Sunday, April 19, 2015

Health Revelation: The Dangers Of Mouth Action [18+ Details]

Health Revelation: The Dangers Of Mouth Action [18+ Details]

MouthAction is s*x that involves the mouth and the joystick, v**ina, or anus (b*tt hole). Some other
words for different kinds of Mouth Action are "Mouth Action," "giving head," "going down on," "eating out," "sucking," "cunnilingus," or "rimming."

How risky is it?

There are a few known cases of people getting HIV from giving Mouth Action (licking or sucking).

There are no known cases of someone getting HIV from receiving Mouth Action (being licked or sucked).

Experts believe that Mouth Action without protection is less risky than other kinds of s*x, but all agree that it is possible to get HIV from giving MouthAction to an HIV-infected partner without protection, especially if the HIV-infected partner ejaculates in the mouth. Certain factors, such as the presence of any cuts or sores in the mouth, are thought to increase the riskiness of Mouth Action.

Giving Mouth Action (Mouth Action) to a man has been proven to carry some risk of getting HIV, although most scientists believe the risk is relatively low.

The risk increases if the person giving the Mouth Action has any cuts or scrapes in his or her mouth, even small ones that can be caused by brushing or flossing right before s*x. To have safer MouthAction, avoid getting any Fluid in your mouth, either by stopping MouthAction before expulsion or by using a nonspermicidal condom. You can use an oral barrier such as a dental dam or plastic wrap to make oral-an*l s*x (rimming) safer.
Giving MouthAction to (going down on) a woman is also relatively low risk. The possibility of infection is higher if there is menstrual blood, if the woman has another STD in addition to HIV, or if the person performing MouthAction has sores or cuts in the mouth. You can use an oral barrier such as a dental dam or plastic wrap to make oral-vaginal s*x (cunnilingus) or oral-an*l s*x (rimming) safer.

The risk of other sexually transmitted diseases…..
There are many diseases besides HIV that can be passed through unprotected MouthAction, including herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, hepatitis A, and the viruses that cause warts, intestinal parasites, and other conditions.

4 s*xual Sins Every Christian Should Avoid

4 s*xual Sins Every Christian Should Avoid

There are at least four primary s*xual sins the Word of God speaks of: adultery, fornication, uncleanness and lewdness.

Here are the definitions of these four s*xual sins:

1- Adultery: Unlawful s*xual intercourse involving at least one married person. Adultery is incompatible with the harmonious laws of family life in God's kingdom, and is under God's judgment since it violates God's original purpose.

2- Fornication: p****graphy, illicit s*xual intercourse including prostitution, whoredom, inc*st, licentiousness (lack of moral restraint), and habitual immorality (would include s*xual fantasies that lead to self service).

3- Uncleanness: Often refers to homosexuality and lesbianism

4- Lewdness: unashamed indecency, unbridled lust, unrestrained depravity (a disposition or settled tendency to evil, the innate corruption of unregenerate man), the person with this characteristic has an insolent defiance of public opinion, sinning in broad daylight with arrogance and contempt. Again, this often refers to s*xual sin. Here's where many people err in their understanding of their se*uality. Notice the following verses.
"Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods, but God will destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for s*xual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power" (1 Cor. 6:13-14). Paul is correcting the dangerous misconception among the Corinthians who believed, "as the stomach is designed for food, the private parts are created for s*xual experience." This mind-set is not only common among unregenerate human beings but also among Christians who justify s*xual immorality. Paul shows how this analogy is false because your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and belongs to Christ. Eating food is a secondary and temporal arrangement, but se*uality reaches into the eternal and metaphysical depths of one's being. An essential identity exists between the present physical body and the future glorified body (v 14). s*xual intercourse is more than a biological experience; it involves a communion of life. Since Jesus is one with the born-again believer's spirit, it is unthinkable to involve Him with immorality; thus the strong admonition not to let the sin of fornication and all uncleanness "even be named among you" (Eph. 5:3; emphasis added). se*uality is a uniquely profound aspect of the personality involving one's entire being. s*xual immorality has far-reaching effects, with great spiritual significance and social implications (v18). Such immorality is not only a sin against the body but against the Holy Spirit, who dwells in the body. It is one of the ways we are to discern the Lord's body, which when consistently neglected, as I stated earlier, often brings weakness, sickness, and even premature death. Regardless of how satisfying and fulfilling s*x is in its rightful place within the marriage, it is still a temporal arrangement and not a part of our eternal existence.

