her husband.

None of it made sense, she said. That's not until her uncle finally told her what no one else had: She had unknowingly married the father she never knew.

"It is devastating. It can destroy you," Spruill told CNN late Thursday by telephone. "It almost did."

Spruill, 60, of Doylestown, Ohio, went public with her story this month, first published in the Akron Beacon Journal, with the hopes that it would help others facing what seem like insurmountable problems.

It's a story that has gone viral, attracting attention as faraway as Australia and India where the questions are always the same, she says: How could that happen?

It's a question that Spruill said she has been grappling with since she first learned the truth in 2004, six years after her husband Percy Spruill died.

"I don't know if he ever knew or not. That conversation didn't come up," she said. "I think if he did know, there is no way he could have told me."

She confirmed that her husband was indeed her father through a DNA test, hair taken from one of his brushes.

The aftermath of the secret was devastating emotionally — and physically, Spruill suffered two strokes and was diagnosed with diabetes.
All of it, she believes was brought on by learning the family secret.

"Pain and stress will kill, and I had to release my stress," Spruill said. "I'm just telling the story to release my pain."

She has a deep, abiding faith in God, who she
believes has guided her through the experience — and others that have shaped her life.

"You have to have faith," she said. "If God brought me this far, he's not going to leave me now."

Spruill met and married her husband-father in Akron and settled in Doylestown, a working class suburb of about 2,300.

It was her second marriage. Spruill was a nice man, a good provider. He was kind to her three children from her previous marriage.

"We had a good life," she said.
She initially struggled with anger, with hating Spruill for what happened.

But therapy taught her what happened wasn't her fault. Her faith taught her to forgive.
Initial response to her story has been mixed: "More positive than negative," she says.

In recent days, she has been in contact with a couple who found out after they were married that they were brother and sister.

They told her, she said, that her story is helping them deal with their own experience.

"They are trying to be friends now," Spruill said.
Others, though, have been less kind.

"They've said things like 'Some secrets should stay secrets,'" she said. "I can't do anything about what they think. I just know what I think. God is always mighty, and he teaches you to tell
the truth no matter what."

Spruill knows not everybody tells the truth. It's a lesson she learned as a child the hard way.

By all accounts, Spruill's mother got pregnant as a teenager while dating her then 15-year-old father.

She was 3-months-old when she was sent to live with her grandmother and grandfather, who she initially believed as she grew up was her father.

Spruill said at about age 8 or 9, she discovered that the woman who often visited the house was not a family friend but her mother.

But nobody, she said, talked about her father.

There's nobody left to give her the answers about her husband-father. Her mother, Christine, died in 1984. Her grandparents have long since passed. So, too, have a number of Percy Spruill's relatives.

Spruill knows her mother worked as a prostitute and even got caught up in 1980 high-profile corruption scandal surrounding James Barbuto, a probate judge who was convicted of intimidating investigators and gross sexual imposition for attacking a courthouse clerk in his chambers.

"My mother showed me lots of love. All said and done, I have no regrets in my life at all," she said.

She believes she has siblings or half-siblings from Spruill's previous relationships, including the one with her mother.

She said she wants to find them and let them know they are not alone.

Spruill, herself, has three children and eight grandchildren. She struggled with telling her children that the man they believed was their step-father was their grandfather.

A therapist "advised me to tell my kids," she said. "I told them about two years ago. They are remarkable. They are handling it better than I am."

In recent days, shortly before the news broke, she also told her grandchildren.
"They have been so supportive. They are telling me they love me, telling me they will do whatever I need," she said.

In her spare time, since retiring from the accounting department where she worked for 34 years at Goodyear, she has been writing down her story with the hopes of publishing it.

"I thank God that he gave me a chance to live through all of this," she said. "It is nothing short of a miracle that I'm still here. I want people to know that they can survive something like this."
4 Ways To Find Love Again After Divorce

4 Ways To Find Love Again After Divorce

We all know that marriages are supposed to last a lifetime (if everything works out), but unfortunately, it doesn't always happen this way.

Due to various reasons from domestic violence, to incompatibility, to even external interference, many marriages are taking the divorce route these days.

If for one reason or the other, your own marriage has ended, it doesn't mean you should shut the door on finding love again.
You deserve to be happy, and for that reason, we present to you four simple ways to find love again after a divorce.

