The diva stepped out again in a sheer top and cut-out sweatpants as she headed to a tattoo parlor in her New York neighborhood yesterday.
She has flaunted her n!pples a lot of times, and it looks like she doesn't like to wear a bra.
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If one were so inclined, however, one could convince the world they were millionaires, even if their bank accounts are stagnant with only three zeroes. Remember, a big part of tricking people into thinking you are rich is by really selling the cause. This is a performance piece, and if you play it weak, that will be detected.
Have all the swagger of a millionaire and follow these ten simple steps and you just might convince other people that you are rich when really, you are anything but. Remember, lying is never good, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
10. Car Rentals
Listen, there are key moments in everyone's life when you show up somewhere and all eyes are on you. If you pull up in a Pinto pretending it's a Porsche, no one is buying it.
However, before some of these key moments – think high school reunion – if you were to rent a sports car by the hour, it won't empty your bank account but it sure will show the people you went to high school with just how upper class you have become in their absence.
9. Nice Jewelry & Watches
Sometimes a quick way people assess one another and try to figure out if a person is well-to-do is the accoutrements they have on. Be it a nice, brand name watch, or a piece of jewelry that clearly cost a pretty penny, the accompanying accessory can cast that illusion nicely.
keep in mind, people seeing these watches in passing have no way of knowing if you are wearing a high grade knockoff *wink wink*. Remember, it is all about social status, and in this case, you are just projecting yourself a little bit larger than what you really are. No sin there.
8. Act Douchey
The big reality about money is, most people who have it think themselves superior to people who don't. So if you want to seem like you have or come from money, there has to be an heir of "my poop don't stink" hovering around you at all times.
This does not mean being outright rude, but it does mean carrying yourself like you are surrounded by peasants. It is awful and cruel, but when emulating the rich, you gotta do it right or you may as well not do it at all.
7. A Chapeau
Yes, if you want come across like you are rich, you need a big time, stuffy hat. For a man, it can be a bowler or a fedora. Hell, even a top hat screams big money. A man in a top hat strikes us subconsciously as far more powerful than the man in the baseball hat.
A good hat can up your social standings in people's eyes almost immediately. The same can be said for women. Have you ever seen the hats those rich broads wear to the Kentucky Derby? Madness, pure madness.
6. Know Your Food
One thing rich people all love to demonstrate is their knowledge of food and the foodie culture. If you go out with some friends and order a bacon burger, there are no allusions to what's in your account. If you go to some place and order Kobe beef browned in truffle butter, people are going to look at you like you just walked out of a castle. In this case, it is just about basic knowledge of food and what flavors go well and what foods are seen as upper class (hint: duck, lamb and Kobe beef).
So order like a rich man and watch as people just assume it to be true. Just pray that doesn't end with them thinking you are rich enough to pay for the whole meal. Remember, all this is just an illusion meant to up your social standing.
5. Wine Knowledge
Sadly, this is another huge aspect of the bourgeois. Boxed wine is not normally what they engage in. In this case, we're talking about just educating yourself so when the wine gets presented, you can awe those around you by mentioning "hints of oak with an almost cacao finish." That is pretentious, and that is exactly what rich people do.
Also, ask the table what color they prefer and then order for them without asking – super rich person move. They're pretty crappy social skills in real life, but they will convey "rich douche" to whomever you are with at the time.
4. Constant Phone Calls
"Excuse me, this is business and I simply have to take it. So sorry if this seems rude. Business never stops, as they say." That is all you need to know. Memorize that speech now and make it so you do get calls at dinners and parties and ALWAYS take them, but always announce to the entire room how important it is and how sorry you are.
You will run off and the people around you will just assume you must be closing in on some big deal, because who else would act like that much of a butt during a meal out in public? Another key to this one is walking back to the table smiling, saying "crisis averted." If anyone asks what it was, just make some fancy stuff up. They will eat it up.
3. Designer Pets
"Normal people have dogs? Well, we have a Labradoodle, which is a special, extra badass, super pet that most normal people cannot afford. We also have a llama out in the back yard for the kids to mock, and we have a rare, blue, African parrot that can speak three languages."
Keep in mind, all you need is a bird and a normal dog. Just say this stuff, and if all other elements from this list are in order, they'll believe you. Remember, it is all about casting a believable illusion.
2. Fakecations
"Sorry everyone, we will be gone from August 1st to September 21st. We are going to hike part of the Appalachians and then maybe spend the last couple of days flying out to Cozumel to reward ourselves for hiking the Appalachians. So whatever you do, do not try to hit us up in that time because we will not be around."
Thing is, you will be around. But everyone will just assume you aren't so they wont bother you. Take two or three fakecations a year, and everyone will think you are not only living in the lap of luxury, but that you arethe lap of luxury.
1. A.B.S: Always Be Scarf-ing
Seriously, rich, pretentious people never take their scarves off. So just buy one or two decent silk scarves that match well with a few of your outfits, and wear them everywhere. Just think about someone like Johnny Depp if you want an example. Here's a grown man who wears scarves everywhere, and people accept it because he is rich.
If you begin wearing scarves everywhere, everyone's subconscious will just switch and be like, "The dude's gotta be rich. No one else would risk looking that silly."
Yes, it is an act of self sacrifice, but that is part of this process, too. No one ever said pretending to be rich would be easy.
