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But what if the secret being kept is actually being kept by your spouse to protect you or avoid your judgment? What if they have no malicious intent? Or, to complicate matters further, what if your spouse doesn't even realize they are keeping a secret from you?
Depression is a serious condition that affects more people than many of us realize. Statics show that roughly 14.8 million Americans suffer from depression. Often times, people who are suffering from depression don't even realize they are. And for those who do realize it, many do not seek help—particularly in the Black community. Results from a 2011 CDC study shows that only 7.6 percent of Black Americans sought treatment for depression compared to 13.6 percent of the general population. Many medical professionals also say that although depression itself may not be a reason for divorce, the consequences of untreated depression are.
When someone suffers from depression, they often suffer in silence. Maybe they think they are just experiencing a bit of the blues and they are patiently waiting for the sad feeling to just "pass." And because so people are uncertain about how depression is defined, many do not turn to their spouse for help. Men and women alike usually try to manage the pain on their own, keeping the people they love most in the dark about their feelings of sadness and hopelessness.
For those who are familiar with the symptoms of depression because they have a personal history with it, or they have seen a loved one suffer from the condition, reaching out to a spouse still may not be easy. Fear of judgment can cause people to keep their emotions bottled up. People also fear the stigma that comes with depression and they can keep their daily struggles a secret because they don't want their spouse to think of them as weak or overly emotional.
But depression is not just a small case of the blues. It's not something people can just "wait out" because the sadness will go away on its own. Depression is a serious mental health issue, and if left untreated, it can cause immense pain and hopelessness—and possibly even lead to suicide.
If you have noticed changes in your spouse and you aren't sure how to make sense of what is going on, maybe you should consider the possibility that they are struggling with depression and they either don't realize it or don't know how to open up and share how they feel with you.
Here are 5 signs that your spouse may be suffering from depression:
1. Lost of Interest in Activities
If it seems like your spouse has completely lost interest in activities that they once enjoyed, there is a possibility they are suffering from depression. Whether it is a night out with you, cooking a great meal, s*x, hanging with their friends, or even watching their favorite programs on television—a lost of interest in what once made them happy should not be ignore.
2. Anger or Irritability
If there are no looming issues in your marriage that you know of and your once pleasant, happy-go-lucky mate seems to get angry and irritated with a great deal of ease, it's worth asking them what's wrong. Maybe it is just a marital issue that they haven't brought up with you yet, but it could also be a sign of depression. Either way, pleasant and happy people don't just switch up without reason. Talk to them with concern and find out what's at the root of their behavior.
3. Sleep Changes
Does it seem like your spouse sleeps far more than usual or they suffer from insomnia. Have they sought medical insight for their sleeping habits? A change in sleeping habits can be a symptom of many things, but people often neglect to consider depression. Depression can cause a lack of energy and even headaches, body aches and pains, which can all cause a person to either sleep more than usual or prevent them from sleeping at all.
4. Changes in Appetite
Does you spouse have a healthy appetite and they've suddenly lost interest in eating? Or maybe they typically follow a really healthy and balanced diet but lately you notice that they overeat quite often. When someone's eating behaviors change, they should go see a medical professional to determine what is causing the change. There are many possibilities, but depression is certainly one of them.
5. Memory and Concentration Issues
If your spouse appears to have difficulty concentrating or you realize they are forgetting things that they once remembered with ease, have a conversation with them to see if they can share what they think is going. Your simple inquiry may lead to a larger discussion about how our spouse feels on the day-to-day basis and what might be wrong.
Remember, although your impulse may be to fix what's going on with your spouse, depression is not something you can just fix or cure. It's a condition that requires specialized care, which often includes therapy and possibly medication, but only a medical professional can help your spouse make that determination. As for you, all you can do is love them, listen, and offer support. Be present as their rock while they fight a battle that isn't easy but can be won.
You don't even remember how it feels to like someone, but you've met someone new and things feel different.
The Internet is filled with cute posts to help you figure out whether you like someone, but this is not one of those cute posts about b*tterflies and rainbows.
These are your no-bullsh*t, oh-f*ck, what-have-I-gotten-myself-into, I-may-actually-like-this-person signs for figuring out whether or not you do:
1. You're Not Sick Of His Or Her F*cking Face
You usually get bored with people pretty quickly. When they try to press you for quality time, you hit the breaks and ask for space.