Act like a lady, think like a man: Believe it or not, for you to be able to attract your dream man, you have to think like one. Be smart with your choices. If you realize that he is not looking for a serious relationship, understand that you're not going to change his mind just because you're dating him. Have standards, and stick to them. Let him know he could either rise up to those requirements, or just move on. Don't be afraid to say it as it is, on your dating profile or to his face. And don't ever be afraid to walk away.

Be more open minded: So he doesn't like going out much, or she loves to party - so what? Say yes to someone you wouldn't normally say yes to - you never know, Mr. Right may be right in front of you. Seize the moment and don't be too quick to judge - or you may end up overlooking your (perfect) match.

Make the first move: Do you sit opposite the love of your life every morning on your way to work? Do something about it before someone else does. Also, if someone's profile catches your eye, say something to them - what have you got to lose? Make yourself stand out by paying attention to what they're reading or the hobbies on their profile - and start the conversation on something you two have in common, rather than a generic 'hey!'.

Join a dating site: It's high time you revamped your online dating profile. Have you tried Internet dating? If you have, it's time to revamp your profile - think about a new photo and refresh your bio. If you've yet to try online dating, why not give it a go today? There are various online dating websites you can sign on to. Good part is that you can access most of them anywhere and anytime on your mobile, tablet or smartphone.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The type of sex all men want

The type of sex all men want

The type of sex all men want we're sure you were pondering life's ultimate question: How does gender affect our desire and need for sex? All right, perhaps you weren't actively wondering about that particular topic but the divide between the sex drives of males and females is absolutely worth exploring (as evidenced by the popularity of Sex and the City).

Though Carrie B. was fine with musing, "I couldn't help but wonder…" and asking strangely-phrased questions about intimacy, our friends at Tokii were a bit more proactive. They surveyed their users and found some note-worthy results. Grab your notebooks, people, this info may come in handy.

It starts with a smooch. A little bit of lip locking never hurt anyone; in fact, it's helped many a person seal the deal for sex. Fifty-seven percent of men and 48 percent of women say their absolute favorite form of foreplay is a kiss. The best place to smooch for sexual stimulation? It's all about necking it, baby—62 percent of women and 40 percent of men list the neck as their favorite erogenous zone of the body.

All men agree…It's not often you read survey results to see that all men agreed on something. But those surveys must not have been asking about mind-blowing sex. Tokii found that 100 percent of guys believed sex is exceptional when their partner gets "really into it." Fifty-five percent of women said the same. Of course, getting into it can mean different things for different people—perhaps trying a new position, offering some verbal feedback or dabbling in a role-playing game—so it's best to discuss with your Valentine what you're both looking for.

Sex for stress relief? Of course, sex isn't always the result of a carnal need for intercourse. Forty-five percent of women have sex when they're feeling sad or stressed. Interestingly, only five percent of women say they achieve intimacy with a person by connecting sexually. Meanwhile, only 18 percent of men seek sex when they're sad, but 85 percent of men crave it when they're stressed.
The map of the clitoris – How to find her clitoris (+18)

The map of the clitoris – How to find her clitoris (+18)

The map of the clitoris– How to Find Her Clitoris If It's Small or Hidden."I can't find her clitoris. She doesn't seem to have one." Do you always ask your self this question?

Well, I've heard this before. Many men have never seen their woman's clit. In fact, many women aren't even certain where their own clitoris is.

Women's vulvas come in all sizes, shapes and even placement. Some women's labia and clitoris are in the open. Some are deeply hidden.

Her vulva consists of outer and inner labia. Situated at the top cleft of the vulva is the clitoral hood. Beneath this is the clitoral head, or glans, the "magic bean" that becomes engorged with blood when sexually excited. Usually, but not always, the erect glans will peek out from under its hood.

What, then, is the problem?

Some women may have a full Mound of Venus (the fleshy hill just above the vulva) or full outer majora — especially plus size and supersize gals. Other women have a very small clit.

Others may have a deeply situated clitoris. This is only a problem if a guy wants to open her valva and see her love bud. If she gets full sexual satisfaction from their lovemaking, then he should be happy for her.

Of course, she may say that she isn't getting much pleasure from intercourse. This probably isn't a problem as such. Sex surveys have traditionally revealed that as high a number as 88% of women cannot achieve an orgasm from sexual intercourse alone — especially Missionary position.

