Tuesday, May 5, 2015

6 Things Your Vaginal Discharge Is Trying To Tell You

6 Things Your Vaginal Discharge Is Trying To Tell You

Like most women with other things going on in your life, you probably don't give your vaginal discharge much thought. As long as it looks and feels normal—that means clear or white and watery to slightly sticky, depending on where you are in your cycle—you have no reason to be concerned.

But when something in your undies looks or feels off, that sounds alarm bells. Maybe there's a lot more of it than usual, the color is weird, or you're hit with a whiff of an odor that you know can't be good. Before you panic and buy out all the creams and sprays in your local pharmacy's lady aisle, read these 6 things your v**ina may be trying to tell you:


1. It's Clear to White, Wet, and Stretchy
Most Likely: Ovulation. This slippery discharge appears during the middle of your cycle; it's your body's way of making it easier for sperm to slide into your v**ina and fertilize an egg. "Discharge at ovulation can be copious," says Dr. Alyssa Dweck, ob-gyn and coauthor of V Is for v**ina. "I often hear from patients who are worried something is wrong, but it's normal." No wonder this type of s*x is the kind women prefer when they're ovulating!

2. It's White, Clumpy, and Really Itchy
Most Likely: A yeast infection, one that's caused by an overgrowth of the yeast that normally helps balance the bacteria in your v**ina. "There's usually a lot of cottage-cheese looking discharge," says Dr. Alyssa Dweck. "And while it doesn't have an odour, it's accompanied by killer itching of the outer or inner labia." A yeast infection is incredibly common and can be caused by a ton of things, such as taking antibiotics or sitting around in your damp gym clothes. "Yeast love warm, moist environments," says Dr. Alyssa Dweck. Pick up an OTC anti-yeast cream, or ask your doctor about an antifungal prescription that ends the infection without any mess.

3. It's Yellowish-Green and Possibly Stings a Little
Most Likely: Chlamydia or gonorrhea, two common bacterial STDs. Other signs of either infection include pelvic pain and burning while urinating—but scarily, most women have no symptoms. Once your doctor diagnoses chlamydia or gonorrhea, they're easily cured with antibiotics. Thing is, you have to get your man to see a doctor, as well. Both partners need to be cured, or you'll keep passing either infection back and forth to each other.

4. It's Grayish, Thin, and Has a Strong Odour
Most Likely: Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). The odour is the defining trait—it's kind of a foul, fish-like smell. We know—not something you want a whiff of when you take off your undies. BV is also very common (it's the most common vaginal infection among women ages 15 to 44, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and is easily cured with prescription meds once your doctor diagnoses it. It's a bit of a mystery why some women develop BV, but it generally means that something has upset the bacterial balance in your v**ina, though experts aren't always sure what.

5. It's Frothy, Has an Unpleasant Odor, and Is Tinged Gray or Green

Most Likely: Trichomoniasis. It's the most common curable STD, according to the CDC, yet you don't have to have s*x to catch it. "Trichomoniasis is caused by an organism that can live on towels, vibrators, and other inanimate objects," says Dr. Alyssa Dweck. Equally as alarming, most men and women who have it don't show symptoms—but if left untreated, it can make it easier for a woman to contract HIV and affect her baby's health if she is pregnant, reports the CDC. The good news is that it can be treated and cured with a prescription pretty quickly.

6. It's Bloody
Most Likely: Breakthrough bleeding, which often happens during the first few months after a woman goes on the Pill, as her body adjusts to the new hormones. If it's dark red or brownish-colored discharge, it could simply be leftover blood from your period that took its time leaving your v**ina. In rare cases, bloody discharge can signal something more threatening—for example, a precancerous cervical lesion. "Let your doctor know, so she can check you out and rule out a serious issue," says Dr. Alyssa Dweck.

5 Clear Differences Between A Good Man And ‘The Nice Guy’

5 Clear Differences Between A Good Man And ‘The Nice Guy’

Predictably, if we have to talk about why women like bad boys, we also need to talk about why they don't like 'nice guys.' But I don't think this is the case and I think that often times we have the misconception that a man has to be one, or the other.
I remember watching a movie called A Case Of You, which is about a guy who picks up every hobby the woman he's interested in is interested in, just to win her affection – blurring his own identity in the process.
Here are five differences between being a genuinely good guy, and being a doormat.
A good man will show his intentions (respectfully).
I don't want to lay all of the cards on the table in the first point here, but this is a big issue. I know this because I used to be this guy, and now I speak to many of them. Often times guys are a little nervous about making a move or stating intent towards someone they care about because…what happens if she says no? Do we lose our friendship? Is it awkward now? And then…they just never do it.
When we perpetuate this bad habit but remain friends with the woman we are interested in, she will eventually see us as a platonic pillar in her life who she can come to with guy problems and spend nights on the couch with eating ice cream and drinking wine. Now, this might not seem all that bad – but when you are the man in this situation and have a burning desire to be intimate with this woman, it is torture.
A good man can still be 'nice' but make his intentions known. Whether it is small compliments to gauge how she reacts, putting your hand on her arm to see if she mirrors your body language, or just stepping up to ask her on a date – women are not mind readers any more than you are. You've gotta risk it to get the biscuit, my friend – and you don't have to be an outlaw rebel biker in order to do it. Nice guys get girlfriends, too.

Have the courage to step up, and if she turns you down, at least you know where you stand with her before you become too emotionally invested.

A good man still has boundaries.

Men and women have an inherent tendency to push whatever limits they can until they reach a wall. If you don't believe this, simply observe a child whose parents don't intervene with their running rampant. It will only continue and get worse.

The same goes for many people as adults. If you don't set boundaries for yourself and become her personal Gumby toy, then not only will you be constantly self-sacrificing, but she will never gain enough respect for you as a man to see you as a potential romantic partner. Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just being honest here. That leads us into our next point…

A good man has respect for himself.

This is one of the biggest perception differences between a good man and a doormat. If you allow someone to consistently walk all over you, never present your own opinion, never disagree with them, never make new suggestions for fear of escaping a comfort zone – then whether it is true or not, it will appear as though you don't respect yourself.

A good man understands that he has his own identity and his own life. His own interests and unique suggestions he can bring to the table in a relationship. He has enough respect to say no and set those boundaries we talked about. A guy who is a "doormat" will (falsely) believe that if he brings any of this up it will make waves and she will get annoyed or mad, so he just lives his life smiling and nodding.

Smiling and nodding. Smiling and nodding…Stop it!

A good man has confidence in himself.

(Notice I didn't say arrogance). The reason why some win and some lose at the dating game, is often tied to just that – confidence. It takes confidence to approach a woman in the first place. Confidence to make your move. Confidence to convey your feelings to her. Confidence to be secure enough with yourself to be romantic without feeling like you're sacrificing your masculinity. A guy who would be considered a "doormat" rarely, if at all, displays this confidence.

Confidence to be himself.

