Thursday, April 2, 2015

REVEALED!!! 8 Habits Of Influential Women That Will Guide You To Your Own Success

REVEALED!!! 8 Habits Of Influential Women That Will Guide You To Your Own Success

Women have come a long way to become the modern powerhouses we see today, and the journey isn't over yet.

Five of the University of Florida's most influential female alumni recently returned to where their journeys started and shared the secrets to their success with rising stars from UF's College of Journalism and Communications.

This empowering panel could hardly be duplicated, but these eight habits are sure to bring young women closer to their goals.

1. Have confidence or fake it.
Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer for Nationwide Gale King said,

"If you're going to succeed in the workplace, you have to be self-confident."

Achieving self-confidence, though, can be easier for some women than others. For those who have a tough time remembering just how fabulous they are, King suggests faking the confidence needed to command respect.

"Faking it" doesn't mean hiding your true feelings or being afraid to admit you don't have everything under control. But, if you need a good cry after a difficult day, let your emotions out in private and come back to your workplace looking as strong as ever.

The alone time could even be therapeutic while you reflect on what has made you feel so overwhelmed.

2. Stop saying, "I'm sorry."
"Women have a habit of externalizing failure and internalizing success," said Katherine Green, former senior vice president of news for Tribune Broadcasting.

We're all guilty of saying "I'm sorry" when we don't have to, but women have to realize this bad habit devalues us all.
Executive Editor and Vice President for news at the Miami Herald Mindy Marques said verbalizing our perceived weakness gives ammunition to those against us.

Rather than saying "I'm sorry," use constructive feedback to either encourage others to do better next time or to ensure you do the same for your employer.

3. Know you deserve everything you have.
"We've come a long way, baby!" King said. But, today's professional women have to acknowledge the hard work it takes to keep moving forward.

The pay gap, for example, must be knocked down. That obstacle can only be conquered, though, when women recognize they deserve what they have and ask for what they want.

"When you don't ask, you don't get," said Leigh Radford, vice president at Procter & Gamble.

If you believe you deserve a raise, ask for it. If you want a promotion, ask for it. If you want the corner office, ask for it. Never settle for second-best.

4. Learn man-speak, but don't let it change you.
"Man-speak" may not be an intentional part of the relationships your male coworkers have with each other, but it's real and it can hinder women trying to find where they fit in.

The women of UF's "Becoming a Woman of Influence" workshop agreed women have to study man-speak and use it to their advantage. That doesn't mean we have to change how we do business, though.

"Understand what it takes to be successful in a man's world, but be true to yourself," said Samantha Avivi, global marketing director for Kimberly-Clark.

It's important to know what makes men successful, but women also have to identify what they bring to the table that men typically do not.

Personality traits like compassion, nurturing instincts and elegance can give women the advantage over their male colleagues.

5. Be positive.
At the end of the day, employers want someone who is positive and dedicated to making their whole team look good. That doesn't mean you have to be all sugar and rainbows 24/7, but having a can-do attitude and facing challenges without losing your cool makes you indispensable.

Part of that positivity comes from treating your coworkers with respect and being mindful of what you say.

"Stay out of the mud," Green warned. What seems reasonable to say at the time could get you fired if repeated out of context.

6. Cultivate relationships to build a strong network.
"Your network absolutely contributes to your net worth," King said.

By finding a mentor or acting as mentor for someone else, especially other women, you build a powerful wall of support around yourself that will be there to help when you need it.

A reliable network may not only get your career where you want to it be, but also provide personal support when you need it most. Having people who understand you as a human outside of the great work you do allows you to feel comfortable at work.
And, when you feel appreciated, you're likely to want to work even harder than you already do.

7. Know when it's time to move on.
Knowing when it's time to leave a position or company gives women the power to own their successes and build more.

"Think about what fits for you, and know that if it doesn't fit, you don't have to stay there," Green said.

Sometimes, the time to move on comes when you've done all you can do for a company, or when you are no longer being challenged.

Other times, the time to leave comes when those around or above you take advantage of your dedication to good work and keep the credit for themselves.

Know when you're being taken advantage of, and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.

"You're the only one who can decide what you will and will not accept," said King.

8. Pay it forward.
Influential women get to enjoy some pretty fantastic perks. But, perhaps, one of the best parts of becoming a woman with power is the chance to give back to those who made a difference in your life and those who still need help.

Despite coming from a background that did not guarantee her an education or professional success, UF alumna Gale King recently pledged $1 million to the university.

The money's primary purpose is to provide scholarships to first-generation, academically exceptional students from modest backgrounds.

She has asked that preference be given to students pursuing degrees in journalism and communications.

With dedication, hard work and personal strength, women everywhere can make a difference like this, too.

But, as King said, "We still have work to do."

3 Reasons He Cheats, 3 Reasons She Stays

3 Reasons He Cheats, 3 Reasons She Stays

When the question, "Why do men cheat" is asked, there are various answers given. The answers run the gamut from plausible to laughable depending on whom the question is asked and how that person has been socialized, their worldview which shapes how they see the world and their place within it. It is a legitimate question asked by those who have suffered from the (forbidden) fruit produced from this selfish behavior. They deserve a legitimate answer. What follows are three common reasons that are given for why he cheats and more importantly, why she stays.

According to many, "Variety is the spice of life." That takes on a different light when applied to cheating. Some men boast a "natural" penchant for variety. By natural, they mean innate, giving a pseudo-scientific spin to infidelity thereby justifying the behavior as an act of evolution. Multiple women are sought to feed this inherent "need." Variety provides a great way to experience a more fulfilling life in a proper context which lends itself to outcomes that enrich an individual's life and their significant other. Love provides the opportunity for two to experience the richness of its depths in a variety of ways within an exclusive union. It is foolish to assume or worse to make an excuse for cheating on the basis of a need for variety.

Another popular reason given by men for cheating is being unhappy in their current relationships. No one wants to be unhappy and no one has to be. There is always an opportunity to make a better, more suitable choice. The proper course of action, when a man wants to retain honor, would be to end one relationship then, pursue a more compatible partner to begin a new meaningful relationship with.

This path guarantees to leave a man's honor intact if that is his desire. It should be apparent that men that use this excuse are not concerned with maintaining honor. No man concerned with honor, cheats. This reason, just as the last, is easily proven to be a weak selfish excuse. Cheating does not increase happiness in an unhappy relationship. Neither is that the intention of the perpetrator.

It's Just s*x: It doesn't mean anything
The only time a man argues, "It didn't mean anything" is when he is the culprit. When a man is the victim of this type of betrayal, s*x somehow is elevated to far more than a meaningless act of passion that is easily forgotten and forgiven. This is his excuse to lessen the impact and responsibility of his transgression. The damage done is not physical, like the act that caused it.

If it were only physical, it would be easy for a woman to overcome. The body is designed to heal itself. A breach of trust does not heal itself like a flesh wound. Those wounds which are hidden from plain sight are the hardest to heal especially when the damage occurs repeatedly.

Why She Stays
"Why does she stay?" Both the woman and the man have a 'why' that begs an answer, the woman even more so than the man. The cheating man benefits from his actions. That is not a justification of the appalling ignoble acts of men that abuse the privilege to love a woman. It's merely a statement of an unfortunate fact. It's too easy and over-simplifying to say that it's a matter choice. That response is dismissive. It looks no further for an understanding of why someone would make a choice that offers them no benefit. Neither does it give a reason why a particular choice is made when better choices are available to make. Here are three reasons given that we will explore for understanding.

Fear of Being Alone
Atop the list of reasons women continue in relationships with cheating men is a fear of being alone according to some findings. One must question the truthfulness of this answer. I'm not suggesting that the woman that gives this response is lying at all. Instead, I would submit that her response is one heavily influenced by emotions that leave her distraught and in despair.

The effects of her emotional state are exacerbated when her experiences are repeated in one relationship after another. The real truth is that she doesn't fear being alone as much as she fears the thought of rejection from another man that she has given her all to only to be made to feel inadequate. She would choose to feel alone in a relationship that offers her familiarity rather than one that offers her hope for a love that she has only dreamed of, but never known.

I Can Change Him
Recently, this reason surfaced in a couple of different conversations I was engaged in. These were the words spoken to me in one conversation. "We want the bad boys because we think we can change them." This is a true mission of hope (lessness). The act of changing him is in fact an effort to save him. The "Savior's Complex" is often misunderstood. A woman's attempt to save her bad boy is primarily a means to show that she is worthy of his love.

If she can save him, she can establish that her value outweighs those of his other dalliances. Unfortunately, this is an exercise in futility. Indeed, she deserves the love and devotion of a man, but should never expect to find love with a man who cheats. He has a misunderstanding of his role as a man. Manhood is predicated on behavior. Just as a tree is known by its fruit, a man is known by his actions. A woman will never experience love from a man who disregards one of the very tenets upon which love is founded, trust.