This is common in women with a small, hidden clitoris. However, 92% percent of women who have had oral sex performed on them, report achieving orgasms. So you can see a solution to this problem!

And you can take some solace in knowing that those women with huge out-in-the-open clitorises are not always having wild sexual encounters. In fact, these gals often find that through constant exposure of their clit, years of masturbation or long use of vibrators, that their clits have become insensitive. They lose much of their feeling there. That's why you are hearing so much about G-spot, vaginal orgasm. These are fun, but clitoral orgasms are by far a woman's most intense climaxes!

The important thing to remember is that women with deeply situated clitorises are very sensitive there. It takes patience and knowledge to give her full sexual satisfaction. But take joy in your woman's oversensitive clit. Once you have learned just where her clit is. Just eat that booty like a boss — you will take her to Paradise!

The 10 big relationship problems and how to fix them quickly.. (Must See)

The 10 big relationship problems and how to fix them quickly.. (Must See)

Find out the relationship problems and how to fix them: Relationships are one of the first things that all of us take for granted. We don't want to take it for granted but yet, we forget how much something really matters to us when we don't stand to lose it. And it usually takes losing something to realize its importance and value.

Wondering what the big problems in a relationship are, and what you can do to overcome it?

Problems in a relationship

Depending on the kind of relationship you share with your partner, the problems in a relationship too could be just as unique.

But almost always, all problems in a relationship find their place in ten big areas.

At some point or the other, these problems have a way of creeping into your romance.

Keep an eye on these issues, and understand how to overcome it, and you'll see how easy it can be to eliminate all the frustrations you experience in a relationship.

10 big problems that need your attention
Remember this, you can't stop problems from cropping up in a relationship no matter how perfect the relationship is. What you can do instead, is eliminate the frustration as soon as you notice them.

#1 Lack of communication.
At the start of the relationship, conversations are exciting and fun. Both of you spend a lot of time getting to know each other. But as time goes by, lovers forget to ask the same questions again.
We're all changing all the time, in our preferences and the way we look at life. Don't assume you know everything about each other or your romance will start to stagnate, or one of you will start to confide in some other person who seems more understanding.

#2 Trust.
Do you really trust your partner? There are two kinds of trust in a relationship. Firstly, do you trust your partner enough to feel comfortable with them going out for dinner with someone else? If you don't, perhaps, you're insecure or your relationship is still too fragile.
And secondly, do you trust your partner's decisions? Do you think your partner is capable of making important decisions for the both of you? If you can't trust your partner with life altering decisions, it's obvious that you don't respect your partner or their opinions. And that's never a good sign in a long term relationship.

#3 Jealousy and insecurity.
Insecure couples are forever locked in a cycle of jealously and anger. When you feel jealous about the attention your lover's getting or their recent promotion, you're not helping them become a better individual. It's like a parent who's angry with their child because the child is having "too much fun".
You need to learn to have faith in each other and in the relationship. Instead of letting negativity build inside the relationship, learn to enjoy each other's successes. After all, your partner is your better half, and any accomplishments of theirs are your accomplishments too, isn't it?

#4 Incompatibility in love.
Love at first sight and infatuation can last several months. And it does a good job of masking any differences in a relationship. As perfect as two people may be, sometimes, they may just not be perfect for each other.
If you find yourself dating someone with whom you have nothing in common, you need to decide on the next step. Try to find common interests that both of you like, or walk your own paths instead of living in frustrations.

#5 Loss of sex drive.
This isn't rocket science. Over time, both of you are bound to lose the sexual urge of the first few months or years of a relationship. While both of you may have a hard time keeping your hands off each other to begin with, now sex may start to feel like a chore.
This is a very common problem in relationships, and yet, it's one of the easy ones to solve. Always look for new ways to recreate the sexual high of the first few times, and before you know it, both of you may go at it all over again like frisky bunnies.

#6 Ka ching!
Anyone in a relationship for long enough will know just how important money or the lack of it really is. If your friends earn a lot more than you or your partner, it'll end up frustrating both of you. And on the other hand, if both of you earn a lot more than your friends, there'll be a lot of love and happiness in your lives.
It's a stupid fact of life. But our own happiness is extremely dependent on the way others perceive us. If you're having difficulties in your relationship because of money, perhaps it's time to change your friends and see the difference.