And yet by it we procreate and give birth to eternal spirits. s*xual immorality messes with the power of procreation with someone to whom you are not married. The s*xual drive is not sinful, but it is hurtful if not kept in its proper place. Scripture forbids s*xual immorality in order to protect you. Politicians, businesses, schools and our public institutions are not qualified to handle the subject of s*xual immorality and deviate s*x problems we have in our culture. They are a part of the problem, not the solution.

Sadly though, the church has fallen so short of addressing this problem from a strong scriptural perspective. Some churches no longer even believe what the Bible says about s*xual immorality is pertinent. One high-ranking church official said that the church is going to have to come to an understanding of homosexuality according to the changing culture. That is one of the biggest problems in the church today. Many of us are conforming to the standards of the culture around us. Another well-known charismatic television preacher told his audience that homosexuality is not sin but brokenness. "What do you think David and Jonathan were doing? What do you think Ruth and Naomi were doing?" implying that they were involved in homosexual and lesbian relationships. I had to shake my head at that one. And yet this preacher is considered one of the greatest preachers in America with a very large following. It turns out that one of his own children is a homosexual. Although this is a very crushing trial for any godly parent to have to face, one cannot be loyal to his family at the expense of betraying God's holy Word.

When influential preachers say erroneous things like that, it opens the door for deception and compromise among masses of people who respect these preachers. This will lead to a flood of evil, immorality, and all kinds of perversion among the hearers of such. It is sad to see the dilution of sound doctrine in much of the church today. It is grievous to the Holy Spirit to see such cowardice and compromise among preachers who have either departed from the true faith or who are afraid to teach sound doctrine in the area of s*xual morality. As a result, our children and young people are getting educated by the reprobate minds of the world. Let the preachers of righteousness speak up with strength and conviction, for the time is here when many are not enduring sound doctrine, but with itching ears are heaping up teachers unto themselves.

Things A Lady Shouldn’t Do In The Presence Of A Man

Things A Lady Shouldn’t Do In The Presence Of A Man

• Farting In Our Presence
Men hate this to the core, they may pretend not to but they really hate when you do it in their presence. If you doubt me, go and ask a man whom you don't know to tell you what he thinks of a lady who fart or always fart in front of him.

• Eating too much
Whenever you Ladies are in our Presence please try to control your eating habits. Not that we're too broke to buy you Food but eating without Class just because your indoors is disgusting to say the least!

• Washing of your undies (panties)
Please try to reduce the amount of times you wash your undies in our presence. Forget that popular slang which tends to say that when a man loves you, he can even wash your undies, we're not that cool with seeing someone else's undies!

• Talking too dirty
Please, have control of things you say in our presence. Don't be too naughty when it comes to your language except you want to remain a GIRLFRIEND FOR LIFE!!!!!

• Laughing excessively
Control the length you laugh in front of us. When we're not around, you can laugh and bring down the roof if you wish. I was talking to a lady and she laughed so loud that she didn't know when she polluted.

• Always watching movies
If your a Nollywood addict please, for the sake of not receiving any RED CARD, stop giving all your time to once your man is around. We need total concentration when we are talking to you

• Fighting
Never you fight in front of your man, he may feel that one day you will fight his mother.

• i Too Know attitude
Its very annoying when you always act like you know everything. When we argue about sports,romance,friends etc its cool for you to let us win sometimes as it would do you no harm than try to make sure you POV is the most correct even when its not.
For Ladies – 10 Foods That Ensures Bigger Breasts

For Ladies – 10 Foods That Ensures Bigger Breasts

If you are interested in increasing your chest size naturally without surgery, changing your diet something you should consider. It is important to realize that food by itself cannot induce chest growth. For that you need chest enlargement herbs.
However, without the amino acids and phytoestrogens that are contained in certain foods, your breasts will not grow as much as they should, no matter how many herbs you take. The following ten foods are both good for you and available in any grocery store. Simply add them in your diet to boost your natural chest enlargement program.

1. Alfalfa sprouts Alfalfa sprouts are rich inphytoestrogens and other nutrients that promote chest growth.

2. AvocadoAvocado contains amino acids and other nutrients that promote growth of the breasts.

3. Flax seeds Flax seeds contain phytoestrogens, which stimulate chest growth.

4. MilkMilk is high in protein and also contains naturally occurring estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin, which are needed for chest growth.

