Sunday, April 12, 2015

How To Tell If A Woman Just Got Laid

How To Tell If A Woman Just Got Laid

Did you know that just by walking down the street, or across the office, people may be able to figure out that you've gotten la id?
Because having a vag' inal org' asm does more than just put a little pep in your step. It actually causes you to walk differently, with a longer stride and a greater pel vic rotation.

In a European study, trained se xo logists (nice job title) were able to pick out, with an 81 percent accuracy, which women had an org asm just by watching them walk.

But that's not the only way someone can tell if a woman has had s e'x. Here are a few others:

The Glow: There's a scientific reason for us getting the flushed in the cheeks look after s e'x — more blood flow — but what about that aura of calm that seems to float around us after the fact? It happens. Recently, my husband and I went on a post-co'ital grocery store trip and ran in to some friends. The wife remarked to me, "You're glowing," with a little wink and a nod.

The Cat Who Ate The Canary Grin: This is also known as the Smir 'king Smile and if you see a woman looking sideways with this look on her face, you'll know, yep, she just got laid. She has a secret that's making her go through her day with a sense of fulfillment. Because, seriously, nobody is that happy unless they just had s e'x with a happy ending.

The Wet Spot: I know this is gross but getting sem'inal moi'sture leaking through to your pa nts can be an unfortunate byproduct of having s e'x, at least if you don't use a con dom or your partner doesn't pull out. And it's not one of the good ways you would want someone to be able to tell that you recently had s e'x. Wearing a pad post-inter'course can help prevent this — just sayin'.

The Unfla 'ppably Buoyant Mood: A post-intercourse rise in endo'rphins can give you a fresh perspective on the annoy'ances of every day life: Go ahead, honk at me because I'm going too slow. Cut in front of me in the check-out line at the store. And let my kids scream at each other while they argue over who gets to sit in the front seat on the way to school. I. Don't. Care. Thanks to a little early morning sunrise surprise, nothing is going to put me in a bad mood.

Can You Eat Watermelon Seeds?

Can You Eat Watermelon Seeds?

Those lush and refreshing watermelon slices are surely a delight except when it comes to those tiny seeds right? Watermelon seeds are viewed as a hindrance while gobbling up on this sweet fruit. People often struggle to get these seeds out before eating or simple just spit them out while eating it. But have you ever considered eating watermelon seeds? Watermelon seeds are not only 100 per cent consumable but they are actually very nutritious too. They are rich in potassium, iron, vitamins and fibre. Chew them well before swallowing them to reap all their nutritional content.Health benefits of watermelon seeds

*.Watermelon seeds contains amino acids like arginine and lysine that cannot be produced by the body on its own. Lysine helps in calcium absorption and collagen formation in the body. Arginine on the other hand improves metabolism and aids cardiovascular and s*xual health.

*.Watermelon seeds also contain lycopene which helps improve male fertility.

*.They are also a good source of B vitamins which aids the nervous system and boosts immune response.

*.Watermelon seeds are also good for people recovering after an illness.

However, be careful about how much you consume at a time as these watermelon seeds are calorie dense. For the same reason they make for a perfect snack to fuel you before a rigorous workout session Source:
10 Tips For Growing Long Natural Hair

10 Tips For Growing Long Natural Hair

How do I get my hair to grow? faster? longer?

These are all common questions. Before we talk about any hair tips, its important for you to understand that your hair IS GROWING!!!

There are 3 common reasons why you're not seeing any hair growth. You can read them here.

In most cases, your hair is breaking at the same rate that it was growing, given the appearance of stunted hair growth.

Here are 10 Things that helped me see 6 inches of hair growth in a year

3. Shampoo, Co-Wash and Rinse As Needed
Natural hair by nature is very porous, meaning has a high porosity, and mine is no different.

My scalp and hair need to be cleansed and rehydrated at least every 4-5 days and sometimes, co-washed in between.

A clean scalp promotes healthy hair growth by removing build-up, dead skin, and other unwanted debris. Cleansing more frequently than once a week or twice a week is perfectly ok if you're using a gentle sulfate-free cleanser.

I discussed this in more detail in my 10 Step Winter Natural Hair Care Guide. In between shampoos, I Co-wash or Rinse (run water through my hair without shampoo or conditioner) my hair especially in summer. (Houston, TX has 100°+ heat and my hair needed it.)

4. Pay Attention To Those Ends
A lot of times we pay less attention to the oldest part of our hair, the ends. They are the last part to receive moisture and product, but they are the first to lose these things. In addition to trimming split damaged ends, you should apply your product for ends to tips. Always, always moisturize and seal your ends.

If you like these great FREE tips, you'll LOVE my 12 page Winter Natural Hair Care Guide.

Less Manipulation

As much as I love to style my hair, it can be somewhat temperamental — and I've found that it thrives when left alone. I dare not comb or brush this tightly-curled hair daily, not even every other day. Low manipulation or protective styles, like twists or braids, protect my hair from manual breakage and moisture loss.