1. Remind Your Boss Of Your Current Workload
Being that we all are human, we can only take on so much responsibility before life becomes a little too hard. Do not let it all stress you out to the point where you put your health and mentality at risk. Remind your boss of your current workload and projects you are working on.
By showing that you are at work on a variety of other important tasks, you show your boss that you have taken on some responsibility already and that you are working on completing them in a timely manner before you begin anything else. Do not be shy to use this technique. Saying no without expletively saying it in this case is a great way to keep everything neutral and as stress free as possible.
2. Say No Without Really Saying No
Have you ever heard of saying no without really saying it as? Certain ways to do so include, using your body language to convey the message and changing tone of voice without being offensive. Use expressions such as "When would you need this done by? I would love to help but…" Make sure you explain yourself clearly in order to convey the message that you cannot but avoid saying no to new projects out right to your boss. Instead think of ways to let your boss know that you would really rather not.
3. Plan On Making Changes To Your Schedule
Sometimes saying no to right now situations when feeling over-burdened is a great tactic. Once again, explain what you are working on when your boss approaches you and see if there are changes that can be made in order for you to complete all that is asked of you.
Perhaps they can suggest having colleagues work on some tasks to help share in the burden. After all, a work environment is supposed to be a team! Plan to make changes to your schedule and ask around the office for help and support if needed. Do not neglect your resources and enjoy working as a unit. Maybe changing your schedule will not have to be done after all.
4. Question Your Boss's Needs
Do not be afraid to question your boss's needs. Ask your boss, calmly of course, about the purpose of certain projects and why it needs to be done at this time. If your plate is full, let them know. If not, reevaluate whether it is worth you questioning to avoid appearing idle in the workplace. Example responses include "How important is this?" or "I have a full schedule of tasks ahead. Why does this project need my attention now?" Use a calm yet confident voice as this may help your boss in reevaluating his own priorities and whether or not this task can be completed by themselves.
5. Pitch An Alternative Solution
If you fear saying no, try offering another solution to fix a project or something that needs to be completed. Examples include offering suggestions on how to make things less stressful in terms of the proposed work or asking for the work to be divided between groups so that it is able to be completed on time. For smaller projects that you may feel over burdened with, ask your boss if perhaps there is someone in administration or an intern that can be of help. Alternative solutions can limit stress and benefit everyone involved.
6. Suggest Colleagues
Suggest colleagues that might be better trained to complete the task than you. Think that something your boss wants you to do is out of your job description? Make suggestions about others who may be more equipped than yourself to handle it. Examples include being asked to write a report about IT management yet your position is in human resources.
Suggest a co-worker who does work in IT who is more knowledgeable about the subject and can better answer questions. If your boss prefers for you to write it for whatever reason, try asking if there is a way if perhaps you could partner with a co-worker to get the job done. Do not stress yourself out and use your resources.
7. Communicate Your Limits
Let your boss know what your limits are and when. If things are not going so well for you, let your boss know that you might not be feeling the best you can feel to complete a task with quality.
8. Make Sure Everything Is Clear From The Beginning
Make sure people know your limits from the beginning. By being clear I mean, make sure that your boss knows what you are best at doing, how you can help them and why you are there in the first place. It is all too often that once a job begins, employees often find themselves doing extra projects outside of the job description. If you are not willing to take on this extra work, let your boss know from the beginning that you would rather use your skills elsewhere to benefit the company.
9. Schedule A Meeting
If all else fails, make sure to schedule a meeting with your boss and confront the situation. In the meeting let your boss know your limits and whether you are feeling stressed. Do not let yourself become a doormat, always the person your boss goes to when looking to get anything and everything done. Remind your boss why you choose to work for them in the first place and emphasize your skill set and what you can and would like to focus on.
Focus on staying relaxed and confident as you approach your boss with one of these ways of saying no. Emphasize how important you think all work is to the company but remind them what purpose you are there to serve.
Remember to look on the bright side of things! If you feel unsure about how to approach your boss about something you do not want to do, pay attention to the way others interact with them. These 9 smart ways to say no can definitely get the point across. Use your talent where it is best needed.
Have you ever had to say no to a boss? What helped you get through it?
To help you ladies understand the mind of your man, I've listed below the main things that seem to dominate our thoughts. I hope these insights spark some rich conversations in your marriage.
If your husband is like most guys, his thought are probably dominated by…
(In no particular order)
1. Concern for your happiness
This one might surprise you, but most husbands can never be happier than they believe their wife is. Your happiness, contentment and joy is of the utmost importance. Sometimes our own selfishness and pride gets in the way, but your happiness is a consistent thought. When you are unhappy (or you seem unhappy), we'll try to figure out how to make it right.
2. s*x
This one probably isn't a shocker, but we actually think about s*x even more than you think we do. It dominates our thoughts. In fact, most of us wish we could dial down our mental s*x drive. We'll often gauge the health of our marriage based on the health of our s*x life.
3. How to achieve more
Most guys are results-driven, and even if your husband has achieved "success" in life, chances are he still feels like he doesn't measure up in certain areas. Men can be (to a fault) driven to achieve. Engage with your husband in conversation about his goals and dreams and remind him that healthy relationships, not trophies or money, are the ultimate measure of success. We guys need to be reminded of this often.
4. Searching for peace
Men tend to crave silence and solitude in a way most women do not. Men tend to mentally recharge through silence and contemplation while women tend to recharge through conversation and engagement. Again, these are generalizations which don't apply to every individual, but I've observed them to be true in a majority of couples.