For some reason, you want to spend time with this person, and no matter how much time you spend with together, you don't get sick of his or her f*cking face.
2. You Cuddle, Even Though You Hate To Cuddle
You like your sleep — there's nothing wrong with that. So, in an attempt to get more of it in the past, you asked the person laying beside you to stick to his or her side of the bed, or better yet, leave completely.
You are not sure how this happened, but suddenly, you want more than the obligatory cuddle-after-s*x session. When this person isn't all up on you, you miss it. WTF is happening to you?
3. You Feel Bad When You've Been A Bitch/Assh*le
You? Apologize? Never! Most people can't handle your attitude, and you couldn't care less… except when it comes to this new person in your life.
When you've been a total bitch to him or her, you feel bad about it and sometimes even apologize for your behavior. You're getting soft!
4. You No Longer Plan Ahead
Remember when you had all your social activities planned out for the weekend by Wednesday? If someone wanted your time, he or she had to plan ahead, but you now find yourself not making plans.
You just assume you'll be spending time with this new person whose face you are not sick of.
This doesn't mean you've neglected your friends; they get time, too. You are just not as concerned about spending Saturday night at home, by yourself.
5. You Have Let Go Of All Your Other Hoes
You used to keep a nice little rotation, but those people no longer seem so interesting. You've stopped texting them back and are no longer going out on dates with other people.
You don't even have an official title yet, but subconsciously, you are committed to seeing whether it will work with this one person, so you've let all your other hoes go.
6. You Don't Tell Your Friends All The Details Of Your Relationship
You used to text your friend every time you got into a disagreement with anyone you dated, but not anymore.
You no longer care for other people's opinions because you know you'll figure it out and prefer for your issues to stay between you and this one person.
7. Feelings Make You Want To Throw Up
You think you like this person, but you're not sure. You decide to talk to him or her about it, but as you muster up the courage to say something, your stomach starts to turn.
Does just the thought of talking about feelings make you want to throw up? Yep, you like this person.
But the truth is, many of these tips are totally false, and made up by people who think they know what is what.
Read six popular relationship myths you need to stop believing:
Marriage means happily ever after — no fighting allowed:Although fighting is not good for any marriage, being able to work through disagreements and resolve them is very good for a marriage, says Tina B. Tessina, PhD, (aka 'Dr. Romance'), psychotherapist. Avoid screaming matches and name calling. Instead, take a moment to calm down so that you can approach the issue in a rational way, she advises.
A baby will make your marriage stronger: False, say the experts. In fact, a study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that having kids often leads to a sharp drop in marital bliss —especially if you have kids quickly after you've said 'I do'. (Though the study authors say that even if you're not-so-thrilled with your spouse right after the baby arrives, your overall familial bliss could make up for some of that.)
The couple that plays together, stays together: Do you think you both need to love reality TV and football to have a solid marriage? Think again. Sharing some interests is great, but you should have some on-your-own activities to keep your life fresh and interesting. "Couples who do everything together make me nervous because they veer toward the codependent end of the relationship spectrum," says Dr. Seth Meyers, a licensed clinical psychologist.
Never go to bed angry: It's a nice idea in theory, but let's face it —continuing an argument into the wee hours isn't necessarily the best idea. "People tend to fight at night when they're really tired," says happiness expert Gretchen Rubin, author of Happier at Home. "Instead of continuing to fight, suggest that you have a good night's sleep and then talk about it." The disagreement may seem a whole lot sillier once you've both had a chance to cool off.
You need to have a set date night: A date night is a great if it works for you, but it doesn't exactly work for everyone, Rubin says. "We're just so happy to stay home, and we found that even a monthly adventure would be a hassle. We just want to put on our sweatpants and relax." And if you'd rather chill on the couch than make plans for dinner and a movie, you're not putting your marriage at risk.
Half of all marriages end in divorce: So not true. If you feel like you're fighting against the odds to keep your marriage intact, you might be able to breathe a little easier. Research has shown that the divorce rate is smaller than that—it maxed out at 41 percent back in the 1980s, and it's currently on the decline. And if you're a pair of college grads, you have a far greater chance of making it to that golden anniversary — your odds of divorcing may be more like 25 percent.