5. Work In Sections
I have been blessed with a very thick head of hair. It's beautiful, I love it, but it can be challenging. The longer my hair grows, the thicker it becomes.

Everything must be done in 4-6 sections, from shampooing to conditioning to moisturizing to detangling. These ensures full coverage.

6. Penetrating Oils Work Best
The first few years of my natural hair journey I would slather on the Shealoe (shea b*tter+ aloe vera gel). This isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially in the winter. Shea b*tter is a natural moisturizer, great for sealing in the moisture.

The problem is, it only coats my hair. Lighter oils, like coconut or olive oil, actually absorb into the hair, giving it the ability to strengthen and reinforce the hair's internal structure. Read more about the benefits of penetrating oils.

7. The Hooded Dryer is Your Friend
I'm not sure how the hooded dryer got a bad rep, although I think there's confusion about heat damage. There's actually a greater chance of heat damage with blow dryers than there ever will be with a hooded dryers, according to Audrey Davis-Sivasothy, author of The Science of Black Hair – hooded dryers are an indirect or diffused heat source. With indirect heat, there is little or a zero chance of heat damage.

It's very beneficial to sit under a dryer during deep conditioning treatments because it will help your conditioner enter the hair more thoroughly. Plus, 30 – 45 mins under the dryer reduces air drying time and helps your style to set and last longer.

8. Never Skip the Leave-In Conditioner
For some, a leave-in conditioner is optional. Not for me! Especially if I want beautifully, defined curls. I had a hair aha moment (an epiphany, really) when I used Giovanni Direct Leave-In Weightless Moisture Conditioner for the first time.
As I saw my curls defined and popping, I thought, "Yes, this is what I went natural for!" Leaving in your conditioner minimizes frizz, dryness, and flattens the hair cuticle for less tangles and moisture loss.

9. Take A Multivitamin
I know there are a lot of hair supplements on the market but I don't trust them. Many of the dosages are unregulated and way above the recommend daily dosage for these particular supplements.

Ingesting nutrients that your body isn't deficiency of can be disastrous. Hypervitaminosis or vitamin poisoning can lead to adverse sideffects such as hair loss, acne, and even death…
Besides many nutrients relay on each other to actually get the job done. For example biotin is almost ineffective if taken in absence of zinc to inhibit shedding.

A simple multivitamin and well balance diet is all you need for healthy hair. Read more about vitamins for healthy hair.

10. Drink More Water for Hydrated Hair
When it comes to hair care it's very easy to focus on the external. It's the same way with your skin — when you have dry skin or hair, you look for the nearest moisturizer.

Doing this only covers up dryness (not the most effective way to treat it). Moisturize and nourish your hair and skin from the inside out by drinking water. I notice a huge difference in both my hair and skin when I'm drinking water daily.

10 Delicious Ways to Have the Best s*x of Your Life

10 Delicious Ways to Have the Best s*x of Your Life

Here are 10 ways to have the best s*x of your life … this year!

1) Try talking dirty. If you're too embarrassed, make sure you have the lights off, then try it. You may find you love it!

2) Get yer motor running. Send your partner sexy text messages throughout the day. By the time he gets home, you'll both be ready to crawl into bed.

3) Buy a new bra. I know, I know, everyone hates buying new bras – I do too. Here's a sexy tip: bring your guy with you and let him pick one out for you.

4) Bust out the toys. s*x toys, I mean. Let your partner in on a little of the vibrator action and see how you both like it.

5) Strap on your high heels and give him a sexy lap dance the moment he walks in.

6) Mix it up. Take a bath together as foreplay, change positions often during s*x, use lubrication.

7) Share your fantasies with each other. You may be surprised by what REALLY gets each of your hearts beating fast.

8) Role-play. Like talking dirty, role-playing may seem a bit awkward and weird, but that's just because you haven't tried it. It's a perfect addition to everyone's s*x life.

9) Get kinky with some real handcuffs. If you don't like being cuffed (or tied) to the bed, have him strap them on and take control of the situation.

10) Bust out the sweets. We all know how delicious chocolate and whipped cream are … so why not take them to bed? One piece of advice: get ready to get down, dirty, and sticky. You can shower off later – together.
4 Ways To Deal With A Selfish Spouse

4 Ways To Deal With A Selfish Spouse

Marriage is supposed to be a manifestation of love and commitment; of unending devotion. In order to achieve that kind of marriage, both partners have to take a certain amount of care and put in quite a bit of work for the marriage to thrive. When one partner becomes too concerned with his own needs, he leaves the other person feeling unloved and unfulfilled. He begins to dominate the relationship with illogical expectations, which ultimately damages the relationship and causes the
partners to grow apart.

#1) Understand Where he is Coming From
Selfishness in marriage can be brought on by several things. Newlywed couples can experience some degree of selfishness as they learn to adapt to one another, and to share their space.

Couples with small children might feel that their spouse is being selfish because children require so much attention. The primary caretaker might feel that since they take care of the kids, they are entitled to being selfish in the marriage. The other spouse might feel forgotten or neglected. Selfishness can also stem from fear or anxiety. Some people are just used to always getting their way.