5. NutsNuts are high in monosaturated fat, which promotes chest growth.

6. ParsleyParsley is a plant which stimulates the production of estrogen and even regulates hormonal disorders.

7. SeafoodSeafood contains high levels of manganese, which helps to increase s*x hormones, thus. promoting the growth of chest tissue. Seafood also makes the chest tissues more susceptible to estrogen.

8. SoySoy products are rich in isoflavones and help fight the free radicals and cancer cells that might grow in chest tissues. It is also very rich in phytoestrogens, the hormone largely responsible for chest growth.

9. Sunflower seedsSunflower seeds are high in protein, which increases chest volume.

10. Whey proteinProtein is crucial to any chest enlargement program. Although including meat, poultry, and fish in your diet is an good way to boost chest growth, whey protein is an even more concentrated protein food.. If you want to grow your breasts naturally, you can boost your progress by eating these ten foods.The best part of the natural chest enlargement experience is that aimost everything you do for chest growth also benefits your overall health in some way. Bigger breasts and better health: what a great combination!

5 Rules for First Time s*x

5 Rules for First Time s*x

s*x is a beautiful thing and it is vital for any marriage to survive. it brings about emotional and physical bond. However, s*x is worth waiting for and it is best to wait till you are married. Here are 5 rules for first time s*x;

1. Mutual consent is required. In addition to this rule there are others that must be present
– Mutual consent is required. okay you or she do not, what's the point? Remember that we are not using the other as object, we must be loving. It is right that one of the two try things because the other person likes to do that, but they must be prior, and not imposed by force.

2. Absolute respect is mandatory. The great respect is mandatory. Respect means that you are aware of what the other person wants. You are ready to discover what they are capable both in s*xual matters. Your lover may have been damaged psychologically or emotionally from past relationships he had.

In fact, in most cases almost all were disappointed once. At the other end may have experienced s*xual abuse as children. They may feel insecure about their se*uality. They may have low self-esteem as a lover. Can be quite inexperienced in s*xual technique.

You must be extremely patient and sensitive to the limits of their se*uality. Therefore, respecting your partner and give the time necessary to make you feel right at his side.

3.The mutual care is required. Care is required. Love is always given and received as a gift. s*x without love can be great s*x, but if you add s*x care can become a warmth that connects two hearts and souls.

This is s*x beyond technique. s*x with two lovers care becomes full. s*x with love from the fans overwhelmed. Care to connect the s*xual movements to achieve the creation of a deeper spiritual connection.

Most men want an emotional connection and most will welcome
a more spiritual experience of s*x, but are scared and do not yet know how. Most women need an emotional connection instead as input for a s*x carefully.

4.Open and honest communication is mandatory. Chivalry is used as required, and "rude" is used as mutually desired. With mutual consent anything is fine. But it is usually best to start with more gentleness and more impetuous progress slowly, and so you learn what they want and in turn what you would like it. Many women are passionate and "playful" as they feel secure. But if you have not established a high degree of confidence with it, "wild" may end prematurely with what might have been a passionate s*xual relationship and long term.

5.The kindness and chivalry are the norm, and what? Wild? is allowed if mutually agreed Open and honest communication is mandatory. Talk about s*x. Say what you like and what does not.
A good way to do this is to offer options A and B and ask what she likes best partner. This prevents damage to fragile egos that young men are as likely as they learn to be lovers.

If a man listens? I do not like that??, It's easy to feel you're hurting your family and that can make withdraw, get angry or react otherwise inappropriate. But if you give to your partner, for example, the choice between touching her breasts in one way or another, and asked what was best for her, you will not hurt your ego and learn faster like it. Thus a common lover becomes a great lover.

If you need to stimulate their imagination to know what to try, read any of several manuals available in bookshops love. And then use some of the techniques explained here to discover the preferences of his wife.

Once you consider honest with their attitudes then you can move comfortably in the physical aspects of love: as the act in question, the previous game, the game moments later and all juicy having s*x.

East is an ancient tradition called? Warrior lover? Where the man is prepared physically, emotionally, and mentally for? Great battle?. This is not for dominating or defeating your lover but to bring the best in both and reach new heights in se*uality.