He's Just Being a Man
For authentic men across the world, this is probably the most heart-breaking but, also offensive response ever given.

Authentic men take issue with this mischaracterization being associated with genuine manhood. The acceptance of this premise would seem to legitimize illegitimate behavior. That is just as much a contradiction as the behavior it seeks to explain. At the heart of this idea is a woman who only wants to make sense of that which is nonsense. She deserves better. Her heart only wants an explanation for the pain it must endure.

For the sake of clarity in the event it was missed, there are absolutely no justifiable reasons for a man to ever cheat on a woman. Infidelity is a deceitful act of cowardice and betrayal. Even when a woman accepts such degrading treatment, it never absolves a man of his responsibility for the harm he inflicts upon her and the subsequent damage that usually follows in succeeding relationships with the men that follow.

There are no good reasons for a woman to continue dating a man that demonstrates, his behavior, that he is a poor choice for a relationship. Her continued involvement with him will only serve to shape and contaminate her beliefs about men in general. Her beliefs about men will conform to her repeated negative experiences.

Why she stays should only be because she has been found by a man who loves her in the true essence of the word and shows in his deeds. In love, there is no separation between words and actions. One speaks no louder than the other. They are one. Cheating does not exist in this space.

7 Sure Signs You’re A Side Chick

7 Sure Signs You’re A Side Chick

"Scandal" may be a popular TV show, but it's not so cool when the scandal is around you because you are the Mary Jane… you know – the side chick!

Here are some sure-fire signs that you are not the main one!

1. Your phone call goes straight to voicemail when you call him, especially if you call him after 7. He's not busy; he just doesn't want to be bothered with you while he's with his main chick. He also probably isn't available on the weekends. And you can bet that he has a great excuse for that. This isn't to disrespect you. In fact it's to show you the upmost respect. When you're together, you're together. When you're not, you're not. However, you may not know that you signed up for that.

2. No call/no show – this is self-explanatory.He would have called to cancel, but how was he supposed to do that with his girlfriend standing in front of him?

3. Him and his WIFE have the same last name. Yeah, you probably didn't know he was married… you'd better GOOGLE him. You'd be surprised.

4. He never spends the night. That's because his time is being accounted for by another woman. He has to be home by a certain time, or even if his woman knows he's cheating, all she cares about is that he comes home every night.

5. You don't know where he lives. You've been dating for a few months and not once has he invited you over to his house. You don't even know the vicinity of his home. Chances are he lives with his woman and you're just the side chick.

6. He hasn't introduced you to his family. His entire history is a mystery to you. A man with a woman is not likely to introduce his side chick to the family. They would end up telling on him.
5 Things You Shouldn’t Do If He’s Cheats On You

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do If He’s Cheats On You

The first thing you want to do when you find out your man has stepped out on you is kick his a*s. It's not an easy thing to control your emotions, but there are three things you want to work on when you are sure (preferably with evidence):

– Take back your power.

– Keep your dignity

– Don't do anything that will land you in the slammer.
Easier said than done, right?

Here's what you need to do to win in this situation.

• Don't say anything until you have evidence. Don't go by what Keneisha said or what you think. You have to have proof… a receipt, a text message, a selfie of him and his side chick. If you don't have proof, he will cover his tracks or worse, go undercover even deeper.

• Never, ever, ever, ever, ever let him make you feel responsible. A cheater is responsible for his own actions. You don't hold a gun to his head or make him do anything. Do not feel you are responsible and do not allow him to make you feel that way either. See, that's where marriage vows come in… this living-together thing ya'll do… there is no stated commitment, but when you actually get married, vows are made.

• Do not give him time to make a decision. He made a commitment to you… he does not deserve options now. You tell him what you want then and there. If you give him time to "figure things out," you are giving him time to figure out how to get away with it with the least amount of effort. Think things through. Be ready.

• Don't cry. Of course it will be hard! You cannot be vulnerable at this point. Keep your dignity. This is not a competition. You should be No. 1, and that's all there is to it. No begging. Don't whine and say, "Why did you do it?" He did it because he is weak and undeserving of a good woman. Your marriage/relationship is not negotiable.

• Don't beat yourself up trying to figure out why he did it. You are not responsible for his actions. Don't waste your energy on that. Focus on you now. Decide what you want and move forward with that.
It's not going to be easy. You have to decide what the consequences will be when you confront a cheater. It could be the end of a relationship. Are you ready for that?

7 Signs That Man Isn’t Good Enough For You

7 Signs That Man Isn’t Good Enough For You

Men, like women, come in all shapes and sizes. Most would love a looker, but what's really important is what's under that exterior, handsome or not. Here are some characteristics that might be warning signs of bigger problems.

• Joe Jealousy. You can spot him early, as he will become terse with a waiter who smiles at you, or he will make a snide comment about why you had to hug your co-worker so long. Those are early signs that you might be dealing with a man whose jealousy could escalate to a dangerous level pretty quickly.

• No Show Joe. He calls and calls and you finally give in to setting a date. You get all dressed up and he doesn't show. Later, or even the next day you might get a lame excuse, but sista gurl, unless he's been in a horrific accident, there are no excuses good enough. With all the technology available today, there's no excuse for leaving you waiting.

• Two Timing Tom. Just watch for the signs you're not the only one taking up his time. He's not available on a traditional dating night and his reason for not seeing you is vague at best. He slips up and says something about remembering that place on Beale Street and you've never been there with him.

• The Bully. He's a little rough and it could be signs that physical abuse could follow. He pokes your chest to make a point or holds your arm too tight when leading you somewhere. He seems to get angry at the littlest things, like if a car cuts in front of him… he bangs on the steering wheel and yells at the other driver and goes so far as to threaten him/her. Dude's got anger issues and it's just a matter of time before someone gets hurt.

• The Lucky Guy. He's so lucky he found you. And he tells you so after just three dates and he's ready to move in with you. He's the dude you see on "Judge Judy" telling her that the loan you gave him was a gift.

• Charlie Harper. He dislikes more about your life than likes, such as your dog, the way you sleep or how you eat your soup. It's all about him and his ways, and you need to be the one to make all adjustments.

• Buzz Kill. He's the kind who is a bit threatened by a successful woman or at least one that makes more money than he does. His comments are subtle… he might call your promotion "your little promotion" or ask you why you didn't get an "A" instead of the "B" you worked so hard for. Basically, he diminishes your accomplishments.
The point is not to get caught up in the euphoric state of a new relationship so much so that you miss the signs that it might not be the rose garden you thought you'd entered.

9 Signs He’s In LOVE With You – Otherwise Don’t Fool Yourself

9 Signs He’s In LOVE With You – Otherwise Don’t Fool Yourself

Guys may not be so good at expressing their feelings with spoken words, but there are telltale signs he does love you.

1. He gives up a night out with his boys to watch a movie with you! Wow. That means you really are important to him.

2. He cleans up after himself and even cleans up the apartment on his own once in awhile. This is huge and also means he's probably a keeper!

3. He agrees to go with you to dancing or cooking classes. It's a way of him showing he wants to truly bond with you.

4. He calls you for no reason. Dude is hooked. His nose is so deep he calls just to say "hi." Talk to him. He doesn't have anything to say. He just wants to hear your voice.

5. He remembers birthdays and anniversaries. He looks forward to the opportunity to show you how much he cares.

7. He can't stand you being mad at him. Cross your arms and look at him like you're angry and he's not going to say, "What did I do?" he's going to ask, "What can I do to make it up to you?"
8. He introduces you to everyone – his boss, his friends, his dog and even his momma.

9. He has eyes only for you. Seriously. He will stare at your for no reason. He's admiring his work. Yea – his. Men are possessive by nature and will show pride in what they have, and that includes their woman.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Music: Glory by Wiz-P

Music: Glory by Wiz-P

In the vast lands between ubiquitous popularity and anonymous obscurity is where most musicians stay till their dreams fade… WIZ_P is not one of those musicians.

Some would describe him more as a Gospel Entrtainer since he puts a track together like on a Dekunle effort sometimes, but I think I'll stick with the tag "Gospel Singer and Rapper" since he sings more than Dekunle does.

WIZ-P may not be as popular as Frank Edwards for instance, but he's performed at over 500 hundred shows along Popular names in the industry so.. DOWNLOAD HERE
How to fix a relationship that is falling apart – What to do & how to do it!

How to fix a relationship that is falling apart – What to do & how to do it!

How to fix a relationship: A relationship, just like everything else in life, needs care and attention. Many couples overlook this detail and end up unhappy in a perfect relationship. Find out how to fix a relationship and turn things around. Figuring out how to fix a relationship is a lot like stacking a deck of cards.

There are so many different cards involved and it's really difficult to know where exactly the balance went awry.
Just like a stack of cards, in almost all cases, it's never a single reason that leads to a failure in love.
It's a series of disappointments and resentments that lead to an unhappy relationship.
But nevertheless, it really doesn't have to be the end of the relationship. Even the unhappiest of relationships can be fixed with a bit of understanding and love.
How to fix a relationship
If you still love your partner and are willing to work on your relationship, read these five simple pointers on how to fix a relationship.
It's easy and can bring back the happiness that's lost in all the confusion and pain.