5. Food
This one might seem carnal and shallow, but we think about food all the time. If you took all the brain space we use up thinking about food and s*x, most of us would have the mental capacity to memorize an encyclopedia! I've been thinking about my next meal the entire time I've been writing this article!
6. Money
Most men are wired with a need to be a provider for their families. We'll often think hard about ways to make ends meet and generate more income to provide. Sometimes this healthy need to provide can consume us and evolve into an unhealthy need to generate wealth motivated by selfish ambition more than family provision.
7. Sports* (but not necessarily for the reasons you're thinking)
We love seeing modern-day gladiators battle it out on the field and we even will sometimes live vicariously through them (since we all have an inner gladiator inside), b*tthis isn't the only reason we like sports. We also like sports because on that field or court, everything makes sense. The lines are clearly drawn, the rules are known by all and scoreboard is always in view. We wish all parts of life were this clear and measurable.
We want "success" but don't always know if we're winning or not in most areas of life.
*Even when a man isn't into sports, he will usually gravitate to one or more hobbies where he can "keep score." (Video games, fishing, car shows, poker, etc.) There seems to be a hard-wired desire for structure and/or measurable success in most men's hobby pursuits.
8. Pain from the past
Just like the "instant replay" in sports, most of us have a few major life regrets or scars inflicted on us that we are tempted to keep replaying in our minds. They haunt us until (or unless) we learn to embrace the richness and depth of God's grace. If a man won't embrace grace, he'll lock himself in a mental prison where he will punish himself (or punish those around him) for the wrongs he's done or the wrongs that have been done to him.
9. Leaving a legacy
Every man wants his life to count. He wants to be respected by his family and he wants to make a lasting contribution to the world that will endure beyond his own lifetime. Most men feel the constant pressure of wanting to leave a legacy, but not knowing where to start or how to do it. We often need to be reminded that being a faithful husband and dad is the best legacy of all (even if there's never a marble statue carved in our honor).
Have you ever been with a man who seemed to really like you, only to begin distancing himself and saying he really wasn't ready for a commitment?
Why is it that he ends up marrying the next woman he dates? Was he lying when he said he wasn't ready for a commitment?
The answer comes down to deep emotional attraction.
In all likelihood, he was not lying when he said he wasn't ready for a commitment. In fact, unlike women, a man'sdefaultmode is that he is not ready for (or even looking for) a commitment.
It takes a special kind of deep emotional attraction for a man to feel compelled to keep a woman in his life with a shared promise of committed intentions for the future.
What creates that intense emotional bond for men?
I can tell you one thing for certain. Men experience relationships for what they are here and now,in the present moment.
This is a stereotype, but because there is so much truth in it you would be foolish to ignore its implications for your relationship.
Research with men and women in the early stages of dating relationships has shown that women typically consider themselves to be "in a relationship" by the time the third date rolls around.
In contrast, men do not consider themselves to be "in a relationship" untilseveral months of exclusive dating have occurred.
Even when he's exclusively dating one woman, a man will be surprised when his counterpart suggests the relationship is exclusive. Why is that?
Again, it comes back to the fact that men tend to spend less time plotting and planning the course of their lives in terms of relationships. Men do not define their lives (as much) by where thingsseem to be goingin a relationship.
For your man to reach a point where hedesiresa committed relationship, something very significant must occur first.
He must experience anintenseemotionalattractionthat causes him to feellessalive when he isnotin your presence.
If you would like to learn a method for triggering this special kind of intense attraction, watch the presentation I've prepared for you on What Men Secretly Want below.
Starting every morning with a glass of warm lemon water is actually a ritual in Ayurveda or Yogic traditions, used to stimulate digestion for the day and clear the body of any toxins that may have settled in the digestive tract overnight.
While it is tricky to apply the strict burden of evidence expected by Western science to traditional practices (often called "folk medicine") that originated long before modern medical science standards were developed, research on the nutritional elements found in lemons suggests the numerous health benefits traditionally associated with drinking fresh lemon water daily may have merit.
We tend to reach for those warm beverages in the morning like coffee and tea, but try starting your day with some warm lemon water first to kick-start digestion. The water doesn't always have to be warm, but it should be purified. Simply use half a fresh lemon per large glass of water or to taste and sip throughout the day. On a simple level, fresh lemons take plain old water up a notch. Here are 5 health benefits of drinking lemon water that elevate drinking it for reasons beyond just taste:
*.Support immune function: Lemons are high in antioxidant vitamin C, known for its supportive role in healthy immune function1,2 which may reduce the risk of respiratory infection3. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) found in lemons demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects, and is used as complementary support for asthma and other respiratory symptoms4,5. Lemons also contain saponins6, which show antimicrobial properties that may help keep cold and flu at bay. Last but not least, ascorbic acid enhances iron absorption in the body; iron plays an important role in immune function7.
*.Alkalize the body: Although the tartness of a lemon may make them seem acidic, lemons are actually one of the most alkalizing foods for the body. Lemons contain both citric and ascorbic acid, weak acids easily metabolized from the body allowing the mineral content of lemons to help alkalize the blood.
*.Aid digestion: Citrus flavonols8 are believed responsible for lemon's traditional use as a digestive tonic. Believed to stimulate and purify the liver, lemon juice is traditionally understood to support digestive hydrochloric acid in the stomach further aiding digestion. Vitamin C status has been associated with reduced risk of peptic ulcers caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori9.