Seriously, it's a cool 70-something degrees inside the Elite Daily headquarters, and I'm typing to you from underneath four layers of jackets and a Snuggie. Life isn't fair.
Hot flashes and the chills could be indicators of poor health
Part of the reason some of us may always feel cold while others remain uncomfortably hot could actually be our health.
HealthBlurbs reports some of these issues are ones that often go unnoticed, such as anemia, malnutrition, infection, weight issues (being both underweight and overweight poses various symptoms) and even silent thyroiditis.
What's one way we can fix this? Regular health checkups and open dialog with your doctors.
When it comes to your health, maintaining open communication with a professional is crucial in discovering and treating problems like these before they become even more serious issues — or worse, leave you constantly feeling uncomfortably hot or cold.
If you're always hot or cold, you could be way too stressed
Women's Health reports that stressful situations such as fighting, heavy workloads and busy schedules could be the cause for our discomfort in normal temperatures.
Michael Lynch, a clinical neuropsychologist, says there is a lot going on inside the body that causes the weather-related effects we feel from stress.
He tells the magazine,
If you're stressed, your autonomic nervous system kicks in, causing blood to move toward your body's core organs. This is your body's fight or flight response.
So, if you're starting to feel extremely hot in the office while everyone else appears to be drowning under blankets made of jackets, it may be because of the fight that's brewing between you and your friends or family.
Try leaving the unnecessary stress at home, and move forward with your day on a positive note in order to remain calm, cool and comfy.
Your happiness may be affecting your climate control
Apparently, it's not just health and other physical factors that are affecting those of us who consistently feel weather extremes.
Even if the temp in the room or outside is normal, many of us may feel somewhat off based on our emotional state. Reports show that when people feel isolated, alone or depressed, they are more likely to feel the shivers.
The opposite is true for the times we feel connected and more social.
That warm, fuzzy feeling that happens when you're surrounded by people you love spending time with? It really is a physical feeling that makes us more receptive to heat and leaves us feeling warmer and happier than if we were surrounded by strangers.
So when our hearts are cold, we are too — despite whatever the actual temperature may be.
2. Don't say "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I don't have time." Tomorrow tends to be the imaginary land that never arrives, and 95-99% of the time when people say "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I don't have time" it really means "I'd rather just be lazy."
3. Don't make excuses. Just do it. If there is something that you want to do, whether it is just something that you think would be fun, a new experience, or something to better yourself then do it. This sort of goes with point #2. If you're making excuses then all that means is your really don't want it that badly.
4. Read books. Get off the internet. Stop reading pointless 3 paragraph articles and read something substantial. It will help expand your vocabulary, it will open your mind, it will inspire real thinking and creativity, and more.
5. Make sure you understand your credit score.
6. Save money. Be aggressive about it. In the next 5-10 years, you'll probably be extremely happy that you did so.
7. Don't hold grudges. Do not harbor hate. It takes a lot of energy to be mad at people so don't bother. Just let things go. And if someone continues to inspire these bad feelings in you, then let them go. It's that simple.
8. Laugh and smile. Always. Having a bad day? First, Smile. A big one. Ear to ear. Force it. Smiling doesn't just happen when you are happy, but it always happens to make you happier. It's scientifically proven. Then go to YouTube (I know earlier I said get off the internet, but laughter is a necessity.), look up a funny video or your favorite comedian and just laugh. Just let go. It'll help.
9. Stop and smell the roses. It's good to want to better yourself, but you also need to know when to take time for yourself and relax. Let your batteries recharge.
10. Be thankful and grateful. Sometimes it can be hard in the moment to realize that you actually have it pretty good, but every now and then just stop and think about everything that you have in your life. There is always someone who has it worse so you should be happy that you have what you have. It's also good to want to be better and to not just accept things for what they are, to challenge the status quo, but at the same time if you are always surging forward and you never stop to appreciate what and who is around you then one day when you finally do stop, you may realize there's nothing left.