#1 Communication
How did you deal with the situation the last time you disagreed with your partner, or had a little fight?
Most couples prefer to just end an argument with slammed doors and silent evenings rather than face the situation, sort it out and clear the air.
You could give each other some space for a couple of days and wait for the issue to get sorted out by itself. But by avoiding a confrontation, you would end a fight but you really can't understand each other or help each other. Problems that are brushed under the carpet have a way of raising a stink every now and then.
The next time you're feeling frustrated and lonely, talk about it with your partner and try to get over the issue. Why do you need to talk to a third person and get help from the outside when you can actually talk frankly and listen to each other instead?

#2 Forgiveness
We're all human, and all of us make mistakes, even the most perfect of people. If you want to know how to fix a relationship and have a successful one, both of you must learn to forgive each other. And most importantly, you must remember to never judge your partner.
It takes a lot of courage and strength for your loved one to confess about something that they feel may be bad or hurtful. When you judge your partner, you make them feel worse, and you also psychologically affect them and make them shut themselves up. And once your partner feels uncomfortable sharing their dark secrets with you, they'd prefer to hide their secrets or talk to another friend rather than tell you what they really feel. And that's never going to help your relationship. In fact, it could be one of the worst things that can happen to your relationship.
The day either of you stop sharing your feelings and thoughts with each other is the day your relationship starts to drift apart, even if only by a small bit every day.
If you feel something's wrong in the relationship or if your partner's done something objectionable, talk to your partner without accusing them or shouting at them. Help your partner understand how you feel about it instead of yelling or cursing at your lover. And unless an unpardonable mistake is repeated, learn to forgive and forget. Sometimes, even the best of us can make a mistake without really wanting to.

#3 Compatibility
Compatibility is crucial if you want to know how to fix a relationship. In several cases, opposites attract and you may find yourself married to someone who's got nothing in common with you. But if you think about it, perhaps, it's those differences that brought both of you closer. Sometimes, compatibility doesn't lie in sharing similar likes and dislikes, it lies in wanting to understand and lead the ways of your partner. If you're having issues with compatibility and want to fix your relationship, you'd know what this means.
If your partner's too carefree or lighthearted, you may be in love with your partner because you admire that quality, however much it may annoy you at times. Compatibility isn't about how similar both of you are, but how well you mesh together as a couple.
Don't look at your differences as burdens, instead look at it as something that either of you can learn from each other. Make a conscious effort to understand your partner and understand their behavior. By understanding each other's minds, both of you can change and become better individuals and a better couple.

#4 Compromise
Learn to give in. It's as simple as that. It's surprising to see that so many individuals fail in a relationship because of this one thing alone. Seriously, how difficult is it for couples to learn to give in selflessly once in a while? Over recent years, men and women have become too bullheaded and stubborn. Couples don't like to give in, and it's always my way or the highway. But think about it, if you truly love your partner, seeing them smile or have a good time would make you happy too, wouldn't it?
If your partner's happiness matters so much, why not go out of your way to compromise on something they like just to see your partner happy? If you can't give in now and then, you're cohabiting with your partner, and you're not really in love with them.
Of course, it's never good if one person always gives and the other person just takes. It has to be mutual. For starters, you could even keep count if nothing helps. Every time your partner compromises for you, you need to compromise for your partner. Over time, these things will begin to come naturally.

#5 Growing together
Relationships need to grow constantly, just like how individuals need to grow. When a relationship stagnates, you start to lose interest in it and soon, you stop caring about it. And one fine day, you may not even want to do anything with your partner.
Both of you start taking each other for granted and before you know it, the relationship comes to a grinding halt. If you want to know how to fix a relationship, you need to heal it from the inside. You can mend a bird's feather, but you can't really heal it until you help the bird move and fly.
Learn to improve a relationship and better it, learn from each other and give enough space to each other to grow as individuals. Only by becoming better individuals can both of you become better lovers.
These five fixes on how to fix a relationship can seem trivial and easy. And that's the whole point. Sometimes, the most complicated of knots need a small tug where it matters. And just like that, in love too, we all need a small step forward to start creating a happy relationship.
Take a baby step into knowing how to fix a relationship today, and you'll see how much better your relationship can get in under a week, just as long as you remember these tips.
9 best sex positions women enjoys most for guaranteed orgasm

9 best sex positions women enjoys most for guaranteed orgasm

9 best sex positions women enjoys most for guaranteed orgasm – We have seven positions that have been tweaked and tailored by sex experts to help you reach orgasm every single time — plus, a few extra tricks so the road to bliss is even more of a sure thing.

1.When it's a mind-blowing, bed-rattling orgasm you're after, keeping it simple is absolutely key. Sure, wild, crazy, never-knew-my-body-could-bend-that-way booty keeps your lust life exciting, but if the goal of the moment is to break pleasure records, you have to stick to the basics. "Trying to accomplish complicated acrobatics distracts you from the sex itself, putting your focus on how you can contort yourself, rather than on just experiencing the sensations," explains sex educator Dorian Solot, coauthor of I (Heart) Female Orgasm. "When you want to climax, the simplest positions are often also the best positions, and with a few modifications, you can make them even more orgasm inducing than they already are." Don't worry, we'd never leave you hanging. Here, Cosmo custom-designed some of the carnal classics to make sure you always hit the high notes.

2.You'll never see missionary position the same way again. "While on your back, put a pillow under your butt, lift your hips, and bring your legs up and back toward your shoulders, as though you're folding in half," says Solot. This move allows him better ease of thrusting and deeper penetration — a perk for both of you. Plus, it can stimulate your G-spot. But consider this a warm-up — you're getting the zone primed for a more intense orgasm. Once your G-spot feels sufficiently stroked, put your legs down and have him get into coital-alignment-technique (CAT) position. "He's on top, but he lifts his pelvic bone upward, aligning it with your clitoris," says sex therapist Gloria Brame, PhD. "Then he rocks against the area until you peak." "The legs-up position is a slow burn that brings you to the brink and increases sensitivity. Then the addition of clitoral rubbing takes you over the edge in a bigger way than if you had done CAT
alone," adds Brame.

3.You've probably tried an all-fours pose before (at least, we hope you have!). But while mentally the doggie-style position has great bad-girl benefits, in order to make it actually orgasmic, you need to modify it a bit. "Lie on your stomach, lifting your butt slightly so he can enter you," suggests Solot. "Your partner can prop himself up with his hands in a push-up position or lie on top of you." Not only does this facedown configuration provide increased friction as he moves in and out, but you can gently grind your clitoral area against the bed as well.

4.With all the twisting and bending that goes on, sometimes sex can feel more like a cardio workout than a pleasurefest. That's why it's important to have at least one relaxed orgasm — inducing position in your repertoire. Such as this: "While you're on your back, he should lie on his side, turned toward you," explains Solot. "Swing both legs over his hips and thighs, making a bridge over them." Then, just let him gently thrust into you. If it takes you a while to climax, this pose is ideal. "It's not very aerobic, so the sex can go on for a long time without either of you tiring out," says Laura Berman, PhD, director of the Berman Center and author of The Passion Prescription. "When you want to climax, it's easy to touch yourself or he can use his top hand to stimulate you."

5.Girl-on-top tends to be a go-to for achieving orgasm…and for good reason! "It allows you to dictate the pace and depth of thrusting, but mainly, you have easy access to your clitoris," says Berman. "You can touch your C-spot, have him touch it, or rub against his pubic bone to achieve orgasm." But you can up the ante by literally pulling a 180. Twist around so you're pointed toward his feet in reverse cowgirl position. "Instead of straddling him, put your legs together, feet flat between his legs," suggests Brame. The benefits of this are twofold: With your legs together, the fit is even tighter, making the sensations more intense. Plus, there's increased G-spot stimulation, which combined with your own clitoral strokes, makes for an explosive orgasm.

6.In some cases, a simple change of scenery can aid in achieving orgasm. For this move, you'll need a kitchen table — one that comes to your man's waist. "Lie down on the table with your butt near the edge," suggests Solot. "He enters you while standing between your legs, holding on to your hips for leverage." You can rest your feet on his shoulders or on the edge of the table. Because he's standing, his hands are free to stroke your body," says Brame. "And he's at a perpendicular angle, rather than right on top of you, making it easier for him to touch your clitoris, unobstructed." To up your odds of orgasming, clench and lift up your butt, which will increase the pelvic tension and blood flow to the area.