*.Clear skin: Vitamin C and other antioxidants in lemons combat free radical damage. Free radical damage — especially as caused by UV exposure and environmental toxins — is responsible for many symptoms of aging. Antioxidant intake can help offset this damage, minimizing wrinkles. Further, lemon juice can be applied topically to scars and age spots to help reduce their appearance. Traditionally used as a liver stimulant, lemon water is also believed to help purge toxins from the blood, helping to keep skin clear of blemishes.
*.Promote healing: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), found in abundance in lemons, promotes wound healing, and is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of healthy bones, connective tissue, and cartilage10. As noted previously, vitamin C also displays anti-inflammatory properties. Combined, vitamin C is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of good health and recovery from stress and injury.
1. Know That Guys Are Cats
The first thing to say on the subject of learning how to get a guy to want you is that you need to realize that men are just like cats. Sound a little weird? Hear me out!
Ever see a cat chase after a toy that is just sitting there? I certainly haven't. However, when it's dangled in front of them but still remains slightly out of reach, they literally go crazy for it.mThey jump around, chase, sprint and pretty much will do whatever it needs to do to catch this "just out of reach" toy.
Bizarrely, guys are exactly the same. If you're fun, exciting, playful, flirty, just out of reach, then he is more likely to desire and chase after you.
2. Stay Healthy (On All Levels)
Going to the gym in and of itself doesn't make you healthy. Eating right isn't the only important factor for healthiness. Being thin is a goal of many women, but again this may not necessarily make you healthier.
But combining these 3 things — going to the gym, maintaining a healthy weight and eating right — is going to massively contribute to health.
You see, guys aren't really looking for a skinny woman, gym bunny or a nutritious eater. They are naturally attracted to someone who is healthy. Being lean is the result of being healthy.
So ask yourself, "Am I doing everything possible for my health?"
3. Dress Attractively, Not Fashionably
I am absolutely not talking about being fashionable. Being fashionable is certainly fun, but it you are keen to make a guy want you and chase you, then you should think more about dressing attractively to accentuate your good points.
I can honestly tell you this as guy: men just don't care about fashion nearly as much as women do. As a result, we often don't even notice the latest trends or what's hot.
So to reiterate, rather than dressing fashionably, dress attractively. The difference is often subtle, but it's crucial to getting a guy.
4. Don't Be A Debbie Downer
I know "Susie Smiles" sounds a little cheesy, but I hope you get my point.
Are you a fun person, a depressing person, or a boring person? Most guys don't want to hang around a girl that's boring or depressing, no matter how attractive she is. They'd prefer to run a mile, honestly.
When I talk about being a fun person and a positive person, I don't mean some sort of psycho-happy-all-the-time person. I'm saying that you should do your best to see the good in the world and be at least a little bit more positive.
5. Have Your Own Life
The final thing I have to say on getting a guy to like you is that you absolutely need to have your own life when it comes to dating, and even just attracting a guy. Again, this comes down to the fact that guys don't want what they can easily have (remember the cat analogy above?).
So rather than always being available to hang out with a guy, make sure that you have your own life, interests and fun things to do (and invite him to). This will make you seem way, way more valuable in his eyes
Apply these same step by step process and you would get a girl interested in you without taking her out on a single date.
Yes, money can attract a girl (no doubt about that). Especially the gold-digging type of girls. But sometimes using money to attract girls can be annoying, we guys want a girl that would like us for who we are and not because of how fat our wallet is or how much we have spent on her.
Sometimes all we want is true love and not a girl who is interested in our money.
If you don't want a gold digger who is just interested in money then this step by step seduction secrets will be really helpful.
I really want you to get this. Let's assume you meet a girl In a bank, what case will she be more friendly?
CASE 1: when you walk up to her to collect a pen?
CASE 2: when you walk up to her to toast her?
Of course, case one is the answer. A girl you try to toast would naturally try to be hard to get.
When a girl is sure you like her she tends to raise her defence. What players do is to approach a girl without showing signs that they are interested in her and by the time she knows it - bam, she has already fallen. This is simple psychology. They approach her this way so they can get into her head before she starts forming.
So how do you apply this seduction principle in real life?
To understand this try to think about this scenario; have you ever had this happen to you before: A particular girl gives you green light and shows signs she likes you then when you toast her and tell her how much you love her she suddenly starts withdrawing from you.
Ever wondered why this happens?
Answer - because you went against the step one of the players rule-
Players never make the mistake of allowing a girl become too sure of how much he feels about her.
Here is the rule: Never tell a girl how much you love her, make her guess. The best time to tell her is when you are sure she feels twice the way you feel.
Girls would tell you they can never date a guy they are not sure if they love them, but the truth is this - girls don't know what they want. You have to make them fall in love with you.
Let me give you a picture of a girl's life.
Visit the facebook picture of a girl and you will understand how they think. Their pictures are filled with praises from guys and they receive those praises like it's their right.
No sweet thing you say to her is new to her. Her inbox is filled with all sort of praises. The average ones get at least 5 serious guys toasting them in two weeks.
To get her attention you have to be different.
By Jonsing her.
Well, if you were a player you wouldn't be shocked. This what players do all the time.