Your confidence will be your foundation for success in relationships, and in life. Work on this first – and then move forward.

A good man isn't overbearing.

I fully believe that a man should put in consistent effort to make the woman in his life feel special, beautiful, and loved.

But there's a difference between showing someone your affection and smothering them until they feel socially suffocated. She should be a big part of your life, but not the entire thing.

If you follow her around like a puppy dog or insist on spending every single second together, she will feel like you're emotionally crushing her and will need to get out. Fast.

Give her some space and some time to miss you. Plus – she wants you to have your own dreams, passions, and ambitions – not just hitch yourself to hers.

We can work to change the misconception that good guys finish last, because they don't. Men who sacrifice their own identity for the approval of someone else, finish last. Men who get so caught up in someone else or a relationship that they lose sight of themselves and who they are, finish last.

You don't have to be a bad boy OR a nice guy, you can be both. Challenge her, seduce her, empower her. But also love, honor, and value her.

5 Ways You Can Be A Real Gentleman In A World Full Of Boys

5 Ways You Can Be A Real Gentleman In A World Full Of Boys

I keep hearing people proclaim the death of the gentleman. Everywhere I turn, I see overgrown boys speak to women in abominable ways. I see them playing manipulative games and emotionally punishing women like a pack of high school children.
I've seen these overgrown boys high-five their friends after spending a night with a woman, and then recount all the things she thought she shared with him and him alone.

I call them "overgrown boys" because they are not men; being a man is more than just mimicking the external features of manhood. Being a man means embodying the behaviors of one, of gracefully owning the calculating logic and flowing emotion that lives within us all.

In short, being a man is living in harmony with what you think and how you feel.

I will not delve into the superficial characteristics of a gentleman (such as holding doors and paying for dates), as the subject has been discussed at length. My interest is in the mindset of a modern gentleman: the class of Clooney; the fun-loving, go-getter attitude of a Branson; the seductive energy of Depp.

The Modern Gentleman is driven.

This is the single greatest flaw I see with men of my generation. When did it become cool to be in your mid-20s and have no vision?

Sure, you post motivational quotes on Facebook, along with pictures of what you consider to be the good life, but why are you spending your Friday and Saturday nights piss drunk or hungover?

What's with the 4 am McDonalds runs? How productive are you after a night out?

Listen, it's fine to let loose sometimes, but if this is your weekly routine, you need to reevaluate where you're going. A man of passion is a man who will constantly strive to better the lives of the people he loves. Turn off "Game of Thrones" and get cracking.

The Modern Gentleman is composed.

I can't believe the lack of maturity I'm seeing these days. From bragging about your s*xual conquests to getting into arguments, to verbally lowering people around you to emotional outbursts at the wrong times. What the hell, man?
A gentleman is absolutely discreet, always composed and always in control. He does not let his emotions get the best of him.

Remember, it's all about balance. Everyone has good days; everyone has bad days. What distinguishes you is your character on such days. When challenged, our lowest nature will drag us into the chaos with clenched fists, but ultimately, you lose.
You lose every time you react to someone who taunts you. You lose every time you brag to your friends for validation. You lose every time you argue with people you care about.

How can your woman ever trust you again after that? If you snap at every little thing, how are you supposed to protect her and the people you love from the worst the world throws at you?
The Modern Gentleman is humble.

You start with nothing, but gradually (if you put in the work), you grow confident and might even develop a certain level of cockiness. But, eventually, those who become truly confident come full circle. In other words, they come back to nothing but a positive and peaceful nothing.

They see they are not better or worse than anyone else; they just worked very hard. They don't feel the world owes them anything, and they don't feel the need to put others down to show how great they are; they're just comfortable.

These are the people who don't need a reason to talk to you; if they see a beautiful woman, you bet they're already walking over there with a huge smile on their faces. These are the guys who go around the bar raising a glass to everyone, partaking in everyone's joy and basking in the energy of the room.
These are the modern gentlemen.

The Modern Gentleman has impeccable speech.

This is a slight detail most people don't notice, but it's a game-changer. I've seen men dress to the nines in expensive clothes, and yet, swear like sailors. I don't have that big a problem with swearing per se, but manners are important.

On a deeper level, your self-speech is hugely important. If your goal is to be successful, why joke about being poor? If you aim for confidence, why do you make comments like, "I'm such an idiot"?

This may seem like a minor detail, but if, upon a screw up, your first instinct is to beat yourself up verbally, the thought is lodged in your subconscious.

So, let me ask you this: In your relationship with yourself, if love isn't there, who is providing it? You are the owner of your self-worth. You are the captain of your confidence; no one else can give this to you.

In addition, how you speak to yourself determines how you speak to others. If you haven't learned to love yourself, how can you love others? You can only serve mankind with love, and that love starts with you.

The Modern Gentleman lives for something greater than himself.
The successful people I've met all have one thing in common: They're focused on providing value to the world, not on making money. I've heard this said over and over, but I guess I had to meet them to believe it.

A modern gentleman lives for something greater than himself. Shift your focus; you aren't on earth to hoard and accumulate. Being a modern gentleman, your mission starts the second you leave your house.

Have you ever stopped to speak to a homeless person and ask about his story? I don't mean throw a quarter without even making eye contact; I mean genuinely treating him like a person.
Have you sat down and had lunch with that awkward, quiet guy at your office whom everyone usually avoids? Have you flirted with the 60-year-old woman and reminded her of her beauty?
You don't have to cure cancer to make a difference in the world; it's as simple as reminding people of their own importance. Being charming is as simple as making everyone feel important in your presence.

Gentlemen, put away the games and childish things; strive for something more. Run that marathon; climb that mountain; build something, and be great. You won't be remembered for sitting on your couch watching "Friends."

8 Signs He Only Wants To Sleep With You

8 Signs He Only Wants To Sleep With You

He only communicates via text messages or emails

We all know that guys hate talking on the phone, but if you're never hearing the sound of his voice, that could spell trouble. "If I have hung out with a girl a few times and I'm still texting or emailing her, it's just about sèx for me," says Jake, 28. Chalk it up to his lack of interest in talking with you — and the ease of technology, a boon for lazy would-be players. He doesn't need to engage in a real conversation — a couple of words here, an emoticon there, and he's in touch with you with a bare minimum of effort. Keeping his communiqués to emails and texts also allows him to steer the conversation towards s*x, either subtly or overtly; he can be more forward than he would be in person or over the phone since he won't have to deal with rejection directly.

He warns you that he's not relationship material
Some guys inform girls about their disinterest in a relationship early on with remarks like "I'm not ready for a serious relationship yet." It can be easy to think he's just being honest and may eventually come around after he's gotten to know you. But don't fall for it. "Some guys always have excuses as to why they can't take the relationship to the next level," says Sherry Argov, author of Why Men Marry Bitches: A Woman's Guide to Winning Her Man's Heart. "But 'not now' means 'not ever.'" The upfront explanation makes it easier to break it off later. "When I just want sèx from a woman, I drop hints that I can't be involved with her in a long-term relationship because my job is my number one priority," says Matt, 31. "Then, when I decide to stop seeing her, I reference the fact that I said it wouldn't work out early on." Bottom line: If he says he's not boyfriend material, know that he means it.