#7 Change in priorities.
You may be in a relationship, but that doesn't change who you are. And that's where the problem starts. As individuals, we evolve and change all the time. You're not the person you were last year, and you won't be the person you are now next year.
And just like you, your partner too is changing constantly. And every now and then, you and your partner may experience changes that will pull both of you apart from each other. And soon enough, both of you may have nothing in common. Spend enough time with each other and try to evolve together in a similar direction. Talk about your beliefs and your interests with each other and it'll help both of you grow together along the same path.

#8 Time.
Do both of you have enough time to spend with each other? These days, time is a luxury that most lovers can't afford. When you start spending too much time away from each other, it's only a matter of time before one of you starts asking the big question, "Do I need my partner in my life anymore?"
Don't drift away so far that both of you don't need to be with each other anymore. Find ways to indulge in exciting hobbies or spend evenings going out on little coffee or ice cream dates. They make for great conversations and it'll bring both of you closer too.

#9 Space and individual growth.
Now this is contradictory to the earlier problem in relationships. But it's still something to watch out for. Too much of a good thing can turn out to be bad too. When you're in a relationship, spending time with each other is very important. But at the same time, spending time away from each other is crucial too.
By spending too much time together, you'd subconsciously feel isolated from the rest of the world. And when that happens, you'd crave for any attention from other interesting people just to feel better about yourself and your ability to communicate. And you know what could happen when that happens, right?

#10 Are you still in love?
This is the biggest problem in a relationship, and one that's hardest to overcome. Falling in love is easy. Staying in love isn't. Love is a delicate balance between dependency and passion. How much do you need your partner? How much do you love and want your partner?
When the sexual excitement and the enthusiasm fade away, what do you have to hold both of you together? A relationship should never be based on sex alone. It needs compatibility and understanding, and it definitely needs dependability. Staying in love forever is not easy, but with a little effort, it can give meaning to your life.
Problems in a relationship can come and go. But if you ever come face to face with these 10 big problems in romance, don't overlook it. It could cost you the relationship itself.

Find out how to deal with a complicated  relationship

Find out how to deal with a complicated relationship

Find out how to deal with a complicated relationship: Relationships can get complicated for a lot of reasons, big and frivolous. Find out how to deal with a complicated relationship the right way. A perfect relationship can turn into a complicated one in no time, and one lover can't really predict it without listening to the confusions in the other partner's mind.

But in almost all cases, a complicated relationship is a one sided love affair where one person wants to hold on while the other person just wants to let go or go with someone else.

So are you in a complicated relationship?

Understanding how to deal with a complicated relationship is simple if you can see the facts straight.

Why is your relationship complicated in the first place?
Learning to see the problem in clear light is the first step to solving any relationship issue.

Almost all the time, people in a complicated relationship fail to see the problem because they're either not interested in acknowledging a problem or too clouded by emotions to accept reality.

Dealing with a complicated relationship

While a complicated relationship status on facebook may seem like a cool thing to show off, a complicated relationship is heartbreaking and painful to experience when you're alone and wondering about what really is happening in your love life.
Reasons for complicated relationships

Complicated relationships can emerge for a lot of reasons, all the way from falling out of love, falling in love with someone else, a bitter fight, a piercing remark, to confused affairs like bed buddies and relationships where one person is using the other.
If you're on the receiving end of a complicated relationship, don't try to solve the complication just yet.

Instead, try to find out what really bothers you and how you intend to deal with it. Complicated relationships almost always never have a happy ending, especially if the love is one sided. And if it's a crush that you have in mind, that's definitely not a complicated relationship. It's just a crush.

Try to end the complication

No complication in a relationship is ever similar. So you'll have to create your own ways to working with it and evening out the complication.

In a long term relationship, complications could arise when your partner falls in love with someone else or starts losing interest in you as a partner potential. On the other hand, in a shorter relationship, the novelty of the new relationship may have worn off or your date may just not want to go out with you anymore for several reasons. So what do you intend to do about it?

Speak to your partner

The easiest way to solve any complicated relationship is by talking about it with your partner. You may find it easier to live in denial and avoid confronting the situation. But even if you have to talk to your partner at the cost of losing a relationship or ending it altogether, do it. Talk to your partner.

In most complicated relationships, one partner may be too much of a coward to end a relationship and may find it easier to avoid a partner and hope they get the hint. While you may be blissfully trying to deal with your complicated relationship status, your partner may have moved on with someone else. When you're stuck in a complicated relationship, no matter how much it hurts to confront the complication, muster up the strength to face it. By doing that, you'd at least know where the relationship is heading instead of groping in the dark.