7.This one's always a fan favorite — he sits and you straddle him so you're face-to-face. "You have a lot of control over the speed, angle, and motion because you can use your arms and legs to help you maneuver," says Berman. "Rather than just moving up and down, which can be especially tiring for you, sway forward and back, rubbing your clitoral area against him." In addition to the freedom of movement, there are a few other benefits to this booty move. "If you lean back just a little bit, you'll get greater G-spot stimulation and he'll be able to play with your clitoris," Brame explains. Plus, your breasts will be perfectly aligned with his mouth, adding a whole other layer to the sexual experience.

8.Obviously, you know emotional attachment is essential to achieving orgasm with your guy. And there's no configuration that's more snuggly than the spoon. To assume the position, simply lie on your side, your guy scooted up behind you. Rather than move in and out, he should stay inside you, gently thrusting against the front wall of your vagina. "Aside from fulfilling your cuddly needs, it provides consistent stimulation to your G-spot, which is key for achieving orgasm from intercourse," Berman points out. "Since he may not be able to penetrate you as deeply though, guide his hand around your hot spot." And just think: Once you've both climaxed, you'll be in perfect postcoital position as well.

9.When it comes to achieving supreme pleasure, being in the right mind-set is half the battle.
Let your thoughts wander. It helps to transport yourself mentally to a sexy place. Fantasize that you're getting it on in a lust-inspiring locale or even with another man, like a hot trainer at your gym or, hell, Justin Timberlake. No guilt — it doesn't mean you want to cheat on your guy.
Strengthen your senses. Certain smells and sounds can have a Pavlovian affect on your libido. Think about what puts you in the mood, and then designate an enhancer that will signal to your brain and body that it's time to get naughty. For example, before sex, put on a sultry jazz CD.
10.Be selfish. Worrying too much about your guy's pleasure means you wind up ignoring your own. So silence the inner monologue of "How am I doing?" and simply enjoy the experience. Otherwise, it becomes more work than play.
Stay on course. A stressful day's memories can still manage to sneak up on you, even when you're mid-mattress session. To stay in the moment, try to focus your thoughts purely on the physical and pay attention to how every touch, lick, and stroke feels.
Guys, this fruit makes women enjoy love making more – Know it NOW!

Guys, this fruit makes women enjoy love making more – Know it NOW!

This fruit makes women enjoy love making more– It's been said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but new research suggests it can do a lot more than that. A new study published in Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics suggests that eating more apples leads to better sex for women.

Researchers analyzed 731 sexually active Italian women aged 18 to 43 with no history or complaint of sexual disorder. Women taking prescription drugs or suffering from depression were excluded from the study as well.

Participants were separated into two groups: regular apple consumption (one to two apples a day) and no apple consumption (0 to 0.5 apples per day). The women then filled out the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), which is comprised of 19 questions about sexual function, sexual frequency, orgasm, lubrication and overall sexual satisfaction.

Researchers found that "daily apple use is associated with higher FSFI scores in sexually active female patients, thus increasing their lubrication and overall sexual function."

So why apples?
The researchers hypothesize that apples may improve sexual function because, like red wine and chocolate, they contain polyphenols and antioxidants that can stimulate blood flow to the genitalia and vagina, thus helping with arousal.
Not only that, researchers says apples contain phloridzin, a common phytoestrogen that is structurally similar to estradiol — a female sex hormone — and plays a huge role in vaginal lubrication and female sexuality.

Of course, the study has its limitations. It's a relatively small sample size and it's difficult to separate correlation from causation. However, the researchers note the results are "intriguing," to say the least.

Now excuse us while we go eat some apples.
21 mistakes ladies makes

21 mistakes ladies makes

1. You Fail to Look Good

2. You Pray for an excellent Husband instead of becoming an excellent wife material

3. You use Money to buy a man and keep the relationship under your control

4. You sell your destiny for marriage

5. You stay in an unhealthy relationship becauseyou are scared that if you break up with him, you may not find another man as good as him

6. You give your heart to a man and later try to use your head

7. You compete with your man Instead of Complementing him

8. You use sex to get a man.

9. You work at a job dat limits your progress in Life

10. You follow a man blindly.

11. You mistake romance for love

12. You don't Put God 1st in your Life

13. You Mistake the availability of Money for love

14. You dnt knw wat you want in Life

15. You fail to grow up in to Maturity

16. You enter into relationship with an unavailable Man

17. You force a relationship to stay alive

18. You date different Men at the same time giving each of them the impression that you're romantically interested in them when you really are not

19. You compare ur Man wt ur father,Brother or other men in ur past.

20. You adapt to an unhealthy relationship instead of demanding for change, Respect and Honour.

21 You Fail to connect with quality, God fearing Men and women in positive relationships...
Guys, 8 sure ways to become irresistible to women

Guys, 8 sure ways to become irresistible to women

Ways to become irresistible to women– It's no secret that certain guys have been proven over and over to be completely irresistible to women — and it's not simply because of their good looks or six-pack abs or the type of car they drive.

The truth is that women tend to be attracted to certain personality traits and so, naturally, they flock to the men who possess them. Here are some tips that you need to know to become irresistible to women.

1. Smell great
The scent of a man is really important to women, and they are very repelled by men who smell not so good. Wear cologne that smells really good–just make sure that you do not use too much. A little bit is good but over-applying it will make a girl want to run away holding her nose.

2. Be unpredictable
Women are drawn to men they can't control or predict. In fact, they absolutely obsess over guys who tease and mess with them in ways they didn't expect or haven't seen before. Avoid predictable routines and above all, never act like every other guy.

3. Be funny
Humor is the fastest, most powerful way to become irresistible to women–even the ones you might consider "out of your league." Make a woman laugh with a clever sense of humor, and I don't care how hot or unattainable she seems, you'll trigger positive feelings in her that she just can't ignore.

4. Be romantic
A woman loves to feel appreciated, and the romantic guy makes this happen. Using romantic gestures to show her that you're thinking about her will allow her to feel free to reciprocate and act on her own romantic tendencies.

5. Be confident
Nobody wants a guy who acts unsure of himself. A confident man is totally secure and sure of himself and doesn't seek approval from women–and this makes them want him even more. Women find adventurous, exciting, and spontaneous men irresistible. Having male confidence is great–just don't become so full of yourself that you come across as cocky or arrogant.

6. Be attentive to her
A very powerful way to become irresistible to women is to show genuine interest in her likes, hobbies or interest. Doing this will allow you to create a connection with her.

7. Maintain eye contact
The importance of eye contact cannot be underestimated as this is one of the most effective ways to get a connection with a woman. Men can become irresistible to women just on the way he looks at her. Establishing eye contact with her gives a signal that you're interested in her.

8. Unleash your smile
Women are irresistibly drawn to smiling guys because smiling says that you're a positive, optimistic person who has fun and enjoys life. Most importantly, smiling makes you more physically attractive to women and reveals your positive personality.
Dear wives, these are the 8 things pushing your husband away – Make sure you stop them NOW or…

Dear wives, these are the 8 things pushing your husband away – Make sure you stop them NOW or…

8 things pushing your husband away: My wife and I have a wonderful and happy marriage. Over these last several years we have learned from each other, grown with each other, loved each other and fought with each other.

I still remember when we first got married; all the hope and faith we had of being together forever, living happily ever after. We are still living our journey towards "happily ever after," however a brief separation only two years into our marriage would challenge the strength and foundation of our friendship and act as a wake-up call to how difficult that journey could be.

The road to healing our relationship was paved with tons of hard work. In any relationship, there will be times you just want to give up and throw in the towel, however, I urge you not to give in too soon. You will be amazed what time and self-reflection can fix.

I write this to you as a husband, to remind you that your husband is not just your spouse. He is your best friend, your teammate and your partner. This is the one person in the entire world who truly has your back.

These 8 tips are from my experience and may point out things you probably don't know are pushing your husband away and destroying your marriage.

1. Being oblivious to financial matters.
There is almost always one person in a relationship who oversees all the financial matters. Stereotypically this role would fall on the husband, (though please note I said stereotypically as I am well aware that there are many wife's that take on this burden as well.) leaving his partner completely oblivious to the state of their financial affairs.

This paradigm can lead to an unbalanced relationship. The wife could end up resenting the husband for being too controlling or naggy around topics of money and the husband could end up resentful of the wife's frivolous spending and blissful ignorance. It is unfair for both parties in a relationship for one person to take on all the stress, risk and responsibility that comes with financial decisions.

You are partners that have come together in marriage to build a future and part of that is sharing the responsibility of building your financial security.

2. Putting your parents or friends in the middle of your relationship.

Two's a party, three's a crowd. As single individuals it is a common practice for us to share our troubles and woes with those we love and who love us. This is not a bad thing; in fact it is completely natural. So it is understandable that this is a common mistake couples make at the beginning of a relationship.

The problem stems from the fact that our family and friends love us so much that they will automatically go to bat for us, even if we were the one in the wrong. Not to mention the fact that often it is too easy for us to tell our "version" of the truth that depicts ourselves as the sainted victim and our spouse as the heartless villain.
If you truly and deeply love your spouse, once you have vented all of your anger and hurt out to your loved ones, you realize how silly the whole thing was and it is much easier to return home with an open mind and a calmer more forgiving heart. Not so for your friends and family. You see, they truly and deeply love you, not your spouse. So it's a lot harder for them to forgive, much less forget.