You've been to the same restaurant with him more than once in one month
Sure, he may say "It's my favorite place," "It's our place," or that he's been craving the eggplant parmesan. As sweet as that may seem, his motives are likely not so romantic. A quality guy will put thought and effort into each of your dates — but a guy who just wants sèx will make the weekly Olive Garden dinner a preamble to taking you back to his place (which just happens to be around the corner). Watch out if he keeps meeting you in the same place and doesn't vary from routine, Argov warns. "He's with you at the little Mexican place, but with another girl at the Chinese place the next night and another girl at the sushi place the night after that." He needn't pull out all the stops every date, but beware night after night of the same thing. Says Argov, "A player will go for what's quick, convenient and cheap — just like his intentions."

He makes too many promises
It would be easy to avoid these guys if they said things like, "I want you to come over and have sèx with me — and then disappear." Rather, guys try to woo you with what they think you want to hear. "If all he wants is sèx, he'll promise you things you haven't even thought of yet," says Argov. "Men know that by talking about love, fabulous exotic vacations, babies, houses with the white picket fences, women will give up the goods. He's fattening you up for the kill." So if there's lots of talk of big future plans very early in your dates, beware.

He only makes last-minute, late-night plans to see you
It seems obvious, but sometimes a guy can conceal the real intentions behind a booty call by making it sound innocent enough, citing how he's working late or has dinner plans with friends — but that he really wants to see you. Then comes the clincher: a line like, "Can we meet for a quick drink, or maybe I could just stop by your place on my way home?" Sure, a little impatient enthusiasm is flattering, but if he's truly into you, he'll make plans in advance. Says Argov, "For the guy who's smitten, the anticipation of seeing the woman he likes is as exciting to him as the date itself."

He avoids getting-to-know-you talks
Everyone knows a relationship requires communication, especially at the onset. It should stand to reason, then, that a guy who plans dates that don't give you a chance to talk to each other isn't likely interested in a relationship. Says Todd, 35, "With girls that I only want to have sèx with, I go out to lots of movies — that way, I don't have to talk to them. Afterwards I can justify going home with them since we did hang out and had an official date." According to Mira Kirshenbaum, author of Is He Mr. Right? Everything You Need To Know Before You Commit, it should be apparent when a guy's interested in getting to know you. "He may also be sèxually attracted to you and want to have sèx with you," says Kirshenbaum, "but other things will have equal weight, such as having conversations with you about topics that you care about and interests you share."

He's pushy about getting physical

Some guys will say just about anything to get a woman to have sèx with him. Ever hear any of these lines?

"We'll just cuddle."

"You're just so sèxy that I can't help myself."

"My underwear is chafing me."

For the record: We hate just cuddling, we can help ourselves, and our underwear was fitting us just fine this morning.
He doesn't introduce you to his friends
If you've been dating a month or more, and you still have seen neither hide nor hair of any of his coworkers, acquaintances, siblings or pals, he's likely never going to bring you home to meet the parents. "I'll introduce girls I'm genuinely interested in to my guy-friends within two to three weeks of dating," Jake explains. "At that point I'm feeling comfortable enough with her to see what my friends think." Don't fret if you've passed the four-date mark and you haven't yet met his mom, though. "Some men won't introduce you to their families, because they're embarrassed by them," says Argov. Still, he should begin integrating you into his life within the first few months of dating. If not, it's a sign that this guy's into getting physical… and not much else. Consider yourself well warned!

What Men Want: 7 Traits Men Look For In The Lady Of Their Dreams

What Men Want: 7 Traits Men Look For In The Lady Of Their Dreams

We've talked about finding the right woman — someone we can ride the waves of life with, who will stand by our side for better or for worse.

As a man, committing to The One is among the most important decisions we make in life; some may even argue it is the most important.

The woman we decide to share our world with is the one who will mother our children, help us plan life, pick us up when we're down and make us better men than we are right now.

But, what does the right woman look like in our eyes?
For years, women have been sharing what they want in men, but there's this widely-held stereotype that all we want is the so-called "trophy wife." I don't agree with that notion.

You see, there's so much that should go into deciding whom to share your life with — characteristics, in a sense, that stand the test of time.

So, what is it we men want in a woman?

1. Character

Being truly beautiful has nothing to do with what you look like, but everything to do with who you are.

I've met quite a few beautiful women in my life whose personalities were as appealing as the dirty concrete in a New York City subway station.

I'm sorry, but it's true.

We want people who put as much time and energy into ensuring they look good as they do into being genuine and real. You know "that girl" you are around your girlfriends?

That's who you really are. Don't be so hesitant to be that way with us.

We see you laugh uncontrollably with your friends, so laugh with us. We love women who have senses of humor and don't take life so seriously.

Be yourself. Order a cheeseburger for lunch. Get ketchup all over your face.

Put on sweats and a t-shirt when we come over. Skip makeup and don't do your hair. It's all okay; we actually like that.

You know that Drake song when he says, "Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin' with no makeup on, that's when you're the prettiest…"?
Well, he's right.

We love when you get dressed up and feel beautiful, but know that you don't need to flip a switch from your real self in order to gain our acceptance.

If there ever comes a point when you feel a need to do that, well, you're just with the wrong man.

2. Respect

How you present yourself says a lot about who you are.
Wearing clothes that accentuate your body is nothing new, nor do I believe it's disrespectful. But, that's not where I am going with this.

In today's society, there's something called social media, and it's basically your résumé for men. Where you go, whom you go with, what you say and how you say it reflects you as an individual.

And, truthfully speaking, men don't want someone who is everywhere, doing everything, with everyone.

Little boys who want the popular girl might, but real men don't play those games.

You can't respect a man if you don't respect yourself. It's not a knock, but seriously, how would that be possible?
We prefer the woman who's sitting home, reading a book as opposed to getting drunk with her friends on the weekends; we prefer the one who's life is kept more low-key, as it makes her more intriguing.

The less we know about someone's life, the more interesting that person becomes. It forces us to engage, to inquire, to seek out.
Our conversations with you gain substance, and this becomes appealing.
If we know everywhere you've been and everything you've done, where does that leave us?

3. Affection

Men are very physical human beings. Everything for us elevates with touch. By nature, we're drawn to it.

It goes without saying that a woman who is very free with her offerings of affection will entice us. It's very warm and welcoming to a man.

Just like you, we want a woman to reach out and grab our hand; we want for you to come over and kiss us randomly; we want for you to hug us and ask us how our day was. It evokes this feeling of being wanted.