The idea of creating the right ambience for lovemaking may seem artificial or calculated, but there is also a great lover of art. A secluded, candles, good music, good wine, a special meal, clean sheets may sound like a trite scene from an old movie but still work. Women love to be adored and creating a special place to love them shows that you love her too.

Know that foreplay is very important to take a woman to s*xual satisfaction. It can get to wake up the passion and take it to the peak of his desire.

4 Ways To Bring Hot “Honeymoon Action” BACK To Your Bedroom

4 Ways To Bring Hot “Honeymoon Action” BACK To Your Bedroom

s*x in marriage changes, matures, gets better, and has downtime over the lifetime of your relationship.

But it is also true that you can maintain a strong s*xual, sensual, and er*tic relationship that is vibrant, exciting, and fulfilling with these four simple steps:

1. Understand that married s*x differs from "new couple" s*x

Great married s*x is about understanding that the two of you will have a lifetime of sensual and er*tic experiences together. Some will be great, most will be just okay, and some will be bad.
The most difficult piece of work is making the OK s*x … okay! This kind of s*x happens when one person has a higher level of desire and the other person just goes along for the ride.

Most couples I see have a deep belief that there is something wrong with their s*x life if they have different desire levels. This is actually perfectly normal. Age, stress, hormones, injuries, and medications all have an impact on your s*x drive and ability to climax. It's important to learn to navigate this OK s*x with creativity, understanding, and generosity.

2. Realize that s*x isn't only intercourse

The goal for your sensual life together is to have a buffet of touch—intimate, er*tic, intercourse, and so on. Just because you are touching in an er*tic way does not mean you must have intercourse. It's a very freeing feeling to disconnect the link between touch and s*x.

Sometimes intercourse is not an option (broken leg, sprained back, babies), but don't let that stop you from having playful and intimate dates. Plan a date night with your spouse where you agree to a level of touch (intimate or er*tic) and stay there without moving up the scale to s*x.

3. Schedule s*x

This is greatly debated among couples. How can scheduled s*x be sexy? When you schedule s*x with your partner, you are stating that your sensual life is important to you and that you want to carve time out for your partner.

You are not just waiting to see if there is enough energy left at the end of the day to give him or her. It also allows for anticipation to build as you get ready, pick special clothes, and imagine all the what's and when's. Try scheduling a few s*x dates and see if it works for your relationship.

4. Be spontaneous and try something new.

It always feels odd counseling couples to schedule spontaneous s*x. It seems impossible, but the spontaneity I'm referring to is not about when you have s*x; rather, what you do during s*x.
Passion and desire stem from the unknown. It is important that each month you add something new to your s*x life. I'm not talking about a big "new," but a small "new"—a slight change to the position or location, a different rhythm, turning the lights on or off, saying something kinky, or keeping some clothes on. These small changes invite the unknown back into your relationship and keep passion alive.

There are many octogenarian couples who report having wonderful and satisfying s*x lives. When we hear that, most of us throw a wish into the universe: "I hope that's us someday!"
It can, but you need to allow your definition of s*x and sexy to change. And, as always, talk with your spouse about these four steps, about s*x, and about your desires and needs.

8 Silent Ways Your Husband Is Screaming ‘I Love You’

8 Silent Ways Your Husband Is Screaming ‘I Love You’

Husbands get a bad rap for their inability to express themselves, especially when it comes to saying those three simple words: "I love you." Your husband may tell you he loves you as he's leaving for work or before he says good night, but sudden, spur-of-the-moment expressions of his most inner romantic feelings are not something a man shares on a regular basis. Believe it or not, sharing delicate emotions just isn't a common characteristic of the average male.

Wives, don't let your husbands' lack of words discourage you. While words are very important, expressions of love aren't always given aloud. When your hubby's lips are silent, he screams "I love you" in the things he does for you. Some of his actions are easy to dismiss because they are small and simple, but when you look at them from his perspective, you'll see the sacrifice he's really making. Here are eight ways your husband is screaming he loves you — and you might be missing them.

He lets you choose

If you go out to the movies and your husband lets you choose the movie, he is letting you know that what you want is important to him. Similarly, if he lets you choose dinner, the color of your next car, the destination of your next vacation … he is telling you — very loudly — that he loves you and that you matter to him.
He helps out around the house
When my husband comes home after a long day at work and pitches in to help me finish dinner and do the dishes, I know he is saying "I love you." I have seen him mop the floors, scrub the toilet, organize the pantry, fold my personal laundry and complete a honey-do list a mile long — all in the name of love. If your husband helps around the house, he doesn't do it out of duty or to show off to his friends. He does it because he knows it will lessen your load.