11. Be charitable. Not just with your money or your time, but with who you are. Being charitable isn't just about giving when it makes sense, it's about being the type of person who will go out of their way to help the old woman cross a slippery, snow covered street. It's about tipping the waitress even when she was bitchy because maybe she's just having a really bad day. It's about smiling at that person across from you on the bus who looks upset, maybe even ask them if they need to talk. It's about giving that kid who won't stop asking for a job a chance even though their resume doesn't look that great.
12. Be selfish. Sometimes. This may sound contradictory, but hear me out. Sometimes you just need to ignore everyone else, and step away from the world for you. Go on that ski trip. Get yourself those shoes. That might sound vain, but you know what, if you don't have a healthy mind and a healthy body then how will you help others to do so?
13. Keep your phone in your pocket when with friends and family. Enjoy your time with them. You can always use technology, you won't always have time with your loved ones.
14. Don't be shy. Talk to people. Don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with strangers. What's the worst that will happen? They'll ignore you? Be rude? So what? You don't ever have to talk to them again. Not only will this teach you not to be afraid of rejection, but it will teach you how to network, be personable, read people, and maybe meet some really great people.
15. Listen. When someone is talking to you, LISTEN. Don't just think about what you are going to say, but really listen to what they are saying. Then when they are done you can take a second to think about what you want to say.
16. Be yourself, but don't be an A-Hole. Never be afraid to be who you are. Don't worry about other people's BS opinion of you. Enjoy life and yourself. If people don't like you for who you are then you don't need them in your life. Simple as that. At the same time, if everyone you meet seems to think you're an A-Hole, maybe you should take a step back and re-evaluate yourself.
17. Travel. If you can, travel. It's a great thing to do. It can open you up to so many things that you will never experience in your own little corner of the world. Whether that be lifestyles and culture you could never have imagined, seeing nature in a new light, or giving you the shocking realization that there is something horribly wrong with the balance of power and wealth in this world. Traveling can lead to some great introspection and thought provoking experiences.
18. Be open minded. You don't know it all. You never will. You also couldn't possibly understand everything so be aware of that.
19. Love like a puppy. Don't be afraid to let others in. Love unconditionally. If your heart gets broken, it will heal, and you will learn. But do not let it close you. At the same time, make sure that just because you love so openly that you don't let others walk all over you. You can leave someone behind who treats you wrong, but still have a strong love for them. A lot of us have experienced that.
20. Ask why and be curious. Why is one of the single most powerful words we have as humans. It can open so many doors and lead to so much knowledge. Next time someone tells you something, instead of just accepting it, ask why. Dig deeper. Learn.
21. Follow your passions and your dreams. Do what you love and what you enjoy. Don't settle. Not for a job. Not for a spouse. Not for anything. If you believe that you are capable of more, then go for it, but don't forget to keep at least 1 toe on the ground so that you don't lose everything great that you may already have.
22. Be a child. This is a culmination of many of the previous pieces of advice. Being a child means to love like a puppy. You open your arms with a blissful ignorance. You travel wherever you go, looking at things with a curiosity unmatched by any adult. You see things in a creative light and let your imagination run wild. When you're in a taxi, you're not just on your way to work avoiding traffic, you're avoiding the bad guys and on a mission to save the world. You don't judge. You don't assume. You just accept. You listen and you learn, so intensely that others may assume you had no idea they were talking to you, but one day you'll repeat what they said and surprise them. You ask why because you want to truly understand. You are yourself because you haven't yet learned how to be anything but yourself, but at the same time your imagination will allow you to be and do anything you can dream. As a child, you are often selfish, but at the same time often so surprisingly giving because you don't like to see others sad. You laugh and smile often because there's not much else that feels better than that. You save your money, your pennies and your quarters go into the piggy jar because one day, you know you'll buy something big. Each day is new and exciting. You don't make excuses for not doing something because you don't have any, when there is something you want to do, something you dream of, you go for it because you haven't been told you can't. You don't understand that others might believe it's impossible. You just be the best version of yourself because that is how life should be.
If yes, you are not alone.
Perhaps you just want to date without commitment, or maybe you're waiting for Mr. Right. Regardless of your intentions, you take dating slowly — cautiously. However, the guy you are dating has a different agenda. He wants something serious and pushes the envelope a little too far.
Here are 10 things guys do to be sweet that end up being creepy.