It just strengthens that connection we have with you and opens up lines of communication, but more importantly, makes us feel comfortable — invited in, so to speak.

4. Intelligence

Stimulating conversations make a man go crazy.
Intelligent women are ones who know so much about the world around them, but even more so, have a keen interest in making it a better place.

They think critically and engage our senses. Furthermore, they have this drive to be successful, which in itself, can be the biggest turn on there is.

There's more to life than the latest handbag, designer shoe or next episode of your favorite reality TV show.

We're guilty of it, too, bombarding you with football on Sundays or even forcing you to watch "SportsCenter" every night.

The decisions we face in life can often present us with uncertainty and having someone insightful by our side can help us make the right ones.

This doesn't require a degree from Harvard, or any degree for that matter, just intellect, reasoning and understanding.

5. Confidence

Life is difficult.

Every day is a struggle to get through and having a confident woman by your side is key to pursuing your dreams.

A woman who loves herself, regardless of her own flaws, will love a man for all of his. Beyond loving you, she will knock down the doors of resistance and reach for the stars with you.

There's something sexy about a confident woman, and it has nothing to do with looks.

To be truthful, we don't notice every one of your flaws. You know, the ones you spend hours in the mirror pointing out to yourself.
If we found ourselves attracted to you, know that we aren't analyzing every inch of your body to find perfection.

That doesn't exist, and we aren't looking for it.

Knowing she understands her worth is innately appealing. In essence, you're looking at someone who can complement you, not just be a trophy at your side.

She knows what she wants and isn't waiting for you to give it to her.

Beyond that, she's content with herself and her body.

As crazy as it may sound, confidence is something we can feel from a s*xual point of view. It's almost like an energy that draws us in and makes for an even better s*xual experience.

6. Ambition

Men love to be caretakers and "planners" for our families, but we also love a woman who can plan that life with us. We don't want to have to make every decision alone. We need a visionary, one who can see beyond today.

Determined women are more committed, simply due to the fact that they have laser focus.

There are no uncertainties about their futures because they understand what it takes to get there.

Failure isn't a choice for them.

Ultimately, a woman who is willing to push forward to be the best mother to her children or have a successful career is one who will strive for a successful relationship.

When things get tough, she won't be so easy to quit and walk away. If she lacks ambition, however, odds are that result might look a bit different.

Aspiring people, in general, usually figure out how to make things work.

7. Humility

Naturally, humble people focus their energies outward. When searching for a life partner, this becomes very attractive to a man.

Humble women exude this compassion for others, putting others' happiness before their own. But, they do this in such a way that brings them peace and protection.

Knowing that someone has this desire to put us first immediately shows that your ego won't get in the way of creating a strong partnership.

I think we understand the whole "let's play hard to get" mentality, but tell me how wasting all of that energy really serves you well? It doesn't.

If we decide to tell you how we feel about you, or even tell you how beautiful we think you are, don't look at us as if we have 10 heads.

It takes a tremendous amount of courage to do that.

Be humble and have the decency to acknowledge it, even if you don't necessarily feel the same way.

There's this misconception that looks, popularity or even social status will find you true love, but it won't.

So, stop trying. What matters is whom you are — that's what a real man wants.
Just you, flaws and all.

7 Signs Your Girlfriend Isn’t Meant To Be Your Future Wife

7 Signs Your Girlfriend Isn’t Meant To Be Your Future Wife

Getting married is a life changing situation and something everybody wants to do right because nobody plans to walk down the aisle more than once…at least nobody in their right mind plans to.

If you are planning to walk down the aisle in the very near future and with the woman you are seeing and you need to be very sure she's the one, here are qualities that if she's got, she just might not fit into the role.

1. She's dependent- On you for everything. When she wants to buy the smallest thing, she dials your number and asks you to buy it for her. When she wants to make any important decision, she stalls and waits till you see each other. When she needs to do things she should be able to handle on her own, she keeps waiting for you to come make the decision for her, then you need to think twice.

Nothing bad in making decisions togethter or helping her buy stuff but everything is wrong when it happens all of the time.

A wife needs to be independent. Be able to run the home when her husband isn't home and make important decisions when he is busy.

You need an independent one not a dependent person. It is a wife you want not a pet.

2. Her dressing- believe it or not, a wife needs to apply a bit of modesty in her dressing when she gets married.
Now, easy as it is to say she'd change her closet full of skimpy and semi Unclad clothes when she says I do, she needs to begin to change it now.

You can only be used to things you have started practising.
There's a difference between a wife and a ho. If your wife dresses like a video vixen all the time or like a stripper, then expect no respect whatsoever when you are out together.

Besides, when the kids start coming, how do you want to explain to them why mommy keeps dressing like she raided a kindergarten store and took all their baby dresses?

3. She's rude- I know no man wants a woman who cannot respect him. Not as a girlfriend, not as a wife. So if your woman is rude(to you and to every other person around) and she shows no traces of changing, don't bother making her a wife.

The cracks would soon begin to show and you would hate yourself if you wife her.

4. She's emotionally unstable- if she is sweet today and she goes from that to extremely rude and not bothered in the next minute and then obnoxious, then you need to relax a bit.
Find out what makes her flaky. If she's just that emotionally unstable person, then think twice about the relationship before taking the next step.

Bigger things come in marriage. If she can't handle courtship, she won't be able to handle marriage.

5. She lies- lying partners are the worst ever. No reason why you should even be with them in relationships talk less of marriage. If she lies, run!
You wife her and it is the beginning of your end!

6. You have absolutely nothing in common- if you both can't seem to find a common ground, then think twice.
When the initial "gra gra" is gone and all you have left is great friendship, you would need things to spice your marriage up.
This includes things you both love doing together. What happens when you hate what she loves and she hates what you love?

7. She mismanages everything- a woman who would rather buy an expensive weave than spend money on better things or who makes decisions that aren't smart where money is concerned or who would urge you to spend money on the most expensive cars rather than invest in reasonable things would not make a good wife.

4 Types of S*x to Avoid, No Matter How Good it Feels

4 Types of S*x to Avoid, No Matter How Good it Feels

S-E-X! It may be good for your heart, great for your mood and even work wonders on your skin, but not all types offer the same benefits.

Sometimes s*x can make a bad situation worse and leave you wishing you hadn't wasted your good underwear & clean sheets on a brief fling with s*xual mediocrity.

Here are the 4 types of s*x to avoid at all cost.

Break-Up s*x:It may seem appealing to take one last ride on that pony for old time's sake, but the consequences will likely outweigh the benefits. You're breaking up, which means something isn't working. And even if s*x isn't the cause of your break-up, it can complicate an already delicate situation. For instance, it's easy for your partner to misconstrue your intentions. When it comes to break-up s*x, you don't want your "It has been a pleasure doing business with you," to be misinterpreted for a "Thank you. Come again!" Even if you're the type who makes your intentions crystal clear, science still offers warnings against break-up s*x. Romantic rejection and heartbreak trigger the same parts of the brain associated with pain, distress and addiction. It takes time to reduce these triggers and when the wound is fresh, you don't want to train your body to link s*x with these conditions.