3. Micromanaging him on the little stuff.
Remember that before you became one in marriage, you were two independent people with independent thoughts, actions, likes and dislikes. Marriage doesn't change this. She likes coffee, he prefers beer. She likes to sleep in; he gets up at the crack of dawn. These same wonderful differences that caused you to fall in love with each other can often be the very things that drive you apart.

At the beginning of a romance it's all sunshine and rainbows. You wouldn't believe that your Love could ever annoy you… much less drive you to the edge of sanity. Anyone who has been in any long term relationship can tell you though that there is a point where you will begin to fight about the most inane and pointless things; things like him not putting the toilet seat down or the lid back on the toothpaste or her spending all afternoon watching I Love Lucy reruns.

The easiest way to escape this spiral of doom is to remember that you are both human and therefore wonderfully and perfectly flawed. As much as your husband might be annoying you, don't forget that you are no peach to live with either.

Learn to have patience and understanding for each other. Compromise is important but don't compromise yourself out of existence; allow each other "me" time where you can enjoy and express your individuality.

4. Not being on the same page on the big stuff.
Often, we can be so busy obsessing and micromanaging the little things in our relationships that we completely forget to address the big stuff until it is too late and we are blind sighted when our partner is not on the same page as we are.
Some of these issues are the simple basic stuff such as life goals, finances, when to have kids and how to raise them, politics, religion, etc. While these may seem obvious factors to have settled early on in a relationship, it is often not the case.
These topics can be very stressful and hard to discuss and most people are very set in their opinions with no desire to compromise. Because of this, when building a relationship, many people choose to ignore and skirt around these topics in an attempt to avoid conflict. I urge you to avoid this trap though because these topics will invariable come up in your relationship; you may find that not only are you not on the same page, you're not even reading out of the same book.

5. Not trusting your husband.
If you believe your spouse is cheating, chances are that they probably are. If they haven't though and you continue to suspect or not trust them they invariably will cheat on you.

Because you fear they may be cheating you will naturally withdraw physical affection. Then, your doubts, fears and lack of trust will seep further into your relationship and manifest itself by you snooping through their phone, grilling them about every aspect of their day and acting jealous and territorial in front of all members of the opposite sex.

Trust is fundamental to a healthy relationship. No one can feel truly loved in a relationship that they know that are not trusted in. Eventually, they will naturally gravitate towards someone else in order to find that love and trust.
If you have been hurt before by someone else in the past it is understandable that you would have fears and insecurities. But if your significant other hasn't given you any cause to doubt them, be cautious of punishing them with your fears caused by someone else's actions. If you are not careful, your doubt will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

6. Thinking that Men read minds
One of the main elements that led to the separation between my wife and I was a lack of communication. There were times when I would say or do things that would upset her, however being a passive person she would bottle it up and not tell me. If you don't share your hurt or feeling when asked, you can't ever come to a common ground with your spouse. Which means you will never find healing. Don't just respond with nothing when something bothers you.

7. Not taking care of yourself.
Some may view this as a harsh, but I feel it is something that needs to be said. Love and physical attraction are not the same thing. Most people typically fall in lust before they fall in love. While marriage can result from a deeper love of your personality, character and ideals; there was still an element of physical attraction that first drew you to each other.

Think back to the first year of your romance, chances are you would never go out on a date without attempting to look your absolute best. Now with hectic life, kids, jobs and the numbing effects of familiarity it is all too easy to forget to put yourself first. This may manifest itself in a few extra pounds, un-tweezed eyebrows and overused sweatpants.

While your partner will still love you, they may not be as physically attracted to you. Sex isn't the only factor in a healthy marriage, but it is a key stone in the foundation and it begins with you. Not only because your partner may not find you as attractive, but because you will find yourself less attractive.

Taking care of yourself by putting yourself first will increase self-esteem; higher self-esteem translates into you feeling sexier. Feeling sexier leads to sex which leads to orgasms. Orgasms raise serotonin levels, reduce stress and will make you feel sexier which will in turn raise your self-esteem. I think you get the picture.

8. Being embarrassed to share your sexual fantasies
If you assume that most people do not enter into marriage prepared for divorce or the death of the spouse, then I believe it is also safe to assume that a common preconception accompanying marriage is that this is, ideally, the only person you will be having sex with for the rest of your life.

If this thought is going to have any kind of appealing nature for either party, it is going to need more than just your love and loyalty. We are all created as sexual creatures. It is that simple. And yet, our sexuality is as unique and complex as our individuality.

You could possess all the carnal knowledge and skill in the world but if you do not understand the likes and dislikes of your partner, you may not necessarily enjoy new levels of intimacy in your relationship.

Your mind is your most powerful sexual organ and if you are going to have a healthy, lasting and satisfying sexual relationship you cannot be afraid or embarrassed to share your ultimate desires and fantasies.

Sex can be one of the most open, exposing and vulnerable expressions of love. It is not just your body that is exposed and shared, but your mind and soul as well. Let your partner in on the imaginations of your mind.

Reflect on the 8 things and see if any one of them can be used to spice up and sustain your relationship.
How to know when women are at their horniest and what you can do about it!

How to know when women are at their horniest and what you can do about it!

Have you ever wondered why women are hornier on some days more than others? We've revealed the secret to this mystery right here! There are moments in a woman's life when they can be extremely horny, while other times they will avoid intimacy like it's the most contagious disease known to mankind.

This phenomenon isn't their fault. In fact, the fault lies in their bodies, and in the raging hormones within.

The anatomy of a woman is very different from a man. Men are equipped with enormous amounts of testosterone that can trigger horniness at any moment. Women, however, have a more complex makeup that consists of hormones that are triggered by menstruation, ovulation and menopause.

When are women at their horniest?

Want to know when your girl will be more likely to engage in some sensual seduction with you? Here are the best times to try and seduce her!

#1 During ovulation.A woman is hornier during ovulation, because it is biologically the perfect time to mate. Their hormones are on overdrive, because their bodies are equipped to send out pheromones to their mate.

While this is happening, a woman's estrogen level dips briefly and soars to higher levels until the start of menstruation. At the same time, their progesterone starts to kick in. These hormones, when at their peak, can make a woman very, very horny.

Since we are human beings with intelligence and free will, women do not just jump on other men while they are ovulating. Still, the pheromones they emit are able to attract a man that they are intimate with. Even strangers may feel a strange attraction for women they don't know, just because they are ovulating.

A woman that is already in a relationship will be more open to having sex when they are ovulating. On the other hand, if you have never been intimate with a woman, it will not matter whether she is horny or not. Although she is ovulating, it does not mean that she needs to release the sexual tension she is feeling immediately.

#2 During menstruation.It seems strange to be horny at a time like this. It is especially unprecedented because this is the time when conception is at its lowest probability. The reason for this is because the hormones in a woman's body are undergoing a serious overhaul. They are about to crash down immediately because the eggs that the ovaries released during ovulation have not been fertilized.

#3 At the second trimester of pregnancy.
When a woman gets pregnant, there is a significant increase in estrogen and progesterone. Your sex drive increases during the first trimester, but most women don't realize it, because other symptoms like nausea, fatigue and body aches are more problematic.

When the body starts getting used to the influx of hormones, they will start to feel relief from the initial symptoms. By the second trimester, the sex drive will increase further and decrease as the third trimester progresses.

#4 At the start of menopause.With the same concept as when a woman starts to menstruate, they can also become hornier when their hormones are about to stop being produced. The body starts to process the last stores of hormones before it shuts down to prepare for menopause.

At this time, a woman will experience a short period of horniness that can last from a few days to a few months. There is no scientific explanation for this as of yet, but many women have attested to the fact that they did feel a surge of horniness right before they started menopause.

Their hormones will be lessened after this period, but their doctors can prescribe them with supplemental stores in order to promote a healthy balance within their body. Because of that, women undergoing menopause can still be as horny as they were during their hormone-dominated teenage years.

When is the perfect time to turn a woman on?

Women are scientifically proven to be hornier during their second trimester of pregnancy, ovulation and menstruation. That last one is up for debate because most women won't allow sex while they're bleeding out of their vaginas.

In terms of menopause, you can never predict when it will happen so you cannot use it to your advantage. It is easy to see when a woman starts to become horny, so you will not need any predictor anyway. Still, you can at least prepare for it in case she is not very vocal and obvious about her situation.

The biggest chance of success for you when turning a woman on – apart from when they are pregnant – is during ovulation. It's understandable that you cannot ask your partner whether they are ovulating or not, but you can observe them for the signs.

#They are hotter to the touch.

#They have bigger boobs.

#They have a voracious appetite for sweets, especially chocolate.

#They want to have sex almost all the time.