1. Shows up unannounced
For an official couple, showing up without announcement is acceptable. But if your date is just getting to know you, appearing at your work or at your front door is pretty creepy. He means to give you full attention, but he needs to respect your space.
2. Shuts off his phone when he is with you
This may not seem as creepy. After all, your date doesn't want interruptions — that's sweet. But a man shutting off his phone can seem suspicious, and a woman may wonder if he is trying to avoid contact with someone else.
3. Keeps track of your every move
Every chance he gets, he is asking where you are and who are you with. He wants full details of your day. Again, you are just dating. You are not seeing each other exclusively, and he does not have the liberty to ask those questions. He is overstepping his boundaries.
4. Bombards you
You feel he is overdoing the phone calls and texts messages. Of course, you love attention, but when the attention becomes too much to handle, you get turned off.
5. Orders for you
You step away to freshen up and, before you know it, your date has already ordered your meal without knowing your tastes — or your allergies.
6. Immediately talks about family
While a woman who wants a family appreciates a man who shares similar feelings, it is uncomfortable when your date does not take the time to learn whether or not having a family interests you right now.
7. Takes you to the same old places
It is sweet to go to the same restaurant you visited on your first date — when it is an occasion such as an anniversary. It is not sweet to visit the same spot over and over again while you are dating.
8. Takes you shopping
Every girl loves it when a man takes her shopping, but not when the man has ulterior motives. He is vocal about your fashion sense. He wants you to wear something of his liking on the next date. It might be safe to say there will be no next date.
9. Has plans for your future
Your handsome date discusses his strict future plans with you, including how he foresees life with his future wife. He expects his wife to be a stay-at-home mom, but you want to pursue your career and think about a family later. Just when you thought your date could have been the one, his plans crush your dreams.
10. Brings his children on the date
There is nothing wrong with a man who cares about and loves his children, but it is strange bringing children on a new date — especially without warning. Maybe the babysitter had to cancel, but a quick phone call to let you know the kids are coming along is in order.
Daters should get to know one another without pressure. If the guy you are dating is overwhelming you or doing things that put you on edge, talk to him about it. If he persists in behaving the same way, don't feel obligated to continue dating him. Your happiness and sanity come first.
I am generally okay with keeping most of my house looking halfway decent. With working full time, writing part time and three children, it's not always easy, but at the very least, the parts of my house that most people see are somewhere in the vicinity of "not embarrassing."
My bedroom is where it all tends to go downhill. It just ends up being the place that everything that doesn't have a place finds a home. It is the opposite of the sexy sanctuary that it is supposed to be a lot of the time.
Maybe you're someone who never struggles with this, but if you're like me, having a bedroom that looks like a cross between a laundromat and the land of misfit toys isn't really the ticket to putting you in the sexiest of moods. If you don't have the time to do a complete overhaul on your bedroom right this moment, here are some quick ways that you can sexify your bedroom in just a few minutes.
Get all of the paper out of it. Mail, magazines, kids' artwork from school. Take it out of your room. It doesn't actually matter where you put it for now. If you have a decorative box that you can put it in somewhere, then put it there and make an appointment with yourself to go through it. Your goal for the moment is just to put it somewhere else.
Put your clothes where you can't see them. Like a lot of women, I am good for having clothes either piled up or folded up in a chair. Put them away somewhere. Unless they're piles of lingerie that you are about to put on immediately, your clothing pile is not hot.
Put all of the toys somewhere else Get the kids toys out of your room right now. Rolling over on a LEGO will kill the mood each and every time. Again, if you don't have time, you don't have to put them all exactly back where they belong. Just gather them up and put them in a place that is not your room.
Put your nicest linens on your bed You might need to wash a load of sheets for this, but make sure your linens match and put the nicest stuff in your room. I had to remind my husband about not putting our fitted sheet on our son's bed recently. Only people with jobs in my house get a high thread count!
Light a scented candle Now that your room is free of junk and/or kid-paraphernalia, engage your senses with your favorite scent. Smell-goods will help relax you and get the mood right.
Five of the University of Florida's most influential female alumni recently returned to where their journeys started and shared the secrets to their success with rising stars from UF's College of Journalism and Communications.
This empowering panel could hardly be duplicated, but these eight habits are sure to bring young women closer to their goals.