Drunk s*x:A few drinks may loosen you up and help you to shed your inhibitions, but be sure to limit how many glasses you down as you may end up shedding and downing more than you bargained for. "Bottom's up" may be in good fun at the bar, but you need to decide whether you're open to letting it take on a whole new meaning bedside. If you plan on drinking, bear in mind that alcohol impairs your judgment. Booze goggles not only cause light-of-day regret the following morning, but also reduce the likelihood of using condoms and other safer s*x tools – so plan ahead. And that liquid confidence may seemingly improve your performance on the dance floor, but it can have the opposite effect sexually. Alcohol impacts your body's s*xual response and circulation making erections and lubrication harder to come by.

Self-Pity s*x (The One Night Stand):If you're having a little pity party for yourself and think that a one-night stand will elevate your spirits, you may want to think again – especially if you're a woman. While a one-time roll in the hay (or nightclub restroom stall) can be fun for some, women seem to get the short end of the stick when it comes to casual s*x. And the short sticks aren't to blame. Research shows that over half (54 per cent) of women often feel disappointed by one-night stands and report high levels of regret the morning after. On the other hand, 80 per cent of men feel positively about the experience and say that it helps them to blow off some steam. Steam? Is that what they're calling it these days? So before you take the plunge and turn to casual s*x to lift your spirits, be sure to consider other ways to crash the pity party.

Make-Up s*x: Experts are split on this one and you can decide for yourself whether make-up s*x works for you. Some psychologists believe that it rewards fighting, drama and generally bad behaviour. They suggest that couples are dealing with intensely negative emotions and instead of finding a resolution, they seek an opposite experience (pleasure) in s*x. They argue that this type of s*x isn't "real intimacy" and that it can lead to loneliness and the belief that everything can be fixed with s*x. What a world it would be if this were true!

If you find yourself enticed by these four types of s*x, you may want to take a moment to reconsider. And if you're still tempted, at least consider the laundry!

14 Amazing Things You Can Enjoy Only If You Are In A Long-Distance Relationship

14 Amazing Things You Can Enjoy Only If You Are In A Long-Distance Relationship

It is not necessary for two people in love to be physically together all the time. And, that is why; long-distance relationships exist in this world. While there are a lot of examples of successful long-distance relationships, we all know that it is not really easy to be in one. In fact, problems that arise due to two people being physically apart might make a lot of you think twice before getting into a long-distance relationship. But, here is another way to look at it- absence makes the heart grow fonder, and makes the relationship truly amazing!

So, let us a take a look at some of the awesome benefits of being in a long-distance relationship.

#1. You get more space as not all of your time is to be spent with your partner. So, you always have a lot of guilt-free 'me' time.

#2. Distance helps you to develop a deep and everlasting trust in the relationship

#3. If your love can stand the test of distance, then it can stand almost anything After all, being apart from each other is one of the toughest things that a couple can go through!

#4. You get to travel more
And, your favourite destination in the world is the city where your partner lives!

#5. You never run out of conversations
So, there is no scope of you two getting bored in each other's company.

#6. And, your communication skills get better Long-distance relationships teach you the skill of effective communication. As you stay apart, you tend to talk more and that is when you realise the importance as well as the correct way of communicating with your partner.

#7. Even a small thing like simply hearing your partner's voice or seeing a message from them makes your day wonderful

#8. Your relationship is based on something more meaningful than just the physical connection And that is, the emotional connection, which helps you to develop a great understanding in the relationship and takes it to a different level altogether.

#9. You do not become totally dependent on your partner
And, it certainly is very important for the well-being of a relationship. Don't you agree?

#10. You develop great time management skills
As you mostly have to fix a time to talk to each other through video chat, you plan rest of your time well to be available for your partner.

#11. You become a lot more creative than you were ever before
You have some absoultely amazing ideas of having a romantic date despite being away from each other.

#12. You always have something exciting in life to look forward to Planning for those trips to meet each other and making a to-do list when you meet is quite too exciting, isn't it?

#13. Not to miss, the fun of looking for some truly romantic gifts to make your next meeting even more memorable

#14. And, meeting each other every time is an absolutely amazing experience for you
And, you make every effort to make that time spent together more memorable and meaningful.

So, don't you think it is amazing to be in a long-distance relationship? And, for all those who are already enjoying such a beautiful relationship, do not forget to share with us some more amazing benefits that you experience, in the comments section below!

6 Marriage-killer Phrases To Avoid

6 Marriage-killer Phrases To Avoid

There are many things that can harm a marriage: financial stress, unfaithful partner, uncontrolled addictions. All of these things take a considerable amount of effort and time from both partners. But there is one thing that can change the quality of a marriage almost instantly: What you say to each other on a daily basis. If you'd like to avoid arguments or diffuse the start of one, make a conscious effort of omitting these phrases from your conversations.

1. "You always/never…"

Never start a sentence with this phrase no matter how much you may feel it in the moment. It's a harsh accusation to say to your spouse "you never listen" or "you always work late" because a) it's not true. b) Most of the time this comment is born in the heat of the moment. A better way of speaking your mind would be taking a deep breath and saying, "Sometimes I don't feel heard or understood. Do you mind listening for a couple of minutes? It's really important to me" or, "I'm sure all these extra hours are hard on you. It has been tough on our family, as well. Maybe we can discuss some ways we can have some more family time."

2. "I hear a new gym just opened up. You should seriously think about signing up. You need it."

This is basically a slap to the face and implying your dissatisfaction with your spouse's body. Never say something negative about your sweetheart's body. Never.

3. "If you really loved me, you would do…"

This sounds like a trap. Essentially, it is communicating that your spouse is selfish if he doesn't do XYZ. In reality, I feel the opposite is true. The person who is making this request is being selfish as she is not considering the feelings of her partner. What if it's something your spouse is uncomfortable with? What if it's not in the budget? Not only that, but this sounds manipulative and one-sided. No one wants to be forced to do anything. When it comes to major decisions that will affect both parties, it's best if they are mutually decided upon, and not demanded in the name of "love."

4. "I can't wait to go to work/for you to go to work."

I know. Many of us have been here. You've had a not so perfect weekend/evening/holiday together, and you feel like distance between you is the answer. A little break from each other to cool tempers and clear minds is good, even healthy. But actually telling your significant other that you would like them to be elsewhere or that you don't want to be near her is hurtful and devalues her as your partner and parent of your children. Regardless of the argument(s), just rephrase your need for some space. Something like, "I'm sorry we've had a rough couple of days together. Maybe we can start again tomorrow."

5. "You're such a (insert insulting name)."