Try and watch the way any player you know talks to girls. Notice how they talk to a girl and make fun of her in a playful way - no matter how pretty the girl looks - they don't care, they just talk to her like she is their small sister.
It's simple psychology.
People are naturally attracted to people who don't try to impress them. The more pretty a girl looks the more it works on her.
When other guys are saying sweet things to her and you show up and say things totally different from what she is used to hearing from guys - she starts wondering why and she starts trying to be close to you.
My favourite approach is to playfully tell a very pretty girl that I have friendzoned her and that I don't find her attractive. I say this in a particular way that tricks her into wanting to make me fall for her.
Have you ever wondered why girls like guys who don't like them while when you shower her with attention she still ignores you.
Infact, the more you show a girl that you love her the more she withdraws from you.
Have you ever noticed that?
Well, players have found a way to put a stop to this. This is called the ON and OFF strategy.
How is it used?
Simple; by acting like you like her this moment and then the next moment you start acting a bit cold.
You must have seen a girl who has fallen for this particular trick from a player. They cry that he doesn't call, he is unpredictable, that they are not sure if he likes him, sometimes he quarrels with them for no just reason.
A popular celebrity player is Chris brown. Notice how he treats Karrauche and she still always keep going back to him.
This is the players' little secret. They never make a girl become too sure...
Lack of Protein has signs and symptoms depicted in the body changes.
7 Adverse Effects of Protein Deficiency
Thinning Hair
While genetics can be an important factor in thinning hair, protein deficiency can also be a cause. When we are not getting enough protein the body goes into "conservation mode" and stops sending valuable protein to nourish hair and nails. That is why hair and nail health are important indicators when it comes to checking whether or not you are protein deficient.
Swollen Eyes
Protein deficiency can lower the amount of plasma protein you have in blood which can lead to a condition called Oedema. This decrease in plasma protein can be caused by the liver not storing enough iron. If Iron is not available to help the production of haemoglobin, Anemia can be the result and swelling begins.
Deficiency of protein might affect your state as well. This is due to low energy. Proteins help in stabilizing the sugar levels present in our body and lack of enough proteins can reduce your mental alertness thereby hindering the ability to respond. Hence, you feel tired, low and weak.
Muscle Loss
Protein deficiency leads to muscle loss. The size of your muscle starts decreasing with protein deficiency. If your body doesn't get adequate protein from your diet, it starts cannibalizing its own tissue to meet its requirements.
Constant food cravings
You might assume a protein shortage would create a hankering for a hamburger or T-bone steak. Experts, however, have found that without the protein necessary to steady your blood sugar, your body instead looks for a more immediate solution. Translation: Candy and other junk food to fill the gaps.
Frequent illnesses
Are you otherwise in good health but find yourself using all your sick days every year? More protein could be your best prescription. Protein is key to a strong immune system. It's the foundation of red blood cells, white blood cells, and antibodies, all of which work together to fend off bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens in your body.
Chronic diarrhea can be a sign of malabsorption, which means nutrients are not being fully absorbed by your body. Malabsorption can be triggered by infection, surgery, certain drugs, heavy alcohol use, and digestive disorders such as celiac sprue and Crohn's disease.
Foods that are high in protein
Legumes such as beans are rich source of vegetable protein but can be a little hard to digest, so prepare them with vegetables and make sure you chew them well.
Eggs, again for non-vegans, contain some protein but more importantly all eight essential amino acids, which helps address deficiencies.
Grains contain more protein than most people realise, especially quinoa and amaranth, and when combined with another grain can deliver more protein than a serving of meat.
Everyday things we do and use and how they can lead to brain injury, or worse, brain damage. This is a very serious topic that should be read seriously. If you find that you or someone you know is hurting him/herself in any of the following ways, consult with a family physician right away.
We should be training our brain as much as we can. The brain is made up of 90% water and scientist are still researching into its complexity and marvel.
8 Biggest Brain Damaging Habits You Must Aware
High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.
No Breakfast
Be it for diet or to save time, many people choose to skip breakfast, and in the process they damage their brain. After your sleep, your brain requires nutrients. Skipping breakfast deprives the brain of these much-needed nutrients. Not eating breakfast will also lead to low blood sugar, which is also bad for your health.
Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered decreases the concentration of oxygen and increases the concentration of carbon dioxide,thus leading to brain damaging effects.
Recent research reported by the Daily Mail, said that the habit of multitasking can make the brain to shrink. It is better you train schedule habits and organize something that is not often do a lot of activities together in one time. Know your limits.
Not Engaging In Stimulating Thoughts
Your brain is like a muscle, and if you don't exercise it – it will shrink. The deeper the thoughts – the better the exercise your brain gets, and the healthier it will be in the long-term. So read a book, watch a documentary or play some puzzle games, just keep that thinker working.
Enough Sleep
Sleep is essential for your physical and mental health. A good night's sleep (8 hours) is vital for your brain, as well as your internal organs. It has been recently discovered that the brain cleanses itself of toxins only during the deep sleep cycle. Sleep deprivation also accelerates the death of brain cells, which can lead to impaired memory and reduced faculties.
To help stop damaging the brain, an individual that smokes should stop smoking. Besides being bad for the entire body, smoking causes the brain to shrink and can lead to Alzheimer's.