The point is that you shouldn't assume that you know why your husband is acting selfish. Next time he wants to behave in a way that only benefits him, ask him–very specifically–what his motivations are. You might be surprised.

#2) Cooperation, Not Compromise
Most people think that the key to marriage is compromise but, according to psychotherapist Michael J. Formica, cooperation is a better goal. "Compromise, within the context of relationships, is troublesome because it implies that someone is giving something up," he says. "Cooperation, on the other hand, strengthens the underlying fabric of relationship through balanced interchange, open communication and mutual understanding."

Try to seek common ground and lead by example. Have a giving attitude and continue to show your unconditional love. Most importantly, focus on communication. It is key to developing cooperation in marriage. You must communicate openly and honestly without any hidden agendas or mind games. Let him know exactly how you feel and how his behavior is affecting you and your relationship.

#3) Remember That a Certain Amount of Selfishness is Healthy
Outside of the context of a relationship, selfishness is a good thing. It is a fundamental survival instinct that keeps us happy and reminds us to take care of ourselves. People who do not focus on themselves tend to get stressed out, overworked, and exhausted, trying to always please others.

People who carry this mindset into their relationship might not realize that their desire to protect their own interests often forestalls those of their partner. Your husband might need a reminder from time to time that you are a team. If he considers you and your marriage an extension of himself, his selfishness could actually benefit both of you and strengthen your relationship. He just needs to understand when to being selfish is beneficial and when it is detrimental.

#4) Stand Your Ground
Maybe you'll never be able to get him to change. But you can change the way you react to him. If you've suffered through his demands and neediness, now is the time to stand up for yourself. Do what you can to improve your self esteem so that you no longer feel inadequate when you don't meet his many demands… let's just be honest here and admit that lack of self esteem is what causes us to put up with selfish people.

Also, work on the way you handle situations in which you feel he is being selfish. You should refuse to allow it, but in the right way. If you tend to resort to snarky, sarcastic comments to let him know how you're feeling, stop. Mind games don't work and if you wait for him to figure out how you feel, you'll be waiting for a really long time. Without making accusations, speak up and don't leave any room for him to misinterpret your intentions. Be bold, be blunt, and make sure you are heard.

9 Places Men Want to be Touched

9 Places Men Want to be Touched

Relaxing is the most important step of arousal. Hence, much before you jump start to the action in the bedroom, indulge in little play to boost your man's 'drive'. A little foreplay can do wonders between the sheets. Try the following tricks on your man and you won't be disappointed.

#1. It is all on his face
As per Chinese medicine, yang is a kind of male energy that has been associated with male s*xual drive for years and to top it all, male face is the ground for most of the yang channels. You got it right! Try and relax your partner's mood by running your fingers gently over his face. Start from gently pressing his temple to relieve his pressure and then gently go down to his cheek and then lips. You will see a marked difference in his mood instantly.

#2. Soothe the neckline
Neck is the next region to explore. Neck region that holds thyroid gland is believed to get stimulated upon gentle caresses, which is responsible for body's metabolism, including his s*xual drive. Start the action with a feather and arrange a flirtatious arrest of his Adam's apple with your hands in a circular motion. After a while, switch the action with your lips!

#3. Play it along his ears
Ear lobe is a zone that has numerous nerve endings, so every time you touch his ear lobe, he will go crazy. Use imaginative ways to entice his senses by using your tongue, teeth or simply play with your fingers.

#4. Magic touch for his hands
Though his palm can seem a bit rough to work under your gentle strokes, still this trick is quite effective to complete the business. Circle your fingers starting from the outer edge of his palm, slowly progressing towards the centre. Gently press the webs with your thumb and forefinger to ease his tension and see him go crazy.

#5. Route through the spine
His lower back can be a good route to arousal. Move and rub your fingers on the region just above the hip bone. This will generate heat, warm his skin and relax him. Now go gently towards the spine above while exerting the pressure. You can also entice his senses by tickling him very sensually with your hair.

#6. Behind his knees
The region behind his knees is very delicate and has many nerves to stimulate his senses. This sensitive volatile spot can be explored to drive him into pleasure villa. Scratch gently behind his knees to generate heat and ticklish sensations.

#7. Bellyb*tton urges
His navel is an exciting spot to explore his urges. Start by making circles around the navel and then go towards the outer edge. But do remember, the amount of pressure has to remain consistent or the entire process can turn completely laughable. You can use a feather or maybe an ice cube to heighten his pleasure.

#8. Bottoms high
Soles of his feet are another tried and tested region. However, precaution should be taken while exercising the pressure or you will send him to one of his laughing sprees, which is something that is not going to get him into the mood. So, move your fingers gently like a rhythm.

#9. Caress the tresses
His hair is as important as the rest of his body. Run your fingers through his hair, very gently and sensually. Play with his locks, moving your fingers up and down his neck and ears. This would definitely prepare him for everything you have on your mind.
So, wives, use these steps to heighten your bedroom experience and to send your man's spirits soaring!