Complicated relationships that just can't work

If you find yourself in a relationship where your partner constantly cheats on you or tells you they don't want to be with you anymore but come back into your arms every now and then, or if your partner ignores you, it's a definite sign that the relationship is heading nowhere. Your partner may just be trying to look for someone else to go out with and may be using you until they find someone else. Or they may be too much of a coward to break up with you.

If you can't end a complication with conversations and assurances, perhaps both of you are just not meant to be.

Are you ready for a fresh start?

Sometimes, it's easier to end a relationship and walk away especially if there are way too many complications involved. But if you really do love your partner and are willing to work on the relationship again, take a chance.

But you have to remember that complicated relationships almost always never work. When you're the one stuck in the painful end of a complicated relationship, it only means that your partner is using you or is just too selfish to care about anyone but themselves.

Walk out of a complicated relationship if you're unable to work the differences and sort the complication. It may hurt a while, but no matter how much it hurts, it can never hurt more than how you feel right now, during every single day of your complicated life. By ending it, you'd at least be able to remove the painful complication from your life.

Heartbreaks can always be healed with time, but complications only increase with time, remember that.

So do you still want to know how to deal with a complicated relationship? But you know what to do already, don't you? No matter how unique your complication is, there's only one way to sort it all out. Confront it.

We're trying hard to create better relationships in the world.
But we can't do it without YOU!

Did this feature help you better yourself or your relationship?

Reasons why curvy women are the best in bed – Need to see this!

Reasons why curvy women are the best in bed – Need to see this!

Why curvy women are the best in bed–Now women with natural curves can rest easy in the knowledge they are better in bed than their size-zero counterparts. And that's a fact. Curvy women have been making a comeback on the catwalk and new research reveals that having more meat on your bones doesn't just look great, it actually makes you better in bed.

A female editor Katy Horwood from made a list of reasons why curvy women are great in bed:

1. It's a scientific fact
Scientific research proves that men are genetically wired to be sexually attracted to a woman with curves. Men rate the s exiest women as those who have a waist which is 60% of their hip size. Guys love our hourglass figure – not least of all in the bedroom.

2. Confidence
Having bobbis and a backside, a bit of cellulite or something to grab hold of is not exclusively what makes a curvy woman s exy – it's knowing how to rock it that matters. Beauty has nothing to do with size and everything to do with confidence. And confidence has everything to do with amazing sex.

3. A healthy appetite
Nothing is s exier than a woman who knows how to indulge – she wants the cake she eats it, she wants the wine she drinks it, she wants the orgasm, prepare yourself, no one's leaving this room until …

4. Life's too short to go gluten-free
Or you could date the girl who refuses to swallow (extra calories), won't eat dessert and spends the post-s ex cuddle trying to convert you to a diet.

5. Bobbs
Well, not all curvy girls are blessed with big bobbis, but the chances do sway slightly more in their favour.

6. Bums
According to a study by Oxford University, big bu tts result in healthy children because of the high amount of Omega 3 fatty acids they store – so if you thought it was the PVC dress stretched over Kim Kardashian's booty getting you hot, think again. It's your subconscious evolutionary way of ensuring healthy kids.

7. Let's focus on the important things…
They don't care about fitting into a pair of skinny jeans and instead spend their time on fun things like the reverse cow girl and multiple orgasms.

8. Fewer bruises
Their soft womanly curves are the perfect place to rest your weary, post-shagging head.

9. Curvy girls were the original supermodels
Take a walk through an art gallery and you'll see that curvy girls have long been associated with beauty and s ex appeal. Thousands of years of history can't be wrong.

The 10 type of guys you should never ever marry (Must See)

The 10 type of guys you should never ever marry (Must See)

Type of guys you should never ever marry:Growing up as a young girl brings about dreams of how perfect your wedding will be. But the more you grow, you realize that no man is perfect and so you begin to find the one you can endure his attitude.

There are some guys you should just leave in the dating pool. Here are 10:

1. The commitment-phobe
Finally locked down the guy every girl's been chasing? Well, I got news for you. Just because he finally decided to knuckle down and commit, doesn't mean he's committed. If he used to be a commitment-phobe, he may still be and you'll always wonder how invested in the relationship he really is.