1. Have confidence or fake it.
Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer for Nationwide Gale King said,
"If you're going to succeed in the workplace, you have to be self-confident."
Achieving self-confidence, though, can be easier for some women than others. For those who have a tough time remembering just how fabulous they are, King suggests faking the confidence needed to command respect.
"Faking it" doesn't mean hiding your true feelings or being afraid to admit you don't have everything under control. But, if you need a good cry after a difficult day, let your emotions out in private and come back to your workplace looking as strong as ever.
The alone time could even be therapeutic while you reflect on what has made you feel so overwhelmed.
2. Stop saying, "I'm sorry."
"Women have a habit of externalizing failure and internalizing success," said Katherine Green, former senior vice president of news for Tribune Broadcasting.
We're all guilty of saying "I'm sorry" when we don't have to, but women have to realize this bad habit devalues us all.
Executive Editor and Vice President for news at the Miami Herald Mindy Marques said verbalizing our perceived weakness gives ammunition to those against us.
Rather than saying "I'm sorry," use constructive feedback to either encourage others to do better next time or to ensure you do the same for your employer.
3. Know you deserve everything you have.
"We've come a long way, baby!" King said. But, today's professional women have to acknowledge the hard work it takes to keep moving forward.
The pay gap, for example, must be knocked down. That obstacle can only be conquered, though, when women recognize they deserve what they have and ask for what they want.
"When you don't ask, you don't get," said Leigh Radford, vice president at Procter & Gamble.
If you believe you deserve a raise, ask for it. If you want a promotion, ask for it. If you want the corner office, ask for it. Never settle for second-best.
4. Learn man-speak, but don't let it change you.
"Man-speak" may not be an intentional part of the relationships your male coworkers have with each other, but it's real and it can hinder women trying to find where they fit in.
The women of UF's "Becoming a Woman of Influence" workshop agreed women have to study man-speak and use it to their advantage. That doesn't mean we have to change how we do business, though.
"Understand what it takes to be successful in a man's world, but be true to yourself," said Samantha Avivi, global marketing director for Kimberly-Clark.
It's important to know what makes men successful, but women also have to identify what they bring to the table that men typically do not.
Personality traits like compassion, nurturing instincts and elegance can give women the advantage over their male colleagues.
5. Be positive.
At the end of the day, employers want someone who is positive and dedicated to making their whole team look good. That doesn't mean you have to be all sugar and rainbows 24/7, but having a can-do attitude and facing challenges without losing your cool makes you indispensable.
Part of that positivity comes from treating your coworkers with respect and being mindful of what you say.
"Stay out of the mud," Green warned. What seems reasonable to say at the time could get you fired if repeated out of context.
6. Cultivate relationships to build a strong network.
"Your network absolutely contributes to your net worth," King said.
By finding a mentor or acting as mentor for someone else, especially other women, you build a powerful wall of support around yourself that will be there to help when you need it.
A reliable network may not only get your career where you want to it be, but also provide personal support when you need it most. Having people who understand you as a human outside of the great work you do allows you to feel comfortable at work.
And, when you feel appreciated, you're likely to want to work even harder than you already do.
7. Know when it's time to move on.
Knowing when it's time to leave a position or company gives women the power to own their successes and build more.
"Think about what fits for you, and know that if it doesn't fit, you don't have to stay there," Green said.
Sometimes, the time to move on comes when you've done all you can do for a company, or when you are no longer being challenged.
Other times, the time to leave comes when those around or above you take advantage of your dedication to good work and keep the credit for themselves.
Know when you're being taken advantage of, and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.
"You're the only one who can decide what you will and will not accept," said King.
8. Pay it forward.
Influential women get to enjoy some pretty fantastic perks. But, perhaps, one of the best parts of becoming a woman with power is the chance to give back to those who made a difference in your life and those who still need help.
Despite coming from a background that did not guarantee her an education or professional success, UF alumna Gale King recently pledged $1 million to the university.
The money's primary purpose is to provide scholarships to first-generation, academically exceptional students from modest backgrounds.
She has asked that preference be given to students pursuing degrees in journalism and communications.
With dedication, hard work and personal strength, women everywhere can make a difference like this, too.