Top 10 Big Bóob Problems:
1. Under-bóob sweat
2. Your brás being mistaken for áss-holders and/or hats
3. Budgeting to afford a brá that actually fits
4. Finding the right specialty brá shop with a correctly-trained fitter you actually trust, or at the very least, just finding a store that actually carries your size
5. Packing a larger suitcase just to fit your brás into
6. Figuring out ways to get your insurance to pay for a bréast reduction
7. Demi-cup overspill
8. Shopping for clothes based on whether or not you can wear a brá with them
9. Wondering if a guy is actually looking at you or only interested in your chest
10. How not to look crazy while holding your boóbs to avoid black eyes during a run
Growing Up With Big Boóbs
Oh yeah, you can fill out a sweater like it's nobody's business, and you certainly get male eyes on you, but with your giant ta-tas comes a life of watching your boóbs pop out of brás, shirts and dresses like they're rampaging bulls on the streets of Pamplona.
And if you think bréasts don't have a mind of their own, well, honey, we really have to beg to differ. Remember when you were 12 and growing mosquito bites for the first time and were so absurdly proud of yourself?
While guys were having shin splints from growing too tall, too fast, the big-títty-committeé éxploded stretch marks over bean-bag boóbs that hurt if you even looked at them.
I went from a training brá to a C-cup at the age of 12 and a D by my 13th birthday. It's no wonder I was mistaken for an 18-year-old, since no one was bothering to look at my face.
Fast forward through middle school and high school, where many of the less-endowed girls were all glaring daggers at you, and often not-so-quietly calling you slutty and dumb behind your back.
It often seemed everyone else was using complex algorithms dictating that the bigger our cup size, the more likely we were to spread our legs, and the lower our intelligence must be.
Meanwhile, while others were busying judging us, we were left trying to figure out how to find prom dresses that didn't make us look like pórn stars, b*tton-downs that didn't póp b*ttóns so fast they take an eye out and attempting to get guys to look above our chin when they talked to us.
As girls with huge bóobs, we are often told by friends and family to "Stop complaining. I only wish I had bóobs like yours." Jokes aside, there are a lot of drawbacks.
Amidst the obvious clothing issues and drooling stares, there is also back pain, posture issues, hindrancés when it comes to running and working out and postpartum inflation/stretching that we've heard only makes the situation worse.
Feeling séxy with boóbs so heavy they really don't look great without a brá is a feat. I know what you're thinking — all men love boóbs, right? Well, maybe.
But with a naturally large chest, it can be hard to feel good nakéd, since your comfort in cléavage is strippéd away when the brá comes off. Celebrities and pórn stars post-plastic surgery have created the illusion that big boóbs are perfectly round and stand up on their own.
Wearing a backless dress is not a problem, because gravity doesn't exist and nipplés are perfectly even. Not true. Even at a young age, the giant girls sag from the sheer weight and flip-flop about in pretty much the least séxy way possible.
Not a great visual, right? We can only fear for how Left and Right will look 20 years from now.
So, the next time you think us ladies who have been blessed (or cursed) with G-cup bréasts need to realize how lucky we are, remember that we are just as insecure with ourselves as women who only need a camisole.
We carry our own (very heavy) insecurities every day, too. Like everyone else, we learn how to cope with our own body image issues.
You either hide behind giant clothing and pretend your bréasts aren't the first thing anyone sees, or you learn to break the ice, make the first joke and just acknowledge the elephant(s) in the room. Because if you don't, someone else will.
The one flesh concept, sometimes gets lost in most marriages. We complain and look for what's not working, which prevents our marriages from blossoming. It's so easy to become complacent and do just enough to get by. The reality is, that isn't enough. If we desire the best out of our marriage, we have to give it our personal best.
It will require effort and knowing the areas needing the most attention. Providing our marriage with an opportunity at joy and longevity will require that we remove our selfishness and eliminate other behaviors that are damaging to our relationship. Marriage success won't arrive by chance. You'll have to take some very specific actions while avoiding those that don't serve your union.
Here are 5 ways you may be blocking your marriage blessings and not even realize it.
By being stubborn
Thinking it's your way or no way simply doesn't work in a partnership. There are two of you for a reason. We must be willing to listen and be open to suggestion and correction if we want a union that reflects love and commitment.
Not being willing to forgive
Not being willing to forgive will also block your marriage blessings. Releasing the bitterness by discussing what's bothering you, not holding on to it, and creating solutions will assist you in forgiveness. We have to remember what love actually is and what it's intended to do for us. It is clearly stated in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
By not taking ownership
We aren't perfect. The sooner we acknowledge that, the better. We make mistakes that need correcting all the time. Somehow we find it easier to pinpoint those of our spouse, than to own our own. We have to look in the mirror and face the good, the bad and the ugly of who we are, and make corrections.
Not being completely honest
Not being completely honest about needing God for your marriage will cause you to struggle unnecessarily. Remember your vows and the promises you made before God, regarding your marriage? When you hit rough patches in your relationship, trust God to see you through.
By not giving 100%
By not giving 100% you cheat yourself and your marriage. You deserve the best that life has to offer and so does your spouse. Make sacrifices and be all in, in your marriage. 100% from both partners is the secret to love and happiness. You block your blessing when you half do it. How can your relationship be blessed with more when you haven't already been a good steward of what you have?
Love can be challenging, but also amazing, if we step out of the way and allow our marriage blessings to flow.