2. The rebel
A lot of women are attracted to the bad boy. There's just something mysterious and romantic about him. But a lot of times the rebel in society is a rebel in marriage. And pretty soon you'll find him rebelling against you, too.

3. The narcissist
Narcissus was an ancient Greek mythological figure who was so beautiful that he fell in love with himself — but because he couldn't leave his own reflection in the water, he eventually drowned. A person who is a narcissist is so convinced of their own greatness that they don't see their weaknesses. Marrying a narcissist is a very one sided relationship. They're always trying to vaunt their own greatness — often at the expense of others.

4. The control freak
Everybody likes to have things their own way. Unfortunately, because men are socialized to express hostility and anger when they don't get what they want, a man who is a control freak can often become intimidating and even abusive (physically or mentally).

5. The I-know-more-than-you
It's a good thing to marry a person for his brains. But be careful because you might end up marrying a know-it-all. And you'll always feel like you're wrong — even if it's just an opinion.

6. The mama's boy
You've heard that how a man treats his mother is how he'll treat you. So you look for a guy who is close to his mom and spends a lot of time with her. But be careful, if he's too close you'll find yourself married to his mother, too. So you better get used to hearing, "My mom doesn't do it that way." And you better get used to his mother being your marriage counselor, too.

7. The pretty boy
Get used to spending your weekends at the mall looking for new clothes instead of going to soccer practice. But at least you'll have a great looking house and car (even if you can't afford it).

8. The pushover
As mentioned before, everybody likes to have their own way. So when you find a guy who lets you do whatever you want and doesn't complain about it, you want to grab him up. But after a while you'll find yourself making all the decisions. And then you'll find yourself complaining because he doesn't pull his own weight.

9. The manly man
This guy talks about sports, beer and hunting all the time. Sure, he's rugged but you better be prepared to change all the diapers and do all the housework. And forget about him getting you something nice for Valentine's Day because real men don't do that mushy stuff.

10. The fitness freak
Who doesn't want a guy with chiseled abs and nice arms? But despite all his good (physical) traits you may soon find that the gym is taking up an exorbitant amount of time in your family's life. And you'll find yourself using phrases like "did you beat your PR today, honey?" But more importantly, a man who lets the gym run his life has let the servant become the master and you'll soon find that he has other priorities out of whack, too.

10 best moves women enjoy most and want from every guy during foreplay (Take Note)

10 best moves women enjoy most and want from every guy during foreplay (Take Note)

10 best moves women enjoy most and want from every guy– Like working out, sex can be bad–and possibly dangerous–if you both parties haven't warmed up properly. We know you are desperate to get to the good stuff, but foreplay can be good, too.

If you take the time and make the right moves, you will find yourself loving the pre-game as much as you do the grand finale. However, there is more to foreplay than first, second, and third bases. We spoke to real women to find out how to make foreplay creative and exciting, and what moves really get her going.

1. Talk to Me
I love a dude who can communicate during foreplay. Moaning and groaning is cool, but dirty talk is fun for both parties and typically you end up getting more/less of what you actually want in the bedroom when you can be vocal about it in a playful way. It's a great way to get me going.

2. Pay Attention to the Twins
It sucks when they don't spend enough time on breasts. Most men seem more than happy to spend a good amount of time on other foreplay activities and areas, but they kind of just see the boobs, give them a quick once over, and then move on, rarely to return. It's very sad. Give them more loving, we like it!

3. Be Gentle
I've had a few just dive right in and try to just click away on my clit like it's a computer mouse–like first thing, before I'm even undressed. One guy got so rambunctious with his fingers that I felt like I was hooking up with Jack the Ripper. Relax, guys, it's a turn on.

4. Undress Me
The act of undressing a person is in itself a type of foreplay. To me, it is the hottest part of being intimate with someone. Needless to say, when a guy is too excited about the end result that I end up taking my own clothes off in haste, it is a little disappointing.

5. Put Your Tongue Back in Your Mouth
Tongue is fun and can be very verrrry sexy but too much tongue is nasty. And this goes for tongue engagement across all body parts…mouth (kisses are meant to involve lips and tongue…not tongue only…don't need to know what you ate for dinner…and lunch), ears (this also can be sexy but has the potential to go very wrong and make me feel like you're trying to clean out my ears with your tongue), neck (neck kisses are wonderful but please don't slobber all over me like a dog or leave hickeys post middle school…I have to go to work with that) and lastly lady parts (very important…tongue is crucial but needs to be utilized correctly).