4 Cruel Ways You Hurt Your Partner (Without Saying A Word)

4 Cruel Ways You Hurt Your Partner (Without Saying A Word)

Do you see yourself in any of these scenarios?

1. You Use Silence as a Punishment
Your partner takes an action or makes a choice … and you disapprove. So you send your sweetie a small, micro-aggressive energetic smack that conveys your contempt, lack of respect, and ultimate dismissal of them … all without using a single nasty word or a negative tone.

Your partner, who is deeply attuned to your energy, immediately picks up that vibratory message in their body — and feels your vibe intensely, like a punch in the gut (literally, they'll suddenly feel sick or nervous in their stomach). Yes, you said, "It's fine. No big deal." But your partner feels the disconnect between your vibe and your words … and it hurts. And, be honest, you meant it to.

Of course, when your partner reacts strongly to this wound from you, you feign ignorance, pretend you did nothing, and accuse them of overreacting.

Over time, most couples get better and better at this technique. You wound one another with the smallest movement, a slight change in posture, a look, or a minor change in their voice. That small, dismissive micro-aggressive gesture, or facial expression conveys the message: I only love you when you do what I want. If you displease me, I'll make you pay for it.

It's the art of subtle cruelty; quiet violence that leaves no visible fingerprints. Your partner is left feeling attacked but can't logically explain why or what happened.

2. You Play the Victim
For those who like to maintain control without ever seeming controlling, the Victim Vibe is the technique of choice. You tell your partner you want something and they don't want to give it, whether that's going to an event you're eager to attend or making a purchase they find unnecessary. And so, you start in on them … arguing, badgering, sulking, wearing them down. Finally, they give in (usually begrudgingly or half-heartedly) and you get your way.

But that's not enough for you — you want service with a smile! Instead of thanking them for acquiescing and then allowing them their honest feelings about how they came to do so, you retaliate by asking, "What's wrong?" or "What's going on?," and act like you're the victim of their bad energy. Frustrated, they say, "This is what you said you want. But now that you're getting it, you're still complaining? Still not happy? What the hell is wrong with you?"

Congratulations, you got what you want by ignoring your partner's feelings, but now you get to make them the bad guy by acting like you're the victim.

3. You're An Emotional Bully
With this approach, you're not taking no for answer and instead of using silence, you're taking the opposite approach and upping the volume of your words. The goal is to pour a ton of energetic intensity on your partner and create a pressure cooker effect. Put the energetic squeeze on them until you get your way. Bully them. Nag them. Over-explain your point. Lecture. Talk too loud. Talk extra slow like they're a half-deaf idiot child.

The message is clear — you won't back off or ease the pressure they feel until you get what you want. By overpowering, you hook all sorts of extra negative baggage onto what should otherwise be a simple message.

4. You Keep Your Partner in the Dark
You give your partner only part of what you know they want or need, especially in conversations. You offer just a taste of it, to hook them, and then you energetically withhold the rest to ensure that you retain control. It's a not-so-subtle power play made through your tone of voice, timing, and how much you do or do not engage with them.

And what is the "thing" they want and need that you withhold? Why, your love, affection and attention, of course. Your withholding looks like this:

• Your partner tries to tell you about his day, you listen briefly, then change the subject before he finishes.

• Your partner asks to discuss something with you. You agree, but while she talks, you send texts, or surf the web, or check your e-mail or you interrupt the conversation to make or take a less-than-urgent phone call.

• You pretend to pay attention, periodically saying "uh huh" and "okay." But really you don't give a rat's a*s about the conversation (what they're trying to tell you) and you're letting them know with your bored tone and indifferent questions such as, "Who are we talking about, again?"

• You say the right words — "I'm sorry" or "That must really hurt" or "Go on, I'm listening" — but in a bored or uncommitted or uncaring tone.

• You respond in an angry monotone, "Whatever. It doesn't matter" or (the nastiest of all) "It's fine." Meanwhile, the vibe you send to them screams, Oh, I care, and it does matter — a lot. But right now I'm pissed as hell, so I'm going to pretend I don't care and refuse to engage with you. You won't be able to do anything about my anger. I'm going to make you FEEL it for awhile. Until I feel better, I will make YOU feel bad.

So, how can you improve the vibe in your relationship?
The truth is — we all send out positive and negative vibes, occasionally without fully realizing it. When I call attention to one of these four toxic patterns emerging between one of my couples in a therapy session, the guilty partner almost always says, "What?! I didn't say anything!" and hopes that their partner will cave to them or take their side.

But, let's be honest (more often than we'd like to admit), we're perfectly aware that our "bad vibes" are wounding or seriously distressing the other person.

And you likely know that you're hurting your partner, too!
In these instances, what often happens is that the other partner finally calls their lover out on this unfair behavior. They straighten their spine and speak their truth.

This can blow the relationship apart—or it can blow it open and create an opportunity for growth and transformation.
But positive change can't occur until both partners acknowledge and commit to changing the way they energetically wound one another without words.