The quality of our marriages depends on the effort we are willing to put into them. No one just lands herself into a happy and blissful marriage, it takes a little effort. The more willing we are to put our thoughts, prayers and efforts into our marriages, the more fun, lively and fulfilling they will be.
Here are a few ways to put extra thought and energy into loving your husband:
1. Hold the criticism and pour out the praise! OK, it's true — sometimes you need to vent your frustrations. But, husbands need praise too — and a lot more of it. Studies show that successful marriages have positive interactions that outweigh the negative by 5 to 1. So, if you absolutely have to complain about something, make sure it's not all you do. Love and praise your husband.
2. Pray for him. Not just because he needs God's help, but also because prayer helps you too. By taking time each day to pray for your husband, you are training your brain to consider his needs, goals and things that he might be struggling with. I also like to pray for added inspiration to know how I can best support him as his spouse.
3. Treat him how you want him to become. This is true in all relationships. Positive reinforcement goes a lot further than complaints. One time I apologised to my husband for what sounded to me like a negative attitude and he said, "I've never heard you complain. You are so positive." The fact that he saw this trait in me made me want to always be this way. Find ways to compliment your husband and look for the good in him.
4. Love him, serve him and surprise him. The best marriages are a result of effort and work that is put into them. Put effort into loving your husband. Plan ahead and leave a cute note for him to find. Treat him to a surprise vacation. Give him tickets to see his favorite sports team. Hide behind the front door and wrap him in a HUGE hug when he gets home. Whatever it is, put your whole heart into it.
5. Know his language. Sure, flooding his email with heart-felt notes is cute, but if his love language is physical touch, it's not going to mean as much. I had a college roommate that used to leave me notes throughout our apartment. I later found out that was her love language, and how she feels most appreciated. She thought she was building our friendship by writing me all these notes; however, my love language is quality time. I actually felt closer to my friends I hung out with a lot.
To love your husband effectively, you need to know what makes him tick. Sometimes we love others the way that we like to be loved ourselves, and then wonder what went wrong. Anyone can do a Google search and find an overwhelming amount of ideas on how to love their husband, but ultimately you are the one to know what will bring the greatest success. The best way to show love is to actively try to learn more about your husband and cater to his needs and preferences as they come up. And yes, they change over time. So have fun, be proactive and go with the flow. Your marriage (and your husband) will thank you
So how do you know if your marriage has hit a rough patch or it's something more serious… requiring professional help? Pay attention for these warning signs.
1. You don't talk anymore.
Martin Novell, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Los Angeles, urges couples to seek professional help when they aren't able to talk about their problems.
"When It's just too frightening to even bring issues up, from s*x to money or even annoying little habits that are being blown out of proportion, a therapist's job is to help the couple become clear about their issues and to help them understand what they are truly talking about," Novell explained.
2. Your s*x life is non-existent — or suddenly on fire.
Most feel know that a loss of intimacy signals a problem. While that's true, a sudden increase in s*x can also be a warning sign.
"If you have not been having regular or passionate s*x and all of a sudden your partner behaves like a courting lover or wants to experiment with new activities that s/he has never expressed an interest in before, it could indicate that he is experiencing feeling of arousal that are not originating from his relationship with you," said Valerie Jencks, founder and executive director of Prairie Family Therapy in Chicago.
3. You can't let go of the past.
Silvia M. Dutchevici, the founder and president of the Critical Therapy Center in New York City, suggests that it might be a good idea to talk to a professional when there has been a traumatic event in your lives, like the loss of a child or an affair, and one partner cannot seem to forgive or forget. "Whatever the situation, every person processes trauma differently," she says.
4. You fight about the same things over and over.
"When you see that the same issues are coming up again and again in disagreements, it is a good sign they are not effectively being resolved and the couple is at a 'sticking point,' " explains psychologist Julie Gurner. Getting help ASAP will save "many years of trouble down the road."
5. It's always about the money.
Disagreements over money are one of the top reasons couples find themselves in conflict. If your spouse keeps you in the dark about family finances or feels the need to control everything related to money, it's time to speak up.
Christine K. Clifford, CEO/president of Divorcing Divas, suggests you say, "I want to be aware of our debt, our monthly bills, the balance on our mortgage, how many savings/checking accounts we have, etc." Clifford explains, "If your spouse objects, it's time to see a counselor." .
6. Your parenting styles are nowhere near the same.
Yes, children are a blessing, but they can also add stress to your marriage, especially if the two of you are not a united front. Clifford suggests seeking counseling if you disagree with each other's parenting styles and frequently argue about how you're raising your children.
"Think Katie Holmes, and how she doesn't want Suri raised as a Scientologist," states Clifford. "These are major issues that need to be resolved."
7. You still love your spouse.
If you still love your spouse, really want to make things work, and haven't been successful, then consider finding a counselor.
Dr. Gurner also stresses the point that you need to seek advice before things escalate and you truly despise the other person. "Be a proactive couple who strives to solve issues before they tear at the fabric of your deepest bonds of trust and intimacy."
Whether you choose to seek help or continue down your current path, be aware that counseling does not "break couples up" or even "hold them together." As Dutchevici says, "Couples counseling is about helping the couple communicate better and understand what is going on."
1. Be your true self
Present yourself as the same person online and offline. Women are pleasantly surprised to meet a man who portrays himself accurately. Trust is necessary and starts with being honest about the superficial things (i.e. height, appearance, age, interests, etc.).