He asks for your advice

When your husband asks for your advice, not only is he telling you that he loves you but he is also telling you that he trusts you to give him guidance. It is difficult for many men to open up and ask others for help, so if your man has come to you seeking advice, feel honored, trusted and very much loved. He has placed you in a very small circle of people whom he feels he can open up to. In essence, he is saying, "I love you, and I know I can open up to you without fear of judgment."

He holds your hand

Whether out in public or home alone, when your man holds your hand, he is saying "I love you." Holding hands is a simple expression of genuine love. It is physical touch without s*xual innuendo. It is love in its simplest form. It is the quickest and easiest action your husband can do to express the feelings he has in his heart.

He helps with the shopping

Whether he's shopping by your side or picking something up on the way home, if your husband is willing to shop til' he drops, he is saying "I love you." I used to always ask my husband to stop by the store on the way home, and because he was always willing to do it, I never really thought about the sacrifice he was making. Only recently did I discover that my husband doesn't really like grocery shopping, that he only does it because he loves me and knows I don't like grocery shopping either. If your husband is willing to help you do the things you don't like to do (especially when he's not so fond of those things himself), he is practically screaming his affection.

He listens to your frustrations

I'm just going to say it. The majority of women have a lot they like to complain about (myself included). If your husband is willing listen to your frustrations — and even offer encouragement — he is really saying "I love you." A man who is willing to sit and listen, especially when he has heard the same complaint over and over again, should certainly be recognized.

He smiles at you

A smile, like holding hands, is such a simple gesture, but it speaks volumes. A simple, sincere smile has the power to take a woman's breath away. Remember when you first met your husband — how his smile affected you. Keep that memory close because, each time your hubby smiles at you, he reaffirms every loving word he's ever said to you. Not only does that sincere smile say "I love you," it says, "You make me happy."

He gives you a piece of himself

Whether it's a compliment, a gift he's purchased or a loving glance, when your husband takes the time to give you something that has come directly from him, he is saying "I love you." Even when he gives you a gift that is completely off the mark, the act of giving shows that you are on his mind.

The words may not always be said, but if you listen with your eyes, you'll find that your husband is screaming "I love you."

The Answers You Need – 7 Serious Questions To Ask About Your Love Life

The Answers You Need – 7 Serious Questions To Ask About Your Love Life

Dating can be complicated for many reasons, but none so pervasive as this: We have the answers, but we choose to ignore them.

We see the signs; we feel the discomfort, but we proceed anyway.

We attempt to defy logic by going against it, and then we expect a new outcome.

When you face challenges in your love life, remember that you know what to do.

If you're willing to ask the tough questions, you'll find every answer you need.

"Is this the love I deserve?"

Stephen Chbosky once wrote, "We accept the love we feel we deserve." When we feel good about ourselves, we pursue those who echo the same upbeat energy.

When we feel badly, we choose partners who are negative and detrimental to our self-esteem. In your relationships, it's important to continually ask yourself this tough question.

The answer is tied closely to your self-worth. If you feel you deserve more, don't be afraid to admit it. More importantly, don't be afraid to go out and find it with someone else.

"Am I confident enough to speak up for myself?"

Communicating in a relationship means sharing how you feel and standing up for yourself when you know you should. Can you openly voice your concerns in the relationship?

Are you comfortable bringing up certain subjects? Do you and your partner talk about everything? If you can't share how you truly feel, then another important question is, why not?

Confidence is a muscle we build with practice. By voicing the small issues, you gain the courage to speak up about what's important.

If you're afraid that speaking up means rocking the boat and losing your partner, then there's a bigger issue than just communication.

"Do I set boundaries in my relationships?"

"'No' is a complete sentence." I'm not sure who said it first, but business coach Marie Forleo says it often. You know your own limits. When others push you to the edge, it's your responsibility to tell them no.

Setting boundaries is a form of self-love. You can't be at your best when you're pushed past your limits. If it doesn't feel safe or comfortable, it might be beyond your personal threshold.