This is your spouse. Your confidant. Your sweetheart. Even if you feel the insult is deserved — don't say it. Take the higher road. Don't just react in an argument, try to diffuse it with, "I'm sure you didn't mean that. Let's talk about this when you are yourself." Or, "That was hurtful. When you're ready to talk respectfully, we can discuss this problem together."

6. "Well, so-and-so's spouse does that…"

Ouch. Comparing can cause resentment and feelings of inadequacy. I'm reminded of the phrase, "Choose your love, love your choice." This doesn't mean you just put up with bad habits. But how you approach your partner makes a world of difference in how safe and valued they feel with you. Here's another way of communicating your feelings: "You know what makes me feel loved? When you help me do dishes/help the kids with homework/clean up after yourself."

Marriages are fragile. Let us be more careful and mindful of what, and how, we communicate with our sweethearts. The wrong tone, word choice or angry outburst can do more damage than most of us realize.

6 Ways To SCARE Your Guy Into Falling In Love With You

6 Ways To SCARE Your Guy Into Falling In Love With You

It's only a *little* dysfunctional …
Want to know how to make a man fall in love with you using the same kind of fear mongering used by big food, big pharma, and women with insecurity issues? There are lots of ways to manipulate a man go to a baby shower, wash the dishes or send out cute thank you notes—and FEAR is the answer. History has proven that manipulation is the only way to get what you want.

1. Make Him See Red

Make sure you wear the reddest lipstick you can find, so when you give him your look of disapproval, which is as often as possible, it will cause a tug of war with his emotions. Red is the symbol for love, warning and danger. What a perfect balance of sweet and evil. According to Wikipedia, in the middle ages a red flag symbolized no mercy for the enemy. Follow in history's path so he will never forget how much he loves you and who is really in charge, you.

2. Get To Know His Mother

Find the b*ttons that pushed him over the edge when he was 5. If you can learn the exact phrases his mother used when he played in the mud and got his Sunday best dirty, even better. Try out specific phrases until you see tension in his body. Watch for sweating and reddening of his face. When you get him feeling emotional and out of control, you're on your way to having complete control over his every move.

The best way to make him fall in love with you is to first make him feel unlovable. Say his first, middle and last name with emphasis on every syllable especially when he doesn't show you appreciation for the macaroni and cheese you prepared for dinner.

3. Always Tell Him What He's Doing Wrong

If he folds the towels the improper way, scold him not once, not twice, but three times. Mamma always said three times is a charm, and it's true. You didn't question authority and neither should he.

4. Belittle Him In Front Of His Co-Workers

Make fun of his new tie and the fact that he forgets to mow the lawn or take out the garbage unless you remind him. Remind him that he couldn't live without you because he would be a total mess. Make sure to team up with his friends so you can tease him when he's not quite out of earshot.

5. Knock Down Every One Of His Ideas

If he says he likes Indian food, tell him it makes your stomach hurt. If he wants to rent a cabin for the weekend so you can both get away, tell him he hasn't finished his "honey-do list" yet, and you're allergic to mosquitoes. Don't let him have opinions of his own; just make sure he has yours.

6. Never Look Him In The Eye Or See You Sweat

Keep your emotions locked up and never shed a tear in front of him, ever. Stuff your feelings down as far as you can so he will never see the pain you're really feeling.

If you're really following these rules in your relationships, you have work to do (and LOTS of it) because you haven't learned to let go. You haven't let go of your past. You haven't let go of your own fear.

This fear you're clinging lets you continue pushing love away instead of letting it in.

These scare tactics might work when it comes to selling cereal and starting wars, but it never works when you're looking for love.

REVEALED: 10 safe things to do if you have a cheating husband

REVEALED: 10 safe things to do if you have a cheating husband

All those lies he told you tied into knots. You wanted to believe him, to trust that he was faithful, to forgive him for neglecting you, letting you down, and disappointing you because you felt his intentions were true.

You thought if you gave him some time and space your relationship would improve and feel good again. You even rationalized that if he lied, you might get angry but could forgive and forget.

What a shock it must have been for you to discover that he lied to you and your suspicions were real about his infidelity. It hurt to finally understand that all your emotional turmoil was not because you are insecure, inadequate or paranoid; something didn't feel right and your gut was telling you so. Now you are faced with your own real-life dilemma.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Should you continue working toward improving your marriage or should you just give now, let go, and move on? How do you get back those loving feelings and a sense of security and trust after finding full evidence that your partner cheated on you?

What can he possibly say or do to gain back your sense of trust and loving adoration of him? What would it take for you to believe his words of praise and love for you? What must happen for you to once again feel like a beautiful, sexy and desirable woman, loved and cherished by her man for the rest of your life?

You are probably asking yourself so many questions that your mind is flooded with thoughts. Was our marriage boring, uninteresting and monotonous? What does this other woman have that I don't? Is she more beautiful, worldy, or sophisticated? Is she a better lover? Does she stand up to him more or act vulnerable and innocent? What has she done to win his heart, lust and desire?

If you didn't immediately thrown your husband out of the house or insist that he pack up and leave, then you will probably experience a living nightmare for the next few weeks, months or even years.

Sometimes, the painful war-like connection remains indefinitely with nobody actually filing for divorce. Sometimes, the jealousy and rage seem to peak and fall, always lurking in the background about to explode.

So, what can a reasonable woman do once her beloved spouse has crossed the line of infidelity? She has discovered the truth and both cannot turn back the clock.

Here are the steps that are required without any guarantee of positive results.

Expect him to admit guilt and express sincere sorrow that he betrayed you.

Express your hurt, anger, and rage, preferably only in words and body language.

Insist he lets you know that he DOES fully comprehend the enormity of what he did.

Demand that he make a continual effort in words and deeds to prove he will never cross that line again.

Make him listen to you, over and over again, expressing your intense emotional pain from his betrayal.

Develop some empathy for his emotional insecurity that led him to seek another woman's approval.

Tell him how much you need to be loved and feel safe enough to let go.

Insist that he agrees to do everything possible to restore the emotional wellness of your marriage.

Encourage him to join you in marriage counseling, s*x therapy, or an intensive group experience.

Help him open his heart to you, and share with you his fears and his emotional fragility.

Above all, get him to listen to you, listen to you, listen to you … until you know he hears you.

And whether or not he joins you in counseling, seek help for your own unresolved relationship and s*xual issues.

After all is said and done, after you've talked about everything, and rehashed that you want to try again, in the end you may never be able to fully forgive and forget. You may choose to let it slide and remain connected, always feeling a bit on guard, wondering when he will hurt you again. Or, you may decide it is best for you to split up and give yourself the opportunity to meet someone new.

Breaking up is not always the best solution. You may really get your relationship to work out and come to a new understanding. After following these suggestions, and finding some new ways to stay together, you may actually feel both of you are ready to recreate the love and passion in your marriage, no longer fearing he will cheat.

Sometimes, love does prevail.