Communicate openly about who you are, your beliefs, your views on life and love, etc., so that your dates gets to know who you truly are. Let her make an honest choice if the real you is right for her.
2. Be a gentleman
Treat a woman the way you'd like a man to treat your sister, daughter or someone you care about; this means dating responsibly. Take care of your appearance and hygiene. Be a man of your word. Be well-mannered, courteous and respectful in your words, behaviors and actions.
Take the time to learn who she is and what she's about, and share who you are with her. Let things unfold as they're meant to instead of trying to rush having s*x with her. When you are a gentleman, having s*x will happen naturally.
3. Have integrity
Be honest. If at the end of a date, you don't wish to see her again, don't say, "I'll call you and let's do this again." Empty words and empty promises create false hope and end up being more hurtful. In this situation, kind honesty is best.
Say something like, "Thank you for meeting me. I really enjoyed talking with you, though I didn't feel a romantic connection. I wish you well in life and love."
4. Ask her out first
Though women lead every day in their professional lives, many of us prefer men to still make the first move romantically. If you're interested in her, ask her out.
Contact her based on what you read in her dating profile (i.e. referencing common interests, asking her a question about something that sparked your attention) before the window of opportunity passes.
The caveat is: Don't make mention of her appearance in a creepy way (i.e. "Hey sexy, love your body."). A woman of worth doesn't respond positively to creepy messages.
5. Be open to who she is
Be open to more than a woman's physical appearance, measurements and age.
Wonderful women come in all packages. Instead of making physical appearance your main criteria, focus 80 percent of your opinion on a woman's inner appearance and 20 percent on her outward appearance.
This also means dating women who are closer to you in age. You'll increase your odds of meeting and dating more women.
6. Be thoughtful
Show consideration and caring to a woman's feelings. A woman of worth must feel connected to a man to keep a positive momentum going. When a woman doesn't hear from you between dates, a space of negative energy builds up.
A woman likes to know you're thinking of her in between the times you see each other. You can let her know this with a text, a quick phone call, etc. It's the little things that matter and add up to make a big difference.
7. Be patient
When it comes to dating, patience is a virtue. Don't sacrifice short-term urges for your long-term happiness. When you rush things, you sabotage your chances for dating to turn into a meaningful connection with a wonderful woman.
Instead of approaching dating as the destination, approach dating as the journey to finding a meaningful connection.
8. Balance your life
What you place your attention on becomes prominent in your life. Assess the amount of time and energy you spend working, with the amount of time you are with you your friends, dating, etc.
If you tend to work a lot or spend most of your free time with friends, your dating life won't fall into place by itself.
Dating takes time, effort and energy. Balance your life so that you're able to work well, date well and spend time with friends. When your life is in balance, life flows better.
9. Get out of your own way
When it comes to dating, the most important thing you can do is take responsibility for your side of the dating equation. This means understanding how you're getting in your own way and what's stopping you from having a great dating life.
Identify the common tendencies that show up in your dating life. Then work on changing yourself so these tendencies don't show up.
1. You're Treating Each Other Like Mind Readers
When you think you know each other like the back of your hand, you tend to expect your spouse to know what you want from them. They won't and can't, so don't expect it unless you clearly tell them what you want. Communicate and ask for what you need.
2. You're Playing The Blame Game
Your marriage isn't a whodunit. If something went wrong, take 100 percent accountability for your part in situation. It's up to you to fix it. You can't rely on someone else to.
3. You Got Married/Will Get Married At An Older Age
A new study shows that if you wait to marry past the age of 32, there's a 5 percent increase in divorce rate. Maybe it's the unwillingness to change or compromise your habits by then.
4. You're Not Listening
If you're not listening to each other, chances are you're running into miscommunication big time. In order to master communication with each other, you have to learn to listen for meaning as well as what they're telling you. I tell people to listen as if their life depends on it (because your relationship does)!
5. You're Limiting Each Other (AKA Growth And Support)
Marriage isn't the end of your life — it's a new beginning. When your spouse starts a new project, be there for them in a supportive way anyway. Embrace their growth because you would want and ask for the same.
6. You're Not Being Honest
When you start to hide things from each other, you're walking down a deadly path. If you do something that you wouldn't tell your spouse about it, you may not want to do it. Mystery is sexy, but secrets are deadly.
7. You're Emotionally Withdrawing Yourself
You should never shut out your spouse/partner from your feelings. If you're emotionally going through a trying time, reconnect with your spouse instead of looking for someone else.
8. You Don't Date Each Other
You don't stop dating after you get married. Dating was the fun part of your relationship, when you put your best foot forward. Set a date night each week (ideally) or at minimum monthly to keep the novelty and spark alive. (And prevent eyes and hearts from wandering.)
9. You Assume You Know Everything
Being married doesn't mean you know everything about your spouse. People change over the years. Keep asking each other those all important questions: What do you want? Where do you see us in [x] years? What can I do for you? What is working great/what would you like to adapt or change?
10. You Give Up Too Easily
A failed marriage sometimes is due to a lack of determination to make things work when things get tough. Show that your marriage or partnership can withstand the strongest of storms. It makes your bond stronger.
For some relationships, marriage is all about being legally bound to each other, yet for others it's purely a state of mind. Either way you consider it, it's about making yourself happy while also making each other happy. If you can accomplish that, you shouldn't have to worry about you or your spouse becoming one of the 37 million people on a hacked cheater's website.