Learn to say no with the same love and respect you would use to say yes. Boundaries help to keep us safe, and all healthy relationships operate within them.

"Do I like myself?"

There are people we date who will literally drive us crazy; they will make us feel like we're losing control.

Under typical circumstances, we may be the most rational and practical people, but in certain relationships, we are hot messes.
Some relationship dynamics just aren't healthy. Something as small as over-compromising can make us feel weak and insecure, even though we know we're not.

The decisions we make to accommodate our partners can eventually take a toll on our self-image. Be aware that relationships change us, but not always for the better.

"Am I making the same mistakes?"

Some relationships are déjà vu all over again, and we find ourselves wondering how we let this happen. We have s*x too soon, we call too much or we get jealous too easily.

Anything done once is an accident, but done twice is a habit. It's important to identify the situations that constantly repeat themselves and change the habits that allow them to occur, even when it means avoiding your "type."

If the same scenarios unfold with the same people, then they might not be your "type" after all.

"Is it my choice or someone else's?"

The pressure to feel liked and accepted can make dating feel like a continual game of "Simon says."

We bend over backward to please others, hoping they'll see our devotion and like us more or, at the very least, reciprocate our feelings.

Influence is the reason we make decisions that don't feel like our own.

It can come from family, friends, society and the person we're dating. It's okay to cooperate, but don't make decisions based on what others want; choose for yourself.

"Do I feel fulfilled?"

All the logic in the world won't erase the loneliness of a relationship that has a void. "Is this what I want?" "Am I happy?" These questions can determine if your core needs are being met.

The hardest part can be identifying where that void is and communicating this need to your partner. Feeling unfulfilled doesn't mean you're in the wrong relationship, so don't take it as a sign to breakup.

Take the insight as an opportunity to communicate your needs and get closer to the person you're dating.

In your relationships, you are the expert because you know yourself better than anyone else.

Check in with your feelings from time to time and let them guide you. When something isn't right, you'll know it.
The challenge lies in doing something about it.

19 Text Messages That’ll Make Your Man Horny!!!

19 Text Messages That’ll Make Your Man Horny!!!

By varying, when you send your messages and their content, you man will never know what to expect, perfect for keeping the spark alive in your relationship. Now for some sexy text message examples (notice how some are tame, while others are really wild).

"Just saw something really hot that made me think of you."

"What would you like me to wear to bed tonight?"

"Would you be mad if I made out with a girl?"

"I don't know why, but all I want right now is s*x."

"I dreamt that I was your s*x slave last night, it was hot — very hot"

"What would you say if I suggested some s*x in public?"

"When you get home, let's watch some P0*n, seriously."

"If you can guess what color my panties are, then I'll give you a blowjob when you get home."

"I loved sleeping with you last night."

"I don't know if this is normal, but my legs get weak when you kiss me."

"I wish you were here right now. I'm too dam horny!"

"I'm going to wear the shortest skirt I have tonight"

"What's the hottest thing I can do for you when I see you?"

"If you could only have regular, an*l or oral s*x for the rest of your life, what would you choose?"

"I really miss you. I wish we were together right now."

"I just had the dirtiest thought about you ever. Too dirty to text — wow, I'll tell about it later."

"What would you say if I suggested we spent all day Saturday in bed?"

"Can't wait to kiss you later."

"The way you hold me is so hot."
Music: Shako by Tee Gold ft Mistar Jonah prod by Papito @Teegold100 @MistarJonah @Popitob

Music: Shako by Tee Gold ft Mistar Jonah prod by Papito @Teegold100 @MistarJonah @Popitob

African magical beat killer "Tee Gold" the super talented rapper brings to you a new club banger titled SHAKO featuring Mistar Jonah the father of good music and produced by Popito the God of music production. Fortunately it includes a well delivered lyrics which will definitely get you dancing like no tomorrow.DOWNLOAD HERE

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Misteer Kenzo, Lawzy & Cruzy sets to drop a new hitz song on the 25th of April 2015

Misteer Kenzo, Lawzy & Cruzy sets to drop a new hitz song on the 25th of April 2015

Orange Music Production Nigeria is set to drop a new hit list of music on the 25th of April 2015.

Kenzo Olumide Festus a.k.a Misteer Kenzo has been widely known for his great music career in the music industries, he joined the Orange Music Team in the year January 2013 and eversince has produced many artiste and good music.