So, if you recognize yourself in this article, I challenge you to find the courage to change your own behavior before your partner calls you out on it (or walks away from you entirely).

Dead b*tt Syndrome Is A Serious Issue!!! Learn How To Avoid It

Dead b*tt Syndrome Is A Serious Issue!!! Learn How To Avoid It

You know how when you sit for a really long time in one position, your booty starts to ache? Yeah, that's not what we're talking about when we say "dead b*tt syndrome" (but still, ouch). Dead b*tt Syndrome is caused by inflammation in your gluteus medius muscles, and though it sounds funny, according to, it's no laughing matter.

What is it?

Run coach Chris Heuisler told that dead b*tt syndrome is occurring a lot these days because we spend a large part of our time on our bums, which tightens up our hips and prevents the gluteal muscles from working properly and symmetrically. So what happens is you start carrying more wait over one hip than the other, which transfers the weight unevenly over the rest of your body. And that causes major injuries, particularly in runners.

Do you have it?

Dead b*tt syndrome is characterized by severe hip pain and walking wobbly. When you're standing still, you might hold your weight unconsciously more to one side than the other. If you're worried or in pain, always talk to a doc before you do anything, even the exercises we're gonna talk about below—they're preventative, not quick fixes!

How to avoid it

#1. Bridge the gap: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your pelvis slowly up toward the ceiling as far as you can with a goal of creating a straight line from your knees to your chest. Hold for five seconds, then lower back to the ground. Repeat.

#2. Lift it: Stretch out on your side, legs straight and stacked, head and neck supported by your arm. Your knees should face forward. Use your abs to hold you in place while you squeeze your glutes and lift your top leg upward a foot or so—as high as you can without losing stability. Hold, then slowly lower. Repeat 10 times on one side, then roll over and do the same on the other side.

#3. Singled out: Start this adapted squat without weights, but feel free to gradually add them in to tone your arms after you master the movement. To start, stand about a yard in front of a low chair, bench or table (you want the top of it to come up to your knee). Your feet should be spread a little wider than your shoulders, upper body relaxed. Bend your left knee and rest your foot back on the bench. Then, bend your right knee and squat down slowly. Continue dropping low until your front thigh is parallel to the ground and your knee is perpendicular to your shin. Don't overextend your knee over your foot—that can cause injury. Press up through your foot and squeeze your bum to come up. Repeat 10 times on one side, then switch.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

11 Ways Divorce Can Change Your Life For The Better

11 Ways Divorce Can Change Your Life For The Better

For couples of this generation, divorce may seem like a quick fix for a marriage that is no longer working. Most times, these breakups don't end well, leading to months of of court case or the other.

Aside from the couple involved, divorce can take a toll on the entire family,especially if children are involved. But it doesn't always have to be a bad thing.

Lisa Arends of The Huffington Post shares with us 11 ways a divorce can actually change your life for the better. Read on to find out how:

Maturity: You may have to be a legal adult to get married, but there are no tests for maturity before we pledge our lives to one another. And in many cases, we enter our first marriages still children in many ways. Perhaps we placed too much faith in the idea of soul mates and happily ever after. Maybe we didn't fully appreciate the effort that marriage requires. And possibly we still carried childhood wounds and patterns into our marriages rather than assuming adult responsibility for our own responses. Divorce is like a drill sergeant yelling, 'Grow up!' into your tear-streamed face. It leaves no room for childhood fantasies and overdependence on others. It requires that you put on your big-girl panties or big-boy briefs. Maybe for the first time in your life.

Confidence: In the beginning, divorce saps your confidence. You may be feeling defeated because you couldn't hold your marriage together. If an affair was part of your divorce story, you're wondering what the new partner had that you do not. And once you face the dating scene again, yet older and saggier than before, your self-doubt grows. However, that's only part of the story. Because whenever you successfully complete something that you thought you could not do, you gain confidence. Whenever you have to reframe your assumptions about your weaknesses and limitations, you fuel belief in yourself. Whenever you face your fears and survive, you acquire strength. And whenever you come through a struggle bruised and battered yet without giving up, you build trust in your abilities. And divorce certainly provides these opportunities in spades.

Perspective: The only way to truly understand something is to first walk through it and then step back and look upon it from a distance. There's a reason that some of the best marriage advice comes from people who have been divorced -- they know the beginning, the middle and what can lead to end in a way that those only speaking from within cannot fathom. As time goes on, and your divorce moves further back in the rearview mirror, you will be able to see patterns less clouded by emotion and cluttering detail. That perspective gives you information that you can use to change your own behaviors and to improve your future relationships.

Gratitude: When you lose everything, you take nothing for granted. With divorce, you lose your past memories, your present marriage and your future dreams. If you're like me, you also lost so much more, left with nothing but your clothes and your determination to survive. And as the dust settles, you will find an increased thankfulness for the friends that stepped up and stood by. You will treasure every day where the smiles outnumber the tears. And you will retain that gratitude even as the pain fades because once you have felt rock bottom, you appreciate everything that lifts you up.