But, as King said, "We still have work to do."
According to many, "Variety is the spice of life." That takes on a different light when applied to cheating. Some men boast a "natural" penchant for variety. By natural, they mean innate, giving a pseudo-scientific spin to infidelity thereby justifying the behavior as an act of evolution. Multiple women are sought to feed this inherent "need." Variety provides a great way to experience a more fulfilling life in a proper context which lends itself to outcomes that enrich an individual's life and their significant other. Love provides the opportunity for two to experience the richness of its depths in a variety of ways within an exclusive union. It is foolish to assume or worse to make an excuse for cheating on the basis of a need for variety.
Another popular reason given by men for cheating is being unhappy in their current relationships. No one wants to be unhappy and no one has to be. There is always an opportunity to make a better, more suitable choice. The proper course of action, when a man wants to retain honor, would be to end one relationship then, pursue a more compatible partner to begin a new meaningful relationship with.
This path guarantees to leave a man's honor intact if that is his desire. It should be apparent that men that use this excuse are not concerned with maintaining honor. No man concerned with honor, cheats. This reason, just as the last, is easily proven to be a weak selfish excuse. Cheating does not increase happiness in an unhappy relationship. Neither is that the intention of the perpetrator.
It's Just s*x: It doesn't mean anything
The only time a man argues, "It didn't mean anything" is when he is the culprit. When a man is the victim of this type of betrayal, s*x somehow is elevated to far more than a meaningless act of passion that is easily forgotten and forgiven. This is his excuse to lessen the impact and responsibility of his transgression. The damage done is not physical, like the act that caused it.
If it were only physical, it would be easy for a woman to overcome. The body is designed to heal itself. A breach of trust does not heal itself like a flesh wound. Those wounds which are hidden from plain sight are the hardest to heal especially when the damage occurs repeatedly.
Why She Stays
"Why does she stay?" Both the woman and the man have a 'why' that begs an answer, the woman even more so than the man. The cheating man benefits from his actions. That is not a justification of the appalling ignoble acts of men that abuse the privilege to love a woman. It's merely a statement of an unfortunate fact. It's too easy and over-simplifying to say that it's a matter choice. That response is dismissive. It looks no further for an understanding of why someone would make a choice that offers them no benefit. Neither does it give a reason why a particular choice is made when better choices are available to make. Here are three reasons given that we will explore for understanding.
Fear of Being Alone
Atop the list of reasons women continue in relationships with cheating men is a fear of being alone according to some findings. One must question the truthfulness of this answer. I'm not suggesting that the woman that gives this response is lying at all. Instead, I would submit that her response is one heavily influenced by emotions that leave her distraught and in despair.
The effects of her emotional state are exacerbated when her experiences are repeated in one relationship after another. The real truth is that she doesn't fear being alone as much as she fears the thought of rejection from another man that she has given her all to only to be made to feel inadequate. She would choose to feel alone in a relationship that offers her familiarity rather than one that offers her hope for a love that she has only dreamed of, but never known.
I Can Change Him
Recently, this reason surfaced in a couple of different conversations I was engaged in. These were the words spoken to me in one conversation. "We want the bad boys because we think we can change them." This is a true mission of hope (lessness). The act of changing him is in fact an effort to save him. The "Savior's Complex" is often misunderstood. A woman's attempt to save her bad boy is primarily a means to show that she is worthy of his love.
If she can save him, she can establish that her value outweighs those of his other dalliances. Unfortunately, this is an exercise in futility. Indeed, she deserves the love and devotion of a man, but should never expect to find love with a man who cheats. He has a misunderstanding of his role as a man. Manhood is predicated on behavior. Just as a tree is known by its fruit, a man is known by his actions. A woman will never experience love from a man who disregards one of the very tenets upon which love is founded, trust.
He's Just Being a Man
For authentic men across the world, this is probably the most heart-breaking but, also offensive response ever given.
Authentic men take issue with this mischaracterization being associated with genuine manhood. The acceptance of this premise would seem to legitimize illegitimate behavior. That is just as much a contradiction as the behavior it seeks to explain. At the heart of this idea is a woman who only wants to make sense of that which is nonsense. She deserves better. Her heart only wants an explanation for the pain it must endure.