Some of his top list music downloads are Omoge mi, Kolo, Anavami also in the Orange Music All Stars 2014.

Misteer Kenzo has featured many artistes both in Nigeria and Ghana and has done many tracks which has not yet been officially released by Orange Music.

He his set to release the track "Baby Girl" by Jeazey alongside Misteer Kenzo ft Boyo

Lawson Monday a.k.a Lawzy, omoyehmi and some calls him lawzyboi is among the Top most artiste of the year to watch out for, he is dope and voices on any beatz, He base in Lagos Nigeria.

He is from Ondo state of Nigeria and has done great jobs with the likes of Ibumoney, Eazy B, Sowboh and M.Dot

His is now set to drop another bangz titled "Layemi" fans are already knocked down while Dj's are set to wheelz the steel.

Olowookere Opeyemi Oluwajuwonlo a.k.a Cruzy is well known for his dope Afro Music Hitz, he joined the music industry in the year 2008...

Cruzy, an artiste the every one will like to feature in there dope album, he base in the outskirt of Lagos and studied Micro Biology at Crawford University... He his in his second year currently.

He is from Osun state of Nigeria.

Cruzy is set to drop another new hit titled "Believe" in this track, he featured Kelly Brown and Phynx...

Cruzy is the Baba Osha of Music!!!

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HKN Gang Rap Act Sina Rambo Spotted With Legendary Rapper DMX

HKN Gang Rap Act Sina Rambo Spotted With Legendary Rapper DMX

HKN Gang rap act, Sina Rambo was recently spotted with American rap star, DMX. The two were spotted at an American airport on their way to Miami where they both boarded the same flight from Atlanta to the Miami. An excited Sina Rambo took to his Instagram account to share the picture just few minutes before his flight. Born Adeshina Adeleke, the rap act is signed on to his cousin, Davido's recording label known as HKN Gang alongside B-Red and Danagog.
Checkout This List of Famous Men Yvonne Nelson Has dated

Checkout This List of Famous Men Yvonne Nelson Has dated

Ghanaian Star Actress Yvonne Nelson started her movie career way back and she actually became one of the hottest and Most Wanted Actress in the Ghana movie industry.
Yvonne Nelson is noted for her obsession with social media and also her love for music and the men in music.
Her relationships always tend to turn heads and eventually become the talk of the town.
Checkout some of the famous men Yvonne Nelson has dated. Some are alleged and mere rumors but as they say, there is a little truth in every rumor.


Derek Boateng is a Ghanaian footballer and so far rumors had it that he was smashing Yvonne Nelson. We all know how girls love to hang with the 'ballers' as they have the cash to actually 'ball'. It was alleged that after smashing, he sponsored Yvonne Nelson's high budget movies that is how Yvonne Nelson broke into the movie production.


According to sources, Jon German was Yvonne Nelson's first love right after her fame. They both kept denying it but 99% of people in the showbiz know that the two were smashing and Trigmatic could vouch.


Well during the shooting of her 'House Of Gold' movie, Ice Prince was called to be a part of the movie, rumors had it that Ice Prince didn't just take the role but also took off Yvonne Nelson's 'dress'. They both came out to deny it as usual. They were spotted in night clubs, hanging out at malls and various places … who knows, it could have been part of the movie.


They didn't actually date but Yvonne Nelson confessed to having a huge crush on singer Chase back in High School Days, if Chase had done his homework well, he could have 'smashed' before Iyanya broke her heart. The two are good friends.


This one is actually a secret, according to reliable sources Davido is the reason why Iyanya left Yvonne Nelson.


And Finally the most popular of them all. When reports first came out that they were dating, they both refuted the claims, actually Yvonne did being it as Iyanya was a nobody back then. Till date she still talks about the breakup. I hope you don't Take this List too personal. we are just stalking. lol

Friday, April 17, 2015

MUSIC: Junehide - Jule @itz_junehide

MUSIC: Junehide - Jule @itz_junehide

Akinniyi junaid olamilekan well known with stage name JUNEHIDE is a dope singer/Rapper, a young artist from the house of Addikt Musik General's (AMG). He is lyrically dope and ready to murder any beat anytime with his heavy flow which will make you stick to your deck when you listen to his song. Here is a song titled JULE which he drop 2days ago. Don't miss the lyrics and punchlines on this song. Download and Share your thought now