Empathy: When you have felt pain, you honor and respect that pain in others. The end of a marriage makes you more empathetic towards people facing any kind of loss. As you move towards acceptance and forgiveness of your situation and your ex, you develop your ability to see more than one viewpoint and to consider the feelings of others. Divorce also wipes away the ego that demands that it's shameful to ask for help. And once you've needed and accepted that help yourself, you're better equipped to render aid to others.

Responsibility: It's all too easy to unwittingly put the responsibility for our life in our spouse's hands. We may look to them to provide our happiness. We may lean on them when we are upset or having difficulty with a decision. It's good to be interdependent, yet divorce requires that you learn to be independent. When you walk out of that courtroom, your life is your hands. You no longer have a co-captain, you're driving alone. One of the first areas you have to assume responsibility for is your own well-being. You can't outsource healing; you have to do it yourself. It's scary taking on all of the responsibility yourself. Yet it's also empowering. Because what you own, you can change. It's your life now.

Humility: Divorce is a harsh lesson in our limitations. It teaches us that no matter how much we want something to be true, we cannot force it into being. It's a wake-up call that we all make mistakes and we all make choices whose consequences may be much greater than we ever imagined. You may have been one of the divorce-deniers, now forced to admit that it can happen to anyone. The reality-slap of the end of a marriage helps you embrace acceptance while limiting expectations.

Fortitude: The journey of divorce is an arduous one, taking much longer and with more setbacks than any of us imagined before we took that first step. It has many moments of false-hope when we think the worst is behind us, only to find that we are snapped back yet again to the depths of hopelessness. Divorce takes grit to survive. You flex your fortitude as you continue on even when you can't yet see the end.

Awareness: Many people see divorce as a wake-up call, often realizing that they were living in auto-pilot before they signed their 'I Un-dos.' Divorce is a major change in the status quo. It's a time where everything stands out in stark relief and there is an awareness and clarity that may have been absent before. Furthermore, as part of the healing and growth process, you may turn to meditation or yoga, deepening your mindfulness and consciousness. You may have been asleep before, but you're wide awake now.

Ingenuity: Divorce has a way of surprising us will all kinds of situations requiring novel and often immediate solutions. Whether it be how to afford rent on a fraction of your previous budget or how to co-parent your children with your difficult ex, you are constantly placed in the role of problem solver. And the more we do something, the more proficient we become. And the end of a marriage will give you plenty of opportunity to develop your ingenuity.

Wisdom: Many use divorce as an opportunity for reflection and analysis. With the ego stripped away, you are raw and ready to learn. Listen. There's wisdom in the lessons hidden in the end of a marriage.

Music: Iwa rere by Olamigreat

Music: Iwa rere by Olamigreat

Joshua Olamilekan Olawale by name is the fourth in the family of five,who strongly believe in dreams and vision coming to reality. Always passionate about gud music as a source of living life to the fullest. Olamigreat is a singer-songwriter,a dynamic music minister and a versatile singer with the primary objective of pleasing God off and on the stage.Olamigreat which happen to be his moniker,is currently widen creativity possibility as a solo artiste in bridging an edge between art and spirit.His affinity for Jazz music,afrocentric vocalism and a strong use of Yoruba language garnish his sound.I am me and nothing can't change being me.For the words I speak are spirit and life.DOWNLOAD HERE
News: Misteer Kenzo Da Dodoribado Congratulates 9ice on his new appointment as the new Oyo state Governor special adviser

News: Misteer Kenzo Da Dodoribado Congratulates 9ice on his new appointment as the new Oyo state Governor special adviser

Kusimo Olumide Festus a.k.a Misteer Kenzo Da Dodoribado the C.E.O and Group Managing Director of Orange Music Production Africa and owner of congratulates Abolore Alexander Akande aka 9ice on his new appointment as the Special Adviser of the Oyo State governor, Abiola Ajimobi.

Although I understand what it takes as an artiste who contested the Ogbomosho North Constituency seat, its so painfull you lost party primaries, he yet nursed the courage of your political ambition in the All Progressive Congress (APC)

9ice is an award winning Nigerian singer, whose is popular for his hit track "Gongo Aso" His decision to go into politics came as a shock to me and many.

Stay blessed as u enjoy your new office.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Intimacy In Marriage? All You Need To Know…..

Intimacy In Marriage? All You Need To Know…..

Deep in the heart of every person is the desire to know and be known. God created us for this relational intimacy as a reflection of himself and his desire to be in a mutual and profound relationship with us.

In marriage, we often confuse our ideas of closeness and being romantic with intimacy. However, true intimacy is about allowing ourselves to be known in the presence of our partner. To do this requires that we have a fairly solid sense of who we are. When we know who we are, and are willing to take the risk in sharing ourselves with our spouse, the stage is set for passionate intimacy.

In addition to not knowing who we are, many of us miss the richness of intimacy in our marriage because we reduce intimacy down to s*x. While s*xual encounters certainly can (and should) be intimate, martial intimacy involves much more than this. Building an intimate marriage calls for our intimacy to be multidimensional. This includes physical, emotional, mental, social, as well as spiritual intimacy.