When a woman is horny, you might assume that seducing her becomes easier. That is not necessarily true. Just because your partner is at her horniest, it does not mean that she will immediately agree to a half-hearted plea for lovemaking.

Your biggest advantage at this point in time is that when you do manage to seduce her properly, she will be a tad more aggressive than usual. You can expect some hot and heavy lovemaking because she is ovulating. Her body is actually signaling her to copulate even though her mind is not telling her the exact same thing.

How to approach a woman when she's ovulating

In order to approach her during this period, you need to be sensitive about it like always. It is the same advice I would give you if she was not ovulating anyway. The only difference is that this advice focuses on the initial stages of the act itself rather than the courtship leading to your intimacy.

#1 Touch her.Touch her all the time. Kiss her cheek when you see her. Hold her hand and her waist. Rub her thighs while you are watching TV. Use any excuse you can find to touch her and she will get riled up enough to finally make love to you.

#2 Feed her.Ovulating women are hungrier than usual. You are not exactly aiming to make her gain weight. You are only satiating her other needs, so that you can focus on her primal needs. If she is happily satisfied with food, she will not be thinking about anything else, except having sex with you.

#3 Flirt with her.Make your intentions known by flirting with your partner. Do it with finesse, and don't be crass about it. She is still a woman and she will not settle for a tactless approach when it comes to having sex.

#4 Set the mood.
Use the proper lighting and make your bedroom feel like the sexiest place on earth. Place some lit candles and light some incense. If your partner sees the perfect setting, she will not think twice about jumping you before you even make it to the bed.

#5 Ladies first.
In terms of foreplay, focus on her needs before yours. She will be very horny at this point in time, which will make her orgasms easier to achieve. The art of making a woman climax is not about how fast you can make it happen. It should be a pleasurable experience before, during and after it happens. So, make time to get her hot and bothered to make her orgasms more powerful.

#6 Hug her after.
Yes, it shows that you care, but that is not why I am advising you to do it. You should hug her tightly, because it can make her feel giddier after she climaxes. The amount of closeness you experience can increase her arousal. This means that you will be having more sex later.

#7 Touch her everywhere.
Again.After a woman climaxes, you should rub her all over her body. Do not do it awkwardly, but do it while you're talking or recovering from your first session. Her whole body is like one big nerve ending that you can play with. This will give her unexplainable pleasure and can arouse her enough to engage in a hotter session afterwards.

Taking advantage of your partner's horniness is simply a way for you to pleasure her when she wants it the most. Just always remember that the best way to satisfy your partner is to know her well enough to do it properly.
How to have a long term relationship that works – You need to see this!

How to have a long term relationship that works – You need to see this!

How to have a long term relationship:A long relationship is something many young lovers dream of, but few ever achieve. Find out how to have a long term relationship with these 12 steps. A long term relationship may seem romantic and inspiring, but is it really easy to achieve?

In the fast paced world that we live in, finding someone who will truly love us back is a miracle.
But then, are long term relationships too much to ask for?

There may be a lot of distractions and new potentials to fall in love with these days.

But if you truly are happy in a relationship with a special someone, you'd involuntarily understand that attractions and desires can crop up all the time, but nothing can ever beat the love and emotional attachment you share with your own lover.

Does it sound too good to be true?
Well, it really doesn't have to.

How to have a long term relationship
Almost every relationship has the potential to become a long relationship that can fill your life with happiness.

But it takes the unconditional effort of two unique individuals who truly love each other to create a magical fantasy called a happy long term relationship.

Use these twelve steps to create a long term relationship out of your budding romance.

#1 Build your compatibility
Falling in love may seem spontaneous, but as the relationship grows, you'd start to realize that the spontaneous love starts to flicker and transition into a mature love that's based on understanding and compatibility. Can you really live with each other? You may have different perspectives and interests, but can you find a way to bring them all under one roof and still live happily?
What may now seem like a minor nuisance can eventually turn into something that can end a relationship.

#2 Never let frustrations and hatred build up
Never ever let a mole hill grow into a mountain. If something about your partner or their behavior disturbs you, learn to say it out immediately.

Every time you yell at a partner or find yourself getting frustrated, you have to understand that it doesn't happen all of a sudden.

Frustrations always build up slowly. What starts off as a little nagging thought slowly builds up over time into hatred and anger. But if you let things build up in your head, your partner would never understand the things that really bother you, until the day you burst out in a rage.

Retaliation and ego are the two traits of humans that surface first when someone makes an accusation. Unless you're looking for an argument, help you partner understand you better by talking about anything that bothers you, even if it seems trivial at first.

#3 Be truthful and frank with each other
If you want to know how to have a long term relationship, you need to learn to be truthful with each other, be it about a nagging irritation, a fancy sexual fetish or a friendly crush on someone else.
When you're truthful, it'll help your partner understand you better and know you better as a person. A little white lie is acceptable especially when the truth would hurt your partner. But if it's something that can affect your relationship, be truthful even if the truth stings.

#4 Unique strengths that complement each other
As individuals, all of us come with our own strengths and weaknesses. In a potential long term relationship, you need to learn to use your strengths and weaknesses to complement each other and help each other. If you're an intellectual thinker and your partner's a smooth talker, don't get frustrated or egoistic because of the different strengths. Instead, learn to use each other's strengths to become more efficient.

Codependence is a strength that's waiting to be harnessed in a long term relationship. Use it, instead of fighting against it and enduring a bad relationship.

#5 Think "we" not "I"
Do you think of your partner each time you're invited to a party or have to plan an evening? When you're a couple that's truly in love with each other, you should think like a couple and keep your partner's interests in mind just as much as you care about your own interests.

#6 Avoid insecurities
Insecurities crop up when there are doubts. Doubts arise when there are miscommunications and half-truths. Long term relationships are built on truth and trust.

Try to think of your partner as a mortal being, who has feelings and thoughts like anyone else! Most lovers try to imagine their partner to be the perfect character in a fairytale. And when they see a human side in their partner like flirting or getting attracted to someone else, lovers panic.

But really, you do enjoy flirting and you may think someone on the street is gorgeous. Does that mean you'd cheat on your partner? No.

Learn to avoid insecurities by being truthful with each other and helping your partner understand you better.

#7 Trust your instincts
Hunches in a relationship are almost always true. When you think your partner's bothered or unhappy, big chances are you're right. If you feel like there's something wrong in the relationship, there probably is. Trust your instincts and speak to your partner when you feel something in the air. It'll help create a happier relationship.

#8 Share common values
Experiencing a happy long term relationship takes compatibility, but it also depends a lot on common values, be it spiritual or mental. Infatuation and attraction may bring two dissimilar people together, but first glances and sexual attraction aren't enough to hold a relationship together.

If you want to have a long term relationship, you need to be willing to compromise and merge your ideas and values together so both of you can look at life with the same perspective and through the same looking glass.

#9 Quality time matters
You may know a lot about each other, but people change all the time. You do and so does your partner. Do you still know your partner well or do you only remember the person you first met? Most lovers take each other for granted, especially when it comes to matters of the mind. Learn to grow together. Exchange ideas and talk about new thoughts.

Spend time together and indulge in activities that can bring both of you together. Sharing hobbies like gardening and chores like cooking can create the perfect atmosphere for new conversations and ideas that can help both of you understand each other better, even if both of you have changed and evolved since the time you first dated.

#10 Experience a good sex life
One of the drawbacks of long term relationships is the effort it takes to enjoy a pleasurable sex life. But it doesn't always have to be that way. Try to keep sex exciting and fresh by creating new ways to reignite the passion, even if a few of the thoughts are taboo or frowned upon by many others. After all, if it makes you and your partner happy, why care about what others think?

#11 Ask your conscience
This may be the hardest to face, but it's also the easiest way to create a fulfilling and happy long term relationship. Do you really think you're doing all it takes to keep your partner happy and your relationship glowing bright?

Ask your own conscience if you're sincerely making the effort and doing the right thing to bring happiness into your partner's life? If your conscience thinks you can come up with better ways to please your partner, it's obvious you aren't giving it your all. A successful long term relationship involves two lovers who care about each other's happiness more than their own.

If you can't put your soulmate's happiness ahead of yours, are you really in love or are you just wrapped around your own desires?

#12 Visualize and plan your life together
Can you see your partner in your life five years or even a decade from now? Can you picture your own perfect little happy fantasy where the two of you are together and happy in love? If you can't dream it, you can't live it.
Couples that get to experience a blissful long term relationship know how to dream together and build their future, in their mind and in real life. Take decisions together and plan your life together if you want to enjoy a long relationship.
Dreaming of a life together and working towards it is one of those little fantasies that may just come true!
Knowing how to have a long term relationship may require these twelve steps, but it also requires your effort and your interest in building a long relationship with your partner. Follow these steps and you'll definitely be on your way to experiencing a beautiful long term relationship.
8 things that make women love sex (Must Read)

8 things that make women love sex (Must Read)

Things that make women love sex:Heard "Not tonight, honey" a few too many times lately? If it's just not happening between the sheets for you and your lady, it might be time to learn what really gets her psyched for sex.