6. Take Your Time
If I am not thoroughly warmed up, the sex won't be good for anyone. In fact, it might hurt. Just be in the moment and enjoy all the fun fooling around. The good stuff will come (literally).

7. Use Both Hands
So if you are using a hand down there, you still have another free hand. Either go for the boobs, another part of my privates, or even just caress me somehow. Don't be lazy.

8. Multi-Task
Nothing is more awkward then when a guy is fingering me and just like hovering over me and staring at me. Kiss me! I don't care where, but don't just lie there creepily. What is so difficult about doing those two things at the same time?

9. Enjoy My Get-Up
If I'm wearing something lacy, it's for you. And if you don't notice it, I wasted completely good underwear and a day in an uncomfortable bra for no reason. Don't be in such a rush that you missed how hot I look in my lingerie. Take a second to take it all in, you might not get to see it ever again.

10. Nibble a Little
The key word here is nibble. Do not by any means treat my skin like beef jerky. But a soft, light bite on my ear, nipple, lip, or neck is so hot. However, this does not apply to my downstairs area.

8 things she hates about your kiss – READ and step up your game!

8 things she hates about your kiss – READ and step up your game!

8 things she hates about your kiss- Think you shouldn't care about how your kissing skills rank? The path back to the bedroom begins with her lips—so study up. Everyone thinks they're a great kisser, but by the law of averages…some of you suck at sucking face.

Of course, different women like different things, but when we asked them to share their biggest complaints, there were a few recurring moves that drove a lot of them crazy—and not in a good way. In fact, we determined that there are eight major types of lip-locking mistakes you might be making so we got expert tips to fix each of them.

Read on to hear what women had to say about the kisses that make them gag…and prepare to pucker up better next time.

1. The Dying Fish

She says:"When we made out, he shoved his tongue in my mouth and had no control—it flopped around like a fish out of water and it was gross." – Lauren, 29
How to fix it: Rather than letting your tongue bob and droop around uncontrollably once it's in there, try some light, varied moves that won't remind her of a slimy creature. Andréa Demirjian, The Kissing Expertand author ofKissing: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About One of Life's Sweetest Pleasures, advises, "After introducing the tongue, alternate by pulling back on it, and just focus on the lips, slowly caressing her lower and/or upper lip with your tongue, sucking her lips gently, or just softly kissing her lips. Teasing between tongue and no tongue can be very arousing, and lets the anticipation build."

2. The Ashtray

She says:"Bad breath is such a turn off, and smoker's breath is the absolute worst!" – Laura, 30
How to fix it:You don't want your kissing dinged on a technicality. If you really can't quit smoking (hey, by the way—quit smoking!), try to at least avoid having a cigarette for a few hours before you plan on smooching, and drink plenty of water to keep your mouth hydrated and flush out any unpleasant lingering odors. It's important to remember that your mouth is your kissing instrument. That means taking care of it by using lip balm to keep lips smooth, brushing and flossing regularly, and keeping some gum or mints handy at all times—especiallyif alcohol or cigarettes are involved, says Demirjian.

7 common temptations that can ruin your relationship if you are not careful – Take note of them now!

7 common temptations that can ruin your relationship if you are not careful – Take note of them now!

Temptations that can ruin your relationship– There are a few temptations that can ruin your relationship, no matter how much you love your man. Unfortunately, we sometimes have desires that lead to destruction and ruin even the strongest relationships.

1. Constant lying
When you did something that you know your boyfriend or husband wouldn't approve of, it can be tempting to lie to him about it. While it can be easy to lie, your lies will haunt you down the road. If you really love each other, you should never be afraid to tell the truth, no matter how hard it can be. A strong relationship is never based on lies. Remember it.

2. Desire to cheat on your partner
One of the worst temptations that ruin your relationships is the desire to cheat on your partner. If you are in a long lasting relationship and you meet another man, everything can become so complicated. The only way to maintain your relationship strong is to refuse to give into that dangerous temptation, if you really love your partner.

3. Stealing your partner's things
When you are in a long term-relationship and you are living together, it can be tempting to steal your partner's clothes or cash without asking him. While many couples are okay with it, others are not comfortable. Your boyfriend/husband has the right to know what you take or how much money you take. Don't take anything without his permission and you will avoid lots of fights.

