Saturday, May 9, 2015

ladies- 5 Everyday habits that cause sagging breast

We all know that with age breasts become a little less perky, yeah, you know right!… Unfortunately, breast tissue ages two to three years faster compared to the rest of the body according to science. While there isn't much you can do about the genetic factors, there are still steps you can take to keep your pair from sagging prematurely. Here are five habits to avoid:

1. Wearing a bra that doesn't fit
This habit is more common that one would think. Most bras are made of flexible materials, and over time with normal wear, they will eventually stretch out. But the bra's primary purpose is to give support. Wearing an ill-fitting bra can contribute to breast sagging as the more your breast bounces around, the more stressed breast skin and collagen become. You need to figure out what your bra size is, so that the cups adequately hold your breasts. About 80% of women are wearing a bra that is not their perfect fit, so make sure you get measured, or try them on at the store for fit, before buying.

This ladies should avoid because it makes the skin lose its natural elasticity, which causes the breasts to drop. It reduces the amount of collagen in the skin and worsens the blood circulation. This makes the skin become weaker and age faster.

3.Extreme dieting
Having a balanced diet is very important to the health of your breasts, but extreme dieting that makes you lose vast amounts of weight quickly, only to put it back on later, puts a strain on your skin tissue. Repeatedly losing and gaining weight has been shown to make your breasts drop. The skin tissue stretches to accommodate the weight gain, but it can't indefinitely snap back into place when the weight comes back off again. So try to maintain a steady weight or a proper nutrition in a healthy, sustainable way.

4. Forgetting About Sun Protection
Breasts, and cleavage in particular, can get burnt easily and they absorb their share of the sun's UV rays. This can damage the skin, make it wrinkle and age prematurely. Protect yourself from the sun and don't over-expose your skin.

5.Not exercising and adopting bad posture
It's important to exercise and keep your chest muscles strong. However, some back-and-forth repetitive motions (like in running) can make your breasts go saggy, as they breakdown breast collagen. Make sure you support your breasts during a high-impact exercise session and pay attention to your posture throughout the day. Walk straight and make your breasts stand up proudly.

By avoiding these everyday habits, you can do your part in keeping your breasts young-looking for as long as possible.


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