For the sake of clarity in the event it was missed, there are absolutely no justifiable reasons for a man to ever cheat on a woman. Infidelity is a deceitful act of cowardice and betrayal. Even when a woman accepts such degrading treatment, it never absolves a man of his responsibility for the harm he inflicts upon her and the subsequent damage that usually follows in succeeding relationships with the men that follow.
There are no good reasons for a woman to continue dating a man that demonstrates, his behavior, that he is a poor choice for a relationship. Her continued involvement with him will only serve to shape and contaminate her beliefs about men in general. Her beliefs about men will conform to her repeated negative experiences.
Why she stays should only be because she has been found by a man who loves her in the true essence of the word and shows in his deeds. In love, there is no separation between words and actions. One speaks no louder than the other. They are one. Cheating does not exist in this space.
– Take back your power.
– Keep your dignity
– Don't do anything that will land you in the slammer.
Easier said than done, right?
Here's what you need to do to win in this situation.
• Don't say anything until you have evidence. Don't go by what Keneisha said or what you think. You have to have proof… a receipt, a text message, a selfie of him and his side chick. If you don't have proof, he will cover his tracks or worse, go undercover even deeper.
• Never, ever, ever, ever, ever let him make you feel responsible. A cheater is responsible for his own actions. You don't hold a gun to his head or make him do anything. Do not feel you are responsible and do not allow him to make you feel that way either. See, that's where marriage vows come in… this living-together thing ya'll do… there is no stated commitment, but when you actually get married, vows are made.
• Do not give him time to make a decision. He made a commitment to you… he does not deserve options now. You tell him what you want then and there. If you give him time to "figure things out," you are giving him time to figure out how to get away with it with the least amount of effort. Think things through. Be ready.
• Don't cry. Of course it will be hard! You cannot be vulnerable at this point. Keep your dignity. This is not a competition. You should be No. 1, and that's all there is to it. No begging. Don't whine and say, "Why did you do it?" He did it because he is weak and undeserving of a good woman. Your marriage/relationship is not negotiable.
• Don't beat yourself up trying to figure out why he did it. You are not responsible for his actions. Don't waste your energy on that. Focus on you now. Decide what you want and move forward with that.
It's not going to be easy. You have to decide what the consequences will be when you confront a cheater. It could be the end of a relationship. Are you ready for that?
• Joe Jealousy. You can spot him early, as he will become terse with a waiter who smiles at you, or he will make a snide comment about why you had to hug your co-worker so long. Those are early signs that you might be dealing with a man whose jealousy could escalate to a dangerous level pretty quickly.
• No Show Joe. He calls and calls and you finally give in to setting a date. You get all dressed up and he doesn't show. Later, or even the next day you might get a lame excuse, but sista gurl, unless he's been in a horrific accident, there are no excuses good enough. With all the technology available today, there's no excuse for leaving you waiting.
• Two Timing Tom. Just watch for the signs you're not the only one taking up his time. He's not available on a traditional dating night and his reason for not seeing you is vague at best. He slips up and says something about remembering that place on Beale Street and you've never been there with him.
• The Bully. He's a little rough and it could be signs that physical abuse could follow. He pokes your chest to make a point or holds your arm too tight when leading you somewhere. He seems to get angry at the littlest things, like if a car cuts in front of him… he bangs on the steering wheel and yells at the other driver and goes so far as to threaten him/her. Dude's got anger issues and it's just a matter of time before someone gets hurt.
• The Lucky Guy. He's so lucky he found you. And he tells you so after just three dates and he's ready to move in with you. He's the dude you see on "Judge Judy" telling her that the loan you gave him was a gift.
• Charlie Harper. He dislikes more about your life than likes, such as your dog, the way you sleep or how you eat your soup. It's all about him and his ways, and you need to be the one to make all adjustments.
• Buzz Kill. He's the kind who is a bit threatened by a successful woman or at least one that makes more money than he does. His comments are subtle… he might call your promotion "your little promotion" or ask you why you didn't get an "A" instead of the "B" you worked so hard for. Basically, he diminishes your accomplishments.
The point is not to get caught up in the euphoric state of a new relationship so much so that you miss the signs that it might not be the rose garden you thought you'd entered.