4. Spending more time with friends
When you are in a very long-term relationship, you might get jealous of all of the parties and free time your friends (especially single ones) have. But, don't allow the temptation of alone time to ruin your relationship. Don't forget that you can spend time with your friends; you just need to discuss it with your partner and rearrange your schedule.

5. Putting no effort into your relationship
Once you have been together for a long time, you may feel so comfortable that you may stop putting effort into your relationship. While comfort is a great thing, it can be dangerous as well. No matter how long you've been together, you still have to put effort into your relationship to make it last.

6. Constant fights
When you are in a bad mood, it's so easy to scream at your partner to let out your emotions, however, he could get hurt and it can lead to numerous fights. Don't risk upsetting your partner, scream into a pillow if you are tempted to vent. It may sound funny, but it's actually work. Never blame your sweetheart for problems that he didn't cause. It's one of the best ways to keep your relationship strong.

7. Taking your partner's efforts for granted
Just because you can walk all over him, doesn't mean you should do it. If he washes your clothes for you and makes you breakfast every single morning, let him know that his hard work is highly appreciated. Treat your partner with respect and don't take his efforts for granted.

It can be hard to keep the relationship strong, especially if one of the partners put no effort into it. If you want your relationship to stay strong, make sure you don't act on the aforementioned dangerous desires. There's nothing wrong with you, if you have these desires, but just don't act on them and ensure your partner doesn't act on them as well. Which one of these desires is the most difficult for you to avoid succumbing to? Do you know any other temptations that can ruin a strong relationship?

Ladies, 5 things you never knew that can turn men off instantly – Learn to avoid them now!

Ladies, 5 things you never knew that can turn men off instantly – Learn to avoid them now!

Things you NEVER knew that can turn men off instantly: Yea, I decide to share these with my ladies as an expo to help you avoid you turning your man off most especially when you want it but try to let him figure it out might just kill the whole fun for that night.

1. Second-guessing your thoughts and your instincts
Some women avoid communicating and expressing their feelings and thoughts. They expect men to read their minds and guess their thoughts, which is not always possible. And when they fail they receive the cold shoulder for not playing the guessing game right. Nothing is more annoying for men then a woman who will just not say what she wants but expect you to read the 'signs'. Another thing that really gets to men is some women assuming that men know what they want them to do. Saying one thing and doing just the opposite just confuses things even more for men. So, play it straight and just speak up, it leaves no room for miscommunication or misunderstandings.

2. Playing the 'I am the superior' card
Some women equate men with being dumb, everyone makes mistakes but there is no need to constantly rub it in. It only makes you a nag and can be annoying.

3. Smothering him with too much attention
Always remember that your guy has a mother and there is no need for you to step into her shoes. While it's okay to comfort and be there for him, don't treat him like a child and smother to such an extent that it starts bugging him.

4. Sharing too much information
Men are not always comfortable talking about their problems, unlike some women who would go overboard sharing every minute detail with everyone in sight. Learn to exercise caution, and don't overshare. Learn to keep things to yourself at times, especially something thats shared with you in private. It will build trust and also encourage the guy to open up more. Also, if you have just got to know the guy, there is no need to share every little detail with him. Learn to keep somethings to yourself and share only what is necessary.

5. Planning the future way ahead of time
Learn to live in the moment, and while planning what to do on your birthday is okay, planning what you will do in your 50th anniv while you are still dating will only freak the guy out. Learn to take small steps and enjoy the moment rather that fastfoward with an over active imagination, leaving your partner confused and spooked.

6 Signs Your Ex Want You Back

6 Signs Your Ex Want You Back

Have you ever broken up with your lover and want to know if she still loves you? If so, you have to read this.

1. You'd notice that whenever you look at their direction, your eyes are likely to meet.

2. Their reaction when they see you with other people. If they feel so jealous, then it might indicate that they still love you.

3. Notice how often they touch you. When a conversation ensue between you duo, they will try as much as possible to touch you.

4. They will try as much as possible to wish you happy new month, year and birthday.

5. Your friends tell you how consistent they ask about you or your welfare.

6. They try to hold your stuffs without returning it back on time because they want you to come and demand for it so that you can have a chat.

– If you see all these signs, it is likely that your ex wants you back so you are left with the decision whether to accept or reject them