Emotional "" sharing our hearts with each other: our pain, joy, fear, excitement, anger, curiosity, etc.

Mental – sharing our thoughts and ideas, our aspirations and dreams, and engaging in stimulating discussions with each other.
Social – working together on a project, engaging in outside interests, and playing together
Physical – visually enjoying each other bodies, looking into each other's eyes, listening to each other's voice, holding hands, hugging, kissing passionately, sensually caressing, arousing er*tic behaviors, and the s*x act.

Spiritual – sharing our spirit with each other and growing closer to God as a couple by praying together, studying God's Word and sharing spiritual insights, and worshiping together.

Making intimacy just about s*x is far too simplistic. Mature and loving relationships involve all these areas. Be willing to know yourself, share that with your spouse, and develop a well-rounded intimacy that reflects God's intimate best for your marriage!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Music: Orange Music All Starz 2015 ft Icetee, J.O.S, Misteer Kenzo, Tureal, Blaq Wheezy, Tripple A & Mr Concord

Music: Orange Music All Starz 2015 ft Icetee, J.O.S, Misteer Kenzo, Tureal, Blaq Wheezy, Tripple A & Mr Concord

Orange music production started way back in 2013 under Gemini Records...
It was highly supported by Misteer Kenzo and Abiodun a.k.a Blaq Wheezy who finally decided to raise the name all over Africa and has fully gained ground in Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Liberia, Libya, Cameroon, Togo and Malaysia.
The first Orange music Artiste was J.O.S... And currently Orange music is working more with so many upcoming Artistes whom might not have been fully signed apart from Misteer Kenzo now sided with Mchil Mr Swag who are still the dopest RnB singer and Rap Artistes respectively.
Orange music all starz ft Icetee, J.O.S, Misteer Kenzo, Tureal, Blaq Wheezy, Tripple A and Mr Concord was actually produced in Nigeria..
Music: Anavami by Misteer Kenzo @misteerkenzo

Music: Anavami by Misteer Kenzo @misteerkenzo

A self motivated man from Ogun state, born in d city of Lagos, Schoolled at Saint
Gregory's college Obalende Lagos&LGSCS Atan Ota Ogun State. Graduated 08/09 session in Olabisi Onabanjo University Ogun State. Joined entertainment industry 06/07. 1st record deal with Lompec Records where i did my first group track with Double Rain. 2nd record deal with Sesho Music production, also with X-pensiv T.. Currently working with Orange Music production, a subsidiary of Marcorvnikov's Music entertainment.DOWNLOAD HERE
Music: Story for the gods by Maxx Dreamz

Music: Story for the gods by Maxx Dreamz

Maxx Dreamz* an igbo lad whom his real names are Emmanuel chukwuma. He hails from the eastern pert of the country Anambra state . But hr base right now in the city of delta state, warri. Here is another great tune from the indigenous rapper where he shows his igbo rapping skills again as he makes the igbo version of the highly accepted song 'story for the gods' by olamide and the beat was produced by jaylove. This is a jam u shouldn't afford to miss. Most especially the igbo peple.. EnjoyDOWNLOAD HERE
Music: Take over by Dazs @PsDazs

Music: Take over by Dazs @PsDazs

DAZS ISHIMA who was born Dekera Acme Zack Se-Sugh October 29, 1986. Mkar -Benue State; into a Christian home of Eight (8) with him been the first child has grown from just singing and playing drums in his fathers parish (RCCG DOMINION MODEL PARISH) growing up in Warri DELTA STATE. to featuring in Concerts, Hosting Gospel wide music seminars and concerts in Nigeria.

His passion and gift enveloped in Gods Special grace has elevated him to share platforms with great gospel acts like Sammie Okposo, Freke Umoh, Eben, Samsung, Pastor Abraham Winkole, Dan-Favour Bulaun, Face of Heaven, Adakole Williams, Donnie Mccklurkin, Lara George, Onos, Bishop Opoko, Gweke Nathaniel Basseyand many others.

Dazs is the President Reality Music Ministry, groomed singer, speaker, motivator, event host/master of ceremony with  the soul of Pastor Ralph Ochinya Jnr and contemporary flair of Freke Umoh. He is also a graduate in Maths/Computer Science from Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi. He has also a diploma in Music event hosting and business from the City Builders Academy, Makurdi under the Tutualage of Pastor Dave Ogbole.