8 Qualities Of A Woman Every Man Wants

8 Qualities Of A Woman Every Man Wants

Women are a blessing from God. They can bear so much for those they love, but not all women can do that. You are lucky if you have the kind of woman in your life that completes you and rather complements your existence. Here are 9 qualities in the kind of woman worth keeping.

8. She believes in you.
I remember having a friend who was absolutely clueless in college. He wouldn't study and had horrible grades. However, after he found his someone special, he scored an amazing GPA and shocked everyone! That is the kind of woman you need in your life. Her belief in you can boost your morale enough to make you do wonders.

7. She prioritizes you over others.
In the modern era, you cannot just jail a woman. She leaves home, goes out and interacts with other men. She may even have male friend, but she will know your place. She will know that the only man important to her is you and your opinions, decisions and choices will matter to her. No other male will have as much power over her as you do.

6. She can handle everything.
From sending your children to school, to cleaning the house, to handling a nine-to-five job – she is just your SuperWoman! She will take out time to do almost anything and then handle it well. from baking with your children on Sundays to just enjoying a good book on a Saturday, she knows what to do and when to do it!

5. You can make her blush.
No matter how old or strong a woman is, her someone special always has enough power over her to make her blush. From simply repeating your wedding vows to teasing her over something you said to her when you proposed, you can easily make her blush. A shy smile from a woman is something you should cherish, forever!

4. She is principle-centred.
There is no match for a woman who holds her morals and principles highly. She has a set of values and beliefs that matter a lot to her and she will not bend them for anyone. If she doesn't lie or cheat, she will never do it in a million lives. She will be the perfect example for your children to follow and you should respect that.

3. She doesn't suffocate you.
Overly attached girlfriends are a nuisance! I'm a woman myself and I hate such women! Your perfect woman will never mistrust you and will never bother you. She will know that you might not be replying because you are busy or she wouldn't mind when you want to go and hang out with your friends on a Saturday night.

2. She isn't shy of admitting that she needs you.
In this age of feminism, woman have convinced themselves that men are more of a hurdle in their lives. However, she is different. She believes that sometimes, she needs you as her sanity pill. She will be okay with breaking down in front of you and crying infront of you.

1. She doesn't taunt you all the
You had a horrible week at work and almost everything was going wrong, and you accidentally forgot your anniversary. She might get mad at you but she will get over it. A mature woman wouldn't feel the need to constantly taunt you for the mistakes you made in the past. She will treat you like a human being.

FOR THE LADIES: 5 Things You Should Tell Your Boyfriend Everyday

FOR THE LADIES: 5 Things You Should Tell Your Boyfriend Everyday

In strong relationships you understand the silence of your partner, the reasons of their happiness, things that make them feel good. At that stage you don't need to say a lot to them. Just a sweet smile says so many things. But don't you think sometimes you need appreciation, you really want to hear that how much love your partner does. Yes! We want to hear that how much our loved ones love us. Its human nature that they want to know the level of love their partner holds in their heart. So don't be late, sometimes words do that smile cant. Here are few things that you should tell your partner every day.

5. You are precious
Tell your partner that how precious you are, you have made his/her life worth living. You have added color to their life. These things seem simple but believe me you can feel the magic of these words when you are depressed, you feel life is difficult for you, then such words beautifully shows its effects.

4.You are Beautiful
When a man calls his lady beautiful then he talks about his heart. Tell your partner that they have a beautiful heart. A heart that cares for you, that breathes for you. Sometimes physical admiration is not enough to make your partner feel good. As it is observed that you will find so many beautiful faces in the world but not the beautiful heart. If you have found the person with a beautiful heart do value them.

3.Appreciate them on their ideas
When you admire someone on their ideas, it shows that you take interest in their little things, they are important for you. Once I met a couple, they were a happy couple, they used to share little things, and they appreciate the decisions taken by their partner, acknowledge the things that one can't even imagine. This thing really inspired me. I have seen this lesser among the couples if inoculated in couples they would be happier

2.Help them to FOLLOW their dreams
Dreams keeps you awake, they are the only thing that forced you to achieve them. If your partner has some dream that need your support then do support them, love their dreams as your own. This will make them feel that how much you care them. You will be there for them in hard times. This feeling adds so much energy in you and you feel that your dream has got wings. Try it you will feel better.

1.Trust and Respect them
Again, trust and respect the most powerful tools in the world that keep your partner around you. Trust them and let them do whatever they want to do, let them go wherever they want to go. If they are true to you they will never ever betray you. Trust and respect the most precious feeling that you give to others. If you love your partner trust them, respect them. It will strengthen your relationship

SECRET GIST FOR GUYS: The 12 Secrets You Should Know About Girls

SECRET GIST FOR GUYS: The 12 Secrets You Should Know About Girls

When the time comes for him to start chasing girls, I'd like to think he'd come to me whenever he needs a little motherly wisdom.

But, even if he's too embarrassed to ask me directly, maybe he'll find this list and be able to spare himself the shame of asking Mommy for help with the ladies:

1. Girls are confusing.
Sometimes, girls don't know what they want. We often get these grandiose ideals stuck in our heads. Expectations that are just shy of a Cinderella story will sometimes make you feel like you can never win.

If your taste is anything like your father's, you'll probably find yourself going after a girl who is frustratingly indecisive.

You will need to learn patience because a girl like that won't know what she wants 100 percent of the time, just as you will at times find yourself helplessly confused.

2. We need frequent reminders you care.
Please don't neglect the power of a little reassurance and a few simple words.

Yes, actions stand far more powerful than any string of syllables, but be someone whose words are meaningful and able to be trusted.

Being able to voice your emotions counts as an action, too.

3. She might seem crazy, and maybe she is, but it's probably because she cares.

Sometimes, you have to cut the girl a break. "Clingy," "crazy" and "caring" are interchangeable adjectives used far too often in relationships.

The things she says may seem dramatic, but just like Big Sean says in "Beware,""Girls only say 'hate you' to the guys they love."

Don't be so quick to dismiss her with the "crazy" label. Meeting a girl who doesn't care enough will make you appreciate the one who was always there.

4. Some girls are manipulative — stay away from those ones.
It's almost inevitable you will meet a girl who just wants to use you.

She'll be the snake wrapped around the shiny red apple, egging you to come closer, just so she can bite and slither away laughing.

This is the girl who never liked you in the first place.

This is the girl who realized your worth only after you wised up and forgot her.

This is the girl who doesn't like herself enough to act with any self-respect or grace.

She will paint herself to look better than she is, but when you dig deeper, you'll see she's just hollow.

You may have to get bitten a few times before you can spot these types on your own.

5. Go after the girl who keeps you pulled in.

Don't waste your youth on someone who bores you, or makes you feel less than full. When you want something more than a good time, go for the girl who always keeps you running forward.

The girl who's always a little mysterious, even when it seems you know everything about her. You'll know you found this girl by a feeling; there won't be a concrete sign.