While guys are generally up for sex whenever, wherever (regardless of the situation), women tend to need a bit more inspiration, according to Cindy M. Meston, Ph.D and David M. Buss, Ph.D., psychology professors at the University of Texas at Austin and coauthors of Why Women Have Sex: Understanding Sexual Motivations from Adventure to Revenge (and Everything in Between). For a better understanding of how to get her in the mood, consider the following eight factors that Meston and Buss say affects a woman's libido:
and David M. Buss, Ph.D., psychology professors at the University of Texas at Austin and coauthors of Why Women Have Sex: Understanding Sexual Motivations from Adventure to Revenge (and Everything in Between). For a better understanding of how to get her in the mood, consider the following eight factors that Meston and Buss say affects a woman's libido:

1. Her man's appearance
Men are usually considered to be the most turned on by visual stimuli (think about it: how many strip clubs and adult magazines are actually targeted toward females?), but women are actually quite turned on by a man's face, body and movement as well, say Meston and Buss. "Sexually, women are attracted to men with masculine features, although not too masculine," Meston explains. "A little light stubble is usually a turn-on for women if it's clean and well-kept. Body-wise, women generally find men with a V-shaped torso or a high shoulder-to-hip ratio sexually attractive. Motion is important, too, as women find athletic prowess and agility to be sexual turn-ons." The bottom line: If you'd like to get her in the sack, a good first step to take might be getting yourself into the gym.

2. The time of day
Meston says that women are very individualized in terms of when they most prefer to get it on: "In general, women want to have sex when they feel their best — when they have energy, feel connected to their partners, aren't distracted by work or stressful daily events, and when they feel sexy — and that may or may not be at night." In order to figure out when a woman's most likely to be in the mood, pay attention to the times she seems the most energized and/or chilled out. Try thinking outside the box — you may find that she'd love a post-jog quickie right before her shower!

3. Certain smells
Meston and Buss explain that, for women, sense of smell is far more important than it is to men when it comes to sexual attraction. Simply put: if a woman doesn't like the way a man smells, it's often a deal-breaker — whether she consciously realizes it or not. The number one turn-off reported by most women is — not surprisingly — bad breath, says Buss. A woman's sense of smell also plays an interesting biological role in what attracts her to a man, according to Meston: "Olfactory signals provide a woman with a wealth of information about a man's health, hygiene, and even his genetic makeup," she notes. Pheromones — tiny airborne molecules that humans emit from various glands in their body — can influence a woman's desire to be sexually intimate with a man. Male pheromones have been shown to provide information on a man's symmetry, which is an indicator of genetic fitness and ultimately can determine whether a man is genetically
compatible with a woman. "For many women — whether they realize it or not — scent can play an important role in determining her willingness to have sex with a man, given her 'sense' of whether they can produce genetically healthy, strong children together," says Buss.

4. Her guy's choice of words
Often, what a man says is more important than what he does when he's trying to get a woman in the mood. "Offering compliments is usually a sure-fire way of making someone want to get closer… although, if the compliments come across as insincere, they will actually turn her off," says Meston.
To score extra sincerity points, make references to future activities you'd like to do together, explains Meston, noting that showing signs of commitment can often be sexually alluring to women. Buss also notes that a man with a sense of humor is also a sexual turn-on for the ladies: "If a man can make a woman laugh, it relaxes her and makes her feel that he 'gets' her," he says, adding that a good sense of humor also conveys some key qualities women want in a mate: intelligence (it's hard to be witty if you're not too bright), the ability to gauge her emotional and social perspective (a.k.a. having the mind-reading skills to know what she will find amusing), and social verve or confidence.

5. The need for revenge
In their research, Meston and Buss found that many women had "revenge sex" with someone other than their most recent dating partner to get back at a cheating partner or to "even the score," as some women put it. "Some women hoped their ex would find out about it and feel angry or hurt, and other women said they didn't care if they found out or not — they felt better just knowing they had gotten revenge," Meston explains. Why is the need for revenge such a turn-on for women? "Revenge can serve two basic functions," Buss explains. The first function is one of deterrence: just as bullies stop picking on victims who retaliate, cheating partners sometimes stop their illicit activities when the other person retaliates in kind. The second function of revenge is "reputation management," says Buss. "Women who are scorned sometimes suffer damage to their social reputation, whether they are cheated on or dumped. Having sex — especially
if it is with someone who is relatively high in 'mate value' — can sometimes help to restore a woman's reputation," he explains.

6. Genetics
Women prefer men whose MHC genes (or Major Histo Compatibility genes) are dissimilar to their own, because this is the set of genes involved in determining an individual's immune function. "Having children with men who are dissimilar produces children with healthier immune systems," Buss explains. "Astonishingly, women seem to be able to pick this up through sense of smell, especially at ovulation, if they are not on hormonal contraceptives."

7. Her physical health or well-being
If you're looking for a few good reasons why she should have sex with you, there are countless ways in which you can emphasize that "getting busy" would be a wise move for her health. "During orgasm, opiates — the body's natural painkillers — are released, which can help decrease all sorts of aches and pains for women," Meston explains. Sex can also help maintain the body's flexibility and cardiovascular health, decrease anxiety, and enhance overall mood. Additionally, Meston notes, having sex during menstruation decreases a woman's risk of experiencing endometriosis symptoms. Of course, sex (if it lasts long enough!) can also be a good calorie burner, so you can always suggest it as a fantastic way to burn off the chocolate cheesecake you shared for dessert.

8. To raise her social status or sense of self-esteem
In their research, Meston and Buss found that, for some women, having sex is more about competition and winning (see who went home with the good-looking guy at the bar?). For women that do this to compete with others and also raise their social standing, her intended target's social status is a key factor in revving her libido. "Young women who are 'groupies,' for example, often compete to see who can have sex with the musician who has a higher status, while Monica Lewinsky raised her status by having an intimate connection with the President," Buss says. She goes on to explain that, for women who have sex to raise their self-esteem, the motivating factor is usually the need to feel sexually desirable. "Some women suffer from low self-esteem and feel bad about their bodies for a variety of reasons, ranging from comparisons with media models to put-downs by their regular mates," explains Buss. Having sex with a man who finds her irresistibly
hot and her body incredibly beautiful can provide a huge boost to a woman's self-esteem — so if you're looking for a little loving, make her feel like she's the sexiest woman on the planet!
10 major reasons why men love breasts so much

10 major reasons why men love breasts so much

Though the preference for men varies according to size, there is no doubt that men love breasts. No wonder women catch them staring at their chest instead of the face most of the time.

This is the reason why women are so concerned about the appearance and size of their breasts.

They don't want to feel unattractive and breasts are a major part of the attraction package. So, why are men so much into breasts? Here are 10 probable reasons why.

1. Breasts Are Great to Look At
Men love looking at the breasts for the very reason that they are great to look at. Whether they are small or big, breasts are one of the first things a man sees in a woman. Though it is offensive, but men can't resist taking a peek!

2. Breasts Add Grace and Poise
Breasts are one of the few body parts which are curvaceous. Men don't have any curves on their bodies, which makes being hard and straight a sign of masculinity. On the other hand, curviness is a symbol for womanhood which adds grace and poise to the way they carry themselves.

3. Breasts Represent Fertility
Since a long time back, it has been believed that men are attracted to women who are healthy and are able to reproduce. Breasts are a sign of fertility as they portray the notion that the woman would be able to bear children as well as nourish them.

4. Breasts Offer Visual Stimulation
One of the main differences between men and women is that men are stimulated visually. They get 'turned on' just by looking at a woman's body. Firm and perky breasts catch the attention of every male wherever a woman goes and stimulates them visually.

5. Breasts Are the Key to Second Base
Most men don't know about this but those who do use it to their advantage. The breasts are the key to second base as they are located close to the libido. Fondling and playing with them leads to sexual arousal. This is one of the major reasons why men love breasts!

6. Breasts Lead to Great Foreplay
Breasts are a crucial part of foreplay. In fact, foreplay is incomplete without a little fondling, sucking or kissing on the breasts. Apart from the breasts, there is little else a man could play with before the actual act.

7. Breasts Are Nice to Touch
Men love how the breasts feel in their hands. While some of them can get wild and start twitching the nipples, most men are gentle with breasts, holding them with love and care. They are soft and supple, tempting men to grab them.

8. Breasts Are Mysterious
From the moment a guy sees a girl her breasts become a source of mystery for him. He spends most of his time thinking about and visualizing what hides beneath the clothing. Until he gets to actually see them, the mystery is a cause of intrigue for him.

9. No Cleavage without Breasts
The cleavage is perhaps the best sight a man could want to see. Low-cut tops or dresses that show a little too much at the top are highly attractive for males. Without breasts, there would be no cleavage, so men love the whole package.