Dazs has currently dropped this song of hope titled, "Taking Over". Basically its all about building in us the confidence that time has come for believers to recover what is rightfully our inheritance that's  been deprived by FEAR, & DOUBTDOWNLOAD HERE

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

MUSIC: Wire wire by Maxione @OfficialMaxione prod by DreSan @iamDresan @famerecordlabel

MUSIC: Wire wire by Maxione @OfficialMaxione prod by DreSan @iamDresan @famerecordlabel

PRESS RELEASE: Micheal adenuga well known as Stage name MAXIONE, an artist, promoter, he is the CEO of Fameworld Records. he drop a song last year december title YOUR WAIST which was Produced by Antras, the song is still trending everywhere and people have good comment about the song, he is here again with another hot joint title WIRE WIRE produced by Dre San, its a song you will love to listen to..Kindly download and share.
Contact MAXIONE on 08061367964DOWNLOAD HERE
6 Things You Realize And Regret When You Let That Special Someone Go

6 Things You Realize And Regret When You Let That Special Someone Go

Homes a point in just about everyone's life when we accept we cannot make it through this life alone — that we need a partner in order to make it out alive.

Different people come to accept this at different points in their lives, but regardless of who you are, how or where you were raised, or what your current living situation is, you will realize — sooner or later — you can't make it solo.

Moreover, you'll come to accept that you don't want to make it alone.

There's a difference between knowing or being told you need someone in your life and feeling you need someone to share your life with.

We are told different "truths" throughout our lives and although we often believe what we are told, we rarely find the motivation to do what is recommended without first experiencing the need to act, to change.

One of the greatest motivators for settling down and partnering up is realizing you already let an ideal candidate get away.

Just about everyone is searching for the next best thing, but only once you realize that finding better is mostly impossible will you truly appreciate what you once had and what you were once too immature to hold on to.

Only once you understand how good you once had it will you understand how bad you have it now, and only then will you be capable of turning your life around and turning it in the right direction.

In a sense, you need the one that got away in order to find the one that stays by your side forever.

1. Realizing that loving and being in love aren't the same thing.
When two people who are perfect for each other end up not working out, it's usually because one of the two feels that he or she is no longer in love with the other.

Relationships can be incredibly intense in the beginning — even more so when you're dating someone who could potentially be the one. As the novelty and excitement of it all die down, however, so do the corresponding emotional responses we experience.

Not feeling your heart flutter when you see your partner doesn't mean you're no longer in love. It just means you are no longer worried you may lose him or her. Sadly, this is a deceiving feeling as you can always lose anyone at any time.

2. Realizing that finding someone to love is a lot easier than finding someone to love you.

You can fall in and out of love weekly if your mind is open to it. Of course, it would be a very shallow sort of love and surely wouldn't last, but nevertheless you would still feel many of those emotions most closely related to the phenomenon. The hard part is finding someone to love you in return.

A lot of factors come into play when considering whether or not a person is even capable of loving you — so many factors that, in the end, it all comes down to luck.

If he or she happens to be in the right place in life, in the right mindset, then he or she may fall for you. Such windows are small, however, and are missed more often than not.

3. Realizing that you're capable of treating people horribly.
Love brings out the best and worst in people. When things within our relationships are going the way we wish them to, we're the nicest individuals in the world.

But because we put so much on the line, open ourselves up and put great trust in another individual, when we feel threatened, we lash out with horrendous fervor.

There is no better person than a person in love and no more horrible a person than a person feeling he or she may lose that love. You need to accept how horrible you can be in order to realize how much it takes to avoid being that person.

4. Realizing that your emotions can play tricks on you.
What most people don't realize until it's too late is that our emotions aren't good indicators of reality. First, we have the reality that exists outside of us, that isn't subjective, but entirely objective — a reality that exists only in the physical sense.

We then add a second layer to this reality by perceiving and interpreting what we perceive. Only then do we experience emotional responses — but not in response to reality itself, but in response to our interpretation of it.

Feelings are the third, and furthest removed, layer that make up our personal reality. If we misperceive, misinterpret or misunderstand something then our emotions will reflect the errors we make, not what actually exists.

Most relationships fail because of just this — misinterpreting reality, drawing the wrong conclusions and then allowing our misleading emotions to get the better of us.

5. Realizing that although forever is scary, it can also be comforting.

Fear of commitment is a real thing. Every time we commit, we are simultaneously rejecting all other possible alternatives; there are always opportunity costs associated whenever we make a decision.

Most decisions don't worry us too much as we feel that we can reverse them if necessary. When it comes to love, however, most of us believe that it is or, at the very least ought to be, forever.
Making a decision that you believe you need to stick to for the rest of your life is scary. What if you make the wrong decision? What if you're going to miss out on something better? These will always be possibilities — you can't wrestle with them because these questions will never go away.

Instead, focus on all the positive things that having a special someone in your life allows for. The truth is that you are never stuck when it comes to relationships… unfortunately most people don't realize this until they let that special someone get away.

6. Realizing that missing someone can hurt indefinitely.
Most physical pains are temporary. Emotional pains, on the other hand, have the ability to last for decades. They may not be constant, but they have the ability to resurface again and again for years to come.

All that's necessary is for one experience, one thought, one memory to trigger another painful memory. Because we're only human, we learn from experience. The only way to understand how much it's possible to miss someone is to miss that someone that you now know you could spend your life with.

You will never miss anyone the way you miss the one that got away. I can say this with certainty because if you do manage to find another special someone to spend your life with, you'll sooner die than let him or her slip away.