6. Be honest, and she'll never be able to say you were an assh*le.

There will be times when your flings or relationships will reach their limits. They will come to dead ends and you will want to cut them off and move on.

Be honest; be the guy who was straightforward about his intentions and you'll never be the assh*le she tried to make you out to be to her friends.

7. If you wanna be her lover, you gotta get with her friends (thanks, Spice Girls).

Just as the opinions of your friends will matter, so will those of her inner circle. Girls want to show off their relationships.

They want to take pictures and sit on your lap and brag about you to their friends.

You will be a constantly reoccurring subject when she's with her girls. If keeping this girl around is of extreme importance to you, try your best not to cause any animosity between you and the other people with whom she splits her free time.

8. If I don't like her, that's a problem.
You can date whomever you want — I won't be that mom. But, if things between you and a girl progress into something serious and I don't like her, it won't be for some petty, ridiculous reason.

It'll be because I know you and raised you the best I could. It'll be because I see something wrong that you may be blind to.

Parents know more about you than you think; I, myself, have only recently come to terms with this.

9. If you love her, but your friends don't, question your friends first.

I've witnessed too many d*ckhead guys ruin their best friend's relationships out of jealousy to allow this to ever happen to you.

Any friend who takes an immediate opposition to a relationship that makes you happy is only acting out of selfishness. Do not let a situation like this rip you away from someone you really want.

10. Being heartbroken will suck, but it happens to everyone.

Everyone will experience love loss. When you experience it, it will feel like something only you are going through, like you are the most tortured guy on earth.

But, you'll listen to some old-school Drake and drive around repressing your man tears and get too drunk with your buddies and then time will inevitably heal what was broken. You'll be okay.

11. Have your fun while you can.
Don't make the mistake of thinking anyone is allowed to tie you down or hold you back. In high school, you're still a baby.

You will feel grown up, but college will soon change that view.
In college, you will still be so, so young. There will be no need to settle down with one girl if you don't want to.

Take your time and do what you want. No friend or girl has any right to pressure you into anything.

Your 20s will be your time and you should live it up before real life smacks you in the face. I'm giving you permission 20-some years in advance. Just use condoms for God's sake — that's all I ask.

12. When you find the one, make her believe she's the best thing you've ever had.

When you've finally found the girl who makes you happy most of the time, makes you better, makes you think and makes you understand the lyrics in songs on a personal level, make sure you give back all that she gives you.

If she's the best thing you've ever had, do and say everything you can to ensure she believes it.

You'll learn love is what drives mostly everything in life, as corny and clichéd as it sounds, and taking extra care of the things we love is the master key to happiness.

Music: Bend down by Staroc Griz @staroc_griz

Music: Bend down by Staroc Griz @staroc_griz

Staroc Griz, popularly known mononymously as Starocz, a member of BoD  'Wanetti hills cartel' has got the dance floor cracking with vibes and rhythm with this New Dance-hall entitled 'BEND DOWN' the unique voice, catchy hook and ragga flavor will keep you dancing all day.
This time, Starocz teams up with famous spiritual konji crooner M-Josh to drop this jamz red hot.
Its a club banger! Download and Enjoy!
Call Daniel on +2348075975974
Facebook: starocDOWNLOAD HERE

Monday, May 4, 2015

Music: Naija clubmix by Dj Yungbeatz @iam_yungbeatz

Music: Naija clubmix by Dj Yungbeatz @iam_yungbeatz

One of the fastest growing Dj in lasgidi DJ YUNGBEATZ [@iam_yungbeatz] is back again with the hottest club mix in naija. This mix is guaranteed to make u whine and dance as it brought together the best of naija party jams.


1. Kiss Daniel ft Tiwa Savage & Davido - Woju remix

2. Reminisce ft Davido - Daddy

3. Psquare - Testimony

4. Cynthia Morgan - Dont brake my heart

5. Iyanya - Le kwa ukwu

6. Psquare ft Phyno - O set

7. Solidstar - Negotiate

8. Henry Knight ft Dija Yemi Alade & Joel - Olopa 2.0

9. May D - Get Down

10. Lil Kesh - Gbese

11. Olamide ft Wizkid - Confirm ni

12. Vector - Shiga

13. Slyde ft Timaya - Banana remix

14. Mafikiziolo ft May D - Happiness

15. Chinex - Aka(Clap)

16. Wizkid - Show me the money

17. Mo Eazy ft Runtown - Na We

18. Yemi Alade - Johnny

19. Uhuru Ft Professor Oskido  & Dj_Bucks - Y_Tjukutja

20. Davido Mafikizolo - Tchelete (Good-Life)

21. Wizkid ft Akon - For you

22. Olalakeside ft Kogbagid - Elegushi Spenders

23. Dj Xclusive ft Timaya - Pangolo

24. Wizkid - In my bed

25. Mc Galaxy - Komolop-Cholop

26. Orezi - Shuperu

27. Skuki ft Tiwa Savage - Gbemeleke (Remix)

28. Davido - The Sound

29. Masterkraft ft CDQ, Olamide & Davido - Indomie (Remix)

30. Runtown ft Uhuru - The Banger

31. Olamide - Turn Up

32. Seyi Shay ft Wizkid - Crazy

33. Korede Bello - Godwin

34. Iyanya ft Don Jazzy - Gift

35. Yemi Alade ft Phyno - take over me

36 Bred ft Tekno - Shoki

37. D Prince - Oga Titus

38. Psquare - Shekini

39 May D - Ibadi

40. SARZ ft Burna Boy - SHOKNORRIS

41. Masterkraft ft Phyno - Turn Down For What

42. LAX ft Wizkid - Ginger

43. Hennessy ft 2face nd Wizkid - Dance go

44. ZEEZ ft Olamide - Atewo

45. Jayme - JumbuDOWNLOAD HERE

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Friday, May 1, 2015

AUDIO + VIDEO: Don Drim - How E Take Happen @DonDrim

AUDIO + VIDEO: Don Drim - How E Take Happen @DonDrim

Following the success of his Part Collaborations & Singles " IJO KIJO" and "Yelele" produced by K-Solo @obaksolo which were released late last year to rave reviews, Don Drim – real name Olusegun Odukoya – has steadily seen his stocks rising in the Nigerian music landscape, with the likes of Beat FM, Cool FM, Rhythm FM, Star FM, Eko FM and Djs among others playlisting and supporting his Records respectively.
With a renowned discography that has seen Don Drim work with legendary Nigerian artists such as King Sunny Ade, Sir Shina Peters and K-Solo among others, Don Drim is firmly poised as one of the few artists of Pedigree for fans and Critics to keep an eye out for this year. Checkout HOW E TAKE HAPPEN AUDIO and VIDEO on the link below, produced by Don Drim." Follow @DonDrim on Twitter

DOWNLOAD AUDIO HERE: http://tinyurl.com/n8g4jqe

DOWNLOAD VIDEO HERE: http://tinyurl.com/ka5fenn