10. Breasts Are Comforting
For some reason, men find breasts comforting. They love resting their heads on them. The very sight of them can make their bad mood disappear. In fact, there has been a study which shows that men who get to see breasts for at least 15 minutes a day live longer and healthier!

These are the top 10 reasons men are attracted to breasts. If you want your pair to look the best for your partner or spouse, use a dermatology tested and clinically proven of natural breast enhancement creamlikeBreast Activesto enlarge, firm, and lift the breasts for more attractive and perky. Fast, Cost-Effective and Safe.

Friday, March 27, 2015

9 Hidden facts about pornography and your brain which they don’t want you to know (Must See)

9 Hidden facts about pornography and your brain which they don’t want you to know (Must See)

Facts about pornography and your brain– [Note: The following contains a frank, though non-graphic, discussion of pornography addiction. Parents are therefore cautioned to examine the material themselves before sharing it with children or teenagers.]

"Because the human brain is the biological anchor of our psychological experience, it is helpful to understand how it operates." says William M. Struthers, associate professor of psychology at Wheaton College. "Knowing how it is wired together and where it is sensitive can help us understand why pornography affects people the way it does."

Here are 9 things you should know about pornography affects the brain.

1. Sexually explicit material triggers mirror neurons in the male brain. These neurons, which are involved with the process for how to mimic a behavior, contain a motor system that correlates to the planning out of a behavior. In the case of pornography, this mirror neuron system triggers the arousal, which leads to sexual tension and a need for an outlet. "The unfortunate reality is that when he acts out (often by masturbating),

this leads to hormonal and neurological consequences, which are designed to bind him to the object he is focusing on," says Struthers. "In God's plan, this would be his wife, but for many men it is an image on a screen. Pornography thus enslaves the viewer to an image, hijacking the biological response intended to bond a man to his wife and therefore inevitably loosening that bond."

2. In men, there are five primary chemicals involved in sexual arousal and response. The one that likely plays the most significant role in pornography addiction is dopamine. Dopamine plays a major role in the brain system that is responsible for reward-driven learning. Every type of reward that has been studied increases the level of dopamine transmission in the brain, and a variety of addictive drugs, including stimulants such as cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine, act directly on the dopamine system. Dopamine surges when a person is exposed to novel stimuli, particularly if it is sexual, or when a stimuli is more arousing than anticipated. Because erotic imagery triggers more dopamine than sex with a familiar partner, exposure to pornography leads to "arousal addiction" and teaches the brain to prefer the image and become less satisfied with real-life sexual partners.

3. Why do men seek out a variety of new explicit sexual images rather than being satisfied with the same ones? The reason is attributed to the Coolidge effect, a phenomenon seen in mammalian species whereby males (and to a lesser extent females) exhibit renewed sexual interest if introduced to new receptive sexual partners, even after refusing sex from prior but still available sexual partners. This neurological mechanism is one of the primary reasons for the abundance and addictiveness of Internet pornography.

4. Overstimulation of the reward circuitry—such as occurs with repeated dopamine spikes related to viewing pornography—creates desensitization. As Gary Wilson explains, "When dopamine receptors drop after too much stimulation, the brain doesn't respond as much, and we feel less reward from pleasure. That drives us to search even harder for feelings of satisfaction—for example, by seeking out more extreme sexual stimuli, longer porn sessions, or more frequent porn viewing—thus further numbing the brain.

5. "The psychological, behavioral, and emotional habits that form our sexual character will be based on the decisions we make," says Struthers. "Whenever the sequence of arousal and response is activated, it forms a neurological memory that will influence future processing and response to sexual cues. As this pathway becomes activated and traveled, it becomes a preferred route—a mental journey—that is regularly trod. The consequences of this are far-reaching."

6. What makes Internet porn unique? Wilson identifies a number of reasons, including: (1) Internet porn offers extreme novelty; (2) Unlike food and drugs, there are almost no physical limitations to Internet porn consumption; (3) With Internet porn one can escalate both with more novel "partners" and by viewing new and unusual genres; (4) Unlike drugs and food, Internet porn doesn't eventually activate the brain's natural aversion system; and (5) The age users start watching porn. A teen's brain is at its peak of dopamine production and neuroplasticity, making it highly vulnerable to addiction and rewiring.

7. Men's exposure to sexually explicit material is correlated with social anxiety, depression, low motivation, erectile dysfunction, concentration problems, and negative self-perceptions in terms of physical appearance and sexual functioning.

8. The following video offers a brief overview of the affect of pornography on the brain.

9. In this video, Gary Wilson discusses the disturbing symptoms showing up in some heavy Internet porn users, the surprising reversal of those symptoms, and the science behind these phenomena. Although it is not presented from a Christian perspective, the discussion is highly recommended for better understanding the deleterious and wide-ranging effects pornography has on men.
READ: How I got married to my own father and only found out after… (True Story)

READ: How I got married to my own father and only found out after… (True Story)

How I got married to my own father– It was a dark secret. The kind that destroys lives, devastates families and decimates faith.Nobody shared it with Valerie Spruill while her husband was alive. For years after his death, she heard bits of the story.

It was something about an absentee father, something about her husband.

None of it made sense, she said. That's not until her uncle finally told her what no one else had: She had unknowingly married the father she never knew.

"It is devastating. It can destroy you," Spruill told CNN late Thursday by telephone. "It almost did."

Spruill, 60, of Doylestown, Ohio, went public with her story this month, first published in the Akron Beacon Journal, with the hopes that it would help others facing what seem like insurmountable problems.

It's a story that has gone viral, attracting attention as faraway as Australia and India where the questions are always the same, she says: How could that happen?

It's a question that Spruill said she has been grappling with since she first learned the truth in 2004, six years after her husband Percy Spruill died.

"I don't know if he ever knew or not. That conversation didn't come up," she said. "I think if he did know, there is no way he could have told me."

She confirmed that her husband was indeed her father through a DNA test, hair taken from one of his brushes.

The aftermath of the secret was devastating emotionally — and physically, Spruill suffered two strokes and was diagnosed with diabetes.
All of it, she believes was brought on by learning the family secret.

"Pain and stress will kill, and I had to release my stress," Spruill said. "I'm just telling the story to release my pain."

She has a deep, abiding faith in God, who she
believes has guided her through the experience — and others that have shaped her life.

"You have to have faith," she said. "If God brought me this far, he's not going to leave me now."

Spruill met and married her husband-father in Akron and settled in Doylestown, a working class suburb of about 2,300.

It was her second marriage. Spruill was a nice man, a good provider. He was kind to her three children from her previous marriage.

"We had a good life," she said.
She initially struggled with anger, with hating Spruill for what happened.

But therapy taught her what happened wasn't her fault. Her faith taught her to forgive.
Initial response to her story has been mixed: "More positive than negative," she says.

In recent days, she has been in contact with a couple who found out after they were married that they were brother and sister.

They told her, she said, that her story is helping them deal with their own experience.

"They are trying to be friends now," Spruill said.
Others, though, have been less kind.

"They've said things like 'Some secrets should stay secrets,'" she said. "I can't do anything about what they think. I just know what I think. God is always mighty, and he teaches you to tell
the truth no matter what."

Spruill knows not everybody tells the truth. It's a lesson she learned as a child the hard way.

By all accounts, Spruill's mother got pregnant as a teenager while dating her then 15-year-old father.

She was 3-months-old when she was sent to live with her grandmother and grandfather, who she initially believed as she grew up was her father.

Spruill said at about age 8 or 9, she discovered that the woman who often visited the house was not a family friend but her mother.

But nobody, she said, talked about her father.

There's nobody left to give her the answers about her husband-father. Her mother, Christine, died in 1984. Her grandparents have long since passed. So, too, have a number of Percy Spruill's relatives.

Spruill knows her mother worked as a prostitute and even got caught up in 1980 high-profile corruption scandal surrounding James Barbuto, a probate judge who was convicted of intimidating investigators and gross sexual imposition for attacking a courthouse clerk in his chambers.

"My mother showed me lots of love. All said and done, I have no regrets in my life at all," she said.

She believes she has siblings or half-siblings from Spruill's previous relationships, including the one with her mother.

She said she wants to find them and let them know they are not alone.

Spruill, herself, has three children and eight grandchildren. She struggled with telling her children that the man they believed was their step-father was their grandfather.

A therapist "advised me to tell my kids," she said. "I told them about two years ago. They are remarkable. They are handling it better than I am."

In recent days, shortly before the news broke, she also told her grandchildren.
"They have been so supportive. They are telling me they love me, telling me they will do whatever I need," she said.

In her spare time, since retiring from the accounting department where she worked for 34 years at Goodyear, she has been writing down her story with the hopes of publishing it.

"I thank God that he gave me a chance to live through all of this," she said. "It is nothing short of a miracle that I'm still here. I want people to know that they